Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Likewise, those selfish, inhumane or exploitation against Mother Nature will eventually be in vain and destructive.. that is when things go wrong and I may say, without the approval from God, forgetting to align oneself with spiritual knowledge and wealth that all of us are sharing... Please be smart so as to abide to the laws of Love....

Why am I saying 'we are sharing?'

There is no 'I'...
There is no just 'You'
It is always 'We'...
If everyone pollutes the water..
It is 'We' who will create bad water...

If everyone join in to liter...
Rubbish man-made..
or from industries..
At the end of the day...
All of us will suffer..

Does the storm only
attack one house?
Or the rain only fall on one house?
Definitely not..Surely not..
The world is our home, the sky our blanket!

Good or bad..
Worse or better...
Happy or not happy...
Peaceful or not too peaceful..
It all depends on ALL OF US...

Laws of Love is the same as Laws of God...
We all belongs to the human race..
We breathe the same air, drink the same water..
Live on earth, eat and drink to fill our stomach..
We are no aliens unless you point and make one!

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