Wednesday, July 13, 2011

There are many channels how one can divert oneself from page one to page two... try them...

If you have chosen to dwell on page one...
Try these....
  • listen to good relaxing music that helps you feel good
  • reading good motivational books
  • listening to great motivational videos or CD
  • attend some health courses especially on EQ
  • be surrounded with positive environment
  • be surrounded with positive good people
  • prayers help a lot, keep praying and believing
  • self affirming on positive emotions
  • self affirming on good positive attitudes
  • have a mentor to work with
  • have a loved ones to pull over
  • follow the compass not the clock
  • have something good and interesting to do
  • be involved in meaningful activities than to sit still..
  • be into some games or exercises that helps you sweat
  • get acquainted with humor, jokes, quotes from books or videos..
  • go travelling, sightseeing, measure the world..
  • doing sauna, swimming or trekking, mountain climbing
  • delete and reformat your brain...
  • close your heart to negatives..
  • WE CAN DO IT.... to be healthier and happier...

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