Sunday, September 23, 2012

Pain at heel.. I meet many people who complains of pain at heel especially when they wake up in the morning ... after walking for few hours, the pain disappear .. Look, when the heel is paining us, it is most probably due to acidosis and toxemia accumulated at the joints area...

symptom - pain at heel while trying to walk first thing in the morning 
cause - due to eating too much meats and wrong foods
treatment - STOP EATING MEATS, less rice more vegetables and fruits.. drink more clean water..
Advice - if not treated properly, the heel be spread to painful ankle that will swell and be inflammed more and the situation will get worst, not forgetting the knees and other joints facing the same destiny...

The whole story refers to pain at the heel where the reason is due to overeating of the wrong foods...  

THE PAIN that is there is a sign that he ate or did something wrong!  To stop the pain, one needs to stop continuing eating meats that cause pain and difficulty in walking.

It is not wise to cure the heel by using painkillers and antibiotics which doesn't really attend to the cause of the problem.. It cures temporarily..  if he doesn't control his food, his heel and ankle will pain him more and be inflammed further thus causing swollen joints and difficulty to walk straight..

Simple... since the pain is due to eating too much meats and foods that is high in acidosis and toxemia, just STOP EATING THEM.. 

From my experiences, 9 out of 10 recovered by refraining and reduced meat eating...  

Of course, there are other reasons of this pain such as heel bone pain, osteoporosis, obesity, over exercise, sprain, hurt or poor bones.. but mostly the pain be around the ankle, not the heel...

Drinking lemon juice, dilute with water can also help..  Drink more clean water to flush out those 'toxin'...    learn to follow and adapt to good habits like drinking clean water and not eating after 8pm at night..

SEVERE PAIN... JUST STOP EATING MEATS... when the pain disappear, one can still eat meats but should be in small portion daily.... to prevent the pain coming back...

'Bekam' is also advisable.. that is to get rid of the toxic blood by bleeding it.. painful but effective.. 

Don't let the pain spread to the ankle or other parts of our joints...  PREVENTION IS SO MUCH MORE LESS PAIN THAN CURE... don't wait for doctors to inject painful injections into your ankle or heel or live in pain with painkillers for the rest of your lives...

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