Sunday, January 13, 2013

Introduction of my book looks like this...


With the grace of God, I am thankful and grateful to Him that I can type to complete this book and making sure what I am writing and sharing are correct. Humbling myself as to share what I know, but surely not boasting of what I can do is what I declare; keeping in mind that all are from God and am just a tiny pencil in his hands.

Good advises and solutions are like those drops of water that can quench the thirst of a lost soul.  That tiny drop of water is that life saving energy for just any living thing to be able to live.  Survive first, cry later, oh, I mean cry with joy later.  Bearing in mind that all of us have to undergo good or bad times as a human being, we have to be equipped with good AQ and pass all tests. 

Remember that all are just tests, to mold us into a better and stronger person.  Take challenges as stepping stones, grasp those ‘problems’ by its horns, grip strong and hurl them away as far as possible and never to be seen again. Master and tame the wildest fastest horse and ride on it, only then the thousand mile journey can be achieved. 

Truly speaking, I have much enthusiasm in the teaching, healing and business industry ever since young. I have experienced all the ups and downs of life, just name them, I have been through plenty of them.  I survive to share good ideas worth sharing, for the benefits of all. Wait, I am a winner, still in good shape and in robust health, definitely am not a whiner!

I am a mother of 5 kids, all of them now growing up. I am now duplicating my 5 lovely kids to share my health ideas and to continue with my healthcare mission. My life partner is also in this field.  He is good in acupuncture, ‘pai da’ and reflexology too.  We have been doing healthcare for decades and we sometimes work in pairs, giving treatments that produce awesome results.  My third daughter is also gifted in this field. My life experiences are unique in a way that most ideas are original and safe and easy to use and most important effective!

Interacting with the many different types of people and patients, we gather precious experiences, learning and deriving more effective healing.  We meet too many patients suffering from different ailments, from body, mind, emotion to spiritual challenges.  I feel so much for them, felt the unbearable anguish, and felt the hot tears and alarming fears in them.  From there, I have only one thing in my mind, to treat them and lessen their miseries. Prevent them from reoccurring.

In the quest of improving general health of the public, we ourselves have learnt and discovered much, more than expected.  We put in effort and time to treat and educate people as naturally as possible without using even a single pill or encourage surgery unless in emergencies.  We go for the greens, for the natural, for natural detoxification, proper breathing, for the seeds, leaves and certain food herbs that have astounding curing effects.  We use preventive measures, positive affirmations and create positive environments.  I write health blogs in all 4 dimensions of health to influence more people to be aware of the importance of preventive measures.  We give talks and health classes to those willing to learn.

With due respect, I have to mention my most beloved mentor, a professor, he is Dr. Andrew Tiong Hock Seng and his family.  Meeting him as my school teacher, he has very much changed the timid and shy me into someone useful and confident.  His skill in acupuncture is excellent and he is just good in almost everything.  Meeting him is my turning point of life.  Knowing him and learning from him add much to my human values.

I am indeed grateful and thankful to him for his generous teachings and knowledge. He inspired and shaped me to become the real me today at the first place.  I give special thanks to him for the first egg he put into my nest.  From there, the eggs multiply and I know I can now put new eggs into many people’s nests too. If one day, he comes across this book, I am sure he will feel good and proud that he has a good ‘tu di’ and he is forever my beloved ‘xi fu’

Another person not to miss out is this special friend; he is Dr Quek, an engineer, also a webmaster who taught me to blog. Seeing me as an interesting friend with plenty of good health ideas, he taught me to post my articles online. He taught me about the wonder of going online and internet. Thanks to this special friend.  I do appreciate everything he shared.  He linked me through internet to the outside world through blogs.

Now, I have more than 30 blogs of which I categorized them into health blog, spiritual blog, love blog, business blog, 101 educare blog, travel blog and many others. Type my name into google, you will find me there too. The name am using in my blogs is LUCY WONG MOI. Readers are happy with them, that is why am encouraged to put into writings some of my good ideas as books so as to reach more people who doesn't go online or google.

Food therapy is also safe and effective.  Most food when over eaten can cause illness. Too much of the good thing is bad, but lacking of even a single nutrient will also cause illness due to deficiencies. There are certain foods that can make us ill but there are also some wonder foods that can heal us.  

We are what we eat and digest! The art of balancing, eating the right foods; at the right time, eating the right potion is really a skill to be mastered. I also encourage food supplementing with herbs, vitamins or natural greens or seeds if insufficient or required. That is for our body.  My research goes far into other dimensions of health, which includes our mind, emotion and spirit.  They are all interrelated one way or the other and consequently will contribute to the welfare of our total health.

If I were to tell you that I can read a person’s pulse and know what is wrong inside him without him telling me, one might feel that it could be witchcraft.  But no, it is pure compassion, pure love that flows from me within.  It is a blessing and a gift from God.  That is why I am wrapping this gift up and giving them to those who are willing to take this gift. 

The many friends, students, business partners, relatives and family members can all give living testimonies on what I have been doing all these while. Seeing all these suffering patients, one day I told God, if only I have this power to know exactly what has gone wrong with them, I will know how to help them.  And God granted it.  That is a blessing, right?

I have one good habit, keep the good ideas and forget the negative ones or keep them dormant.  So likewise, get what you think you need from this book; discard what you find of no need.  Share if you think is helpful to certain people in need. Share if this book can be useful. I don’t need to be famous but at least I am putting good ideas on papers for those who will appreciate them.  I believe in looking for solutions.  I believe in putting things right.  I believe in sharing good ideas. I believe in being SELFLESS!

Being selfless might look so vulnerable and small at the beginning.  This seven lettered word might look so small, but the end results will create giant waves and tides to wash away negatives and adjusting the level and quality of humanity.  It is a breakthrough; it is an understanding of many ‘why’, it is the solution to uncountable challenges of life.  Selfless is this word that guides me to who I am now.  Selflessness comes from genuine love residing in a person.  Without love, we are just empty human husk, easily washed away by negatives and uncertainties.  Without love nothing can be done right, without love, no two people can stay together peacefully. Without love, life is meaningless.

The best and greatest results, the noblest deeds, the most loving actions and reactions comes from this very simple word, being SELFLESS!  I will write out how I was taught to be selfless in this book and how important this word can help and heal much sufferings and pains of this world.

No one is perfect, no one has to be perfect, but being our very best is what is being taught.  Just remember that our aim today and tomorrow is to become better, to have good character and apply what we have and learnt.  No wise one claims himself to be the best, but is his very own best only.  No one is without mistakes, including me, thus who are we to blame people of their mistakes?

Life is not a rehearsal; we do not come twice to this world.  Make sure we live a meaningful happy peaceful life instead of pills and pains.  Suffering is never meant for anyone, suffering is never meant for the child of God, suffering is never meant to be!

Go through this book and understand my life messages, to be happier and healthier.  Understand the two pages of life.  Focus more on page 2. We are meant to be at peace with ourselves and everyone else. 
Dwell more on page 2, empty page 1. If you are going the wrong way, make a U-Turn, don’t wait.  Only in page 2 that one is being connected with the highest one, the greatest source of this universe, God himself.
It might not be easy to empty page 1, but with time and guidance, one can.  We start with knowing the problems on page 1, then the process of deleting and then being emptied.  The process is over.  A newer healthier and happier you is born.

But there are some people who are already at page 2. Those people are exceptionally successful leaders or educators, wise and healthy in all 4 dimensions of health or more.  Learn from them, be with them, work with them, these are those people who show the ways, lead the ways, and go the ways. They are those pious religious leaders, yogi, great motivators, great mentors, great teachers, church leaders and the wise ones.  Recognize them, you will discover that the answers they gave you for the questions you asked are just so simple, loving and easy to understand yet demanding nothing from you.  Most important of all, you feel the peace at heart and mind after talking to them.

Success is where your heart is.  Your success or achievement might not be the same as others.  His success or achievement might not be the same as yours, but this phrase works!  Success is where your heart is. Move on without fail to achieve what your heart aims for, remembering that moral and spiritual goals to be your ultimate aim.

Be the change you want to be!

Lucy Wong Moi

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