
Monday, April 23, 2007

A nice story I came across, "The Rose"

I accidentally stumble on this nice story of a rose.... Thanks to the author who wrote it. Let's enjoy the story too..

A certain man planted a rose and watered it faithfully and before it blossomed, he examined it. He saw the bud that would soon blossom, but noticed thorns upon the stem and he thought, "How can any beautiful flower come from a plant burdened with so many sharp thorns?"Saddened by this thought, he neglected to water the rose, and before it was ready to bloom, it died.

So it is with many people. Within every soul there is a rose. The Godlike qualities planted in us at birth growing amid the thorns of our faults. Many of us look at ourselves and see only the thorns, the defects. We despair, thinking that nothing good can possibly come from us. We neglect to water the good within us, and eventually it dies. We never realize our potential.Some people do not see the rose within themselves; someone else must show it to them. One of the greatest gifts a person can possess is to be able to reach past the thorns and find the rose within others.

This is the characteristic of love - to look at a person and know their true faults. Accepting that person into your life, while recognizing the nobility in their soul. Help them to realize that they can overcome their faults. If we show them the rose, they will conquer their thorns. Only then will they blossom many times over.

So, here we learn that our eyes see everything but beauty is amongst those thorns. A rose is not a rose without thorns, right? Let's face it and accept a rose with thorns!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Develope vison not on the body but concentrate on the Maker...

The principle that food
is only a drug to cure hunger is ignored
and man is enslaved to the tongue.

All the twenty-four hours
are spent in attending to the care of the body,
the prevention of disease, the promotion of health,
the development of muscle, etc.

No care is spent on the God,
resident in the physical tabernacle,
who has to be recognized and revered.

The weighing machine,
on which you stand and read your weight with pride,
laughs at you for the silly exaltation.
It sneers at your conceit over physical victories;
it warns you against too much concern over paltry gains.
It knows that death is lying in wait to snatch you away,
however heavy you may grow. Develop vision, not the body,
concentrate on the Maker, not the made.

from a divine source

Are you happy or just feeling good? Ever experience total bliss?

Normally ...
Many just feel 'good' .
Some feel happy.

Hardly a few souls are in Bliss !

And to find the 'real happiness' ...
I would like you to know
a simple secret to higher consciousness -
and that is elucidated under:
Now ... You're happy because you choose to be --
because you source happiness.

You see.... "Being happy"
is a state of being ....wherein
you give up all "complaints"....
about how things are
(debt, relationships, your looks, your spouse, your job, the state of the world !! ) .....
and acknowledge and be fully responsible for the fact that you can be happy
regardless of the circumstances, and you can take actions that will change your circumstances !!

The way your
source happiness is by loving.
You can love anything,
and the more you love, the happier you are.

Bliss occurs when
you love the whole universe
and everything that's in it.

Loving is appreciating
beauty and expressing
that appreciation in some way.
So ...we may laconically and succintly expostulate that :
Being Happy about being in happiness.

Feeling Good ... is just about "feelings".
We advise everyone who comes to us
to adopt an affirmation to be said many times a day,
under all conditions.

The affirmation is:
"Thank you for everything. I have no complaint whatsoever."

Thank you for everything.
I have no complaint whatsoever.

Instead of asking God for stuff,
start thanking God for stuff,
and you will find that God has
already given you everything
you could want or need,
including the adventure of discovering more riches every day.
So Are u TRULY HAPPY ?? or just feeling Good??

from a divine source

Polluted air and water?

Polluted air and water
are full of maleficent viruses and germs
and have to be avoided at all costs.

There are four pollutions
against which man has to be vigilant -
of the body, removable by water;
of the mind, removable by truthfulness;
of reason, removable by correct knowledge,
and of the self, removable by yearning for God.

from a divine source

Another cause of ill-health is vice and vile conduct..

Yes, it is true that
another cause of ill-health
is vice and vile conduct.

Do not seek
to listen to vile and vicious stories.

This tendency
reveals a diseased mind.

What is heard
is imprinted like
a carbon copy through the ear, on the heart.

One injures oneself
through indulgence in this evil habit.
People believe that a wicked person
need not be a diseased person,
but most diseases are mental illness, fundamentally.

from a divine source

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

It is through pain that pleasure is gained...

It is through pain
that pleasure is gained.
Darkness enables us to appreciate light.

Death teaches us to love life.
Diseases which torment man are many in number;
of these, hatred, envy and egoism are the worst.

Even doctors cannot cure them,
for most of them suffer from these.
One should develop equanimity and
serenity if one desires to be free from these diseases.

from a divine source

Evil thoughts cause ill-health, fear, anxiety and tension..

Evil thoughts cause ill-health.
Anxiety, fear and tension also contribute their share.
All these result from greed - greed to have more of things, of power, and of fame.

Greed results in sorrow and despair.
Contentment can come only from a spiritual outlook.
The desire for worldly goods has to be given up.
One should not distinguish between "my work" and "work for God".

All work should be worship.
Whatever the reward, it is the gift of God.
It is for our lasting good. If this attitude is developed,
suffering and pain can toughen us and help us to progress towards Divinity.

from a divine source

Anger kills the baby in her embrace... read the story

There was a mother
who was feeding her tender baby at her breast.
Suddenly, she plunged into a violent quarrel with her neighbors,
and forgot to keep her baby down, in the heat of vulgar oratory.

The poor child drank the toxin-mixed
milk of the mother and when the flames of anger subsided,
the mother found that she had a corpse on her breast!

Desire, to which you are too fondly attached,
breed anger and its nefarious brood.
Discard it and you can have perpetual youth.
The bliss that this peace can manifest will keep age and aging away.

from a divine source

Anger is another enemy of health..

Anger is another enemy of health.
When you pay undue attention to differences,
spasms of hatred, anger, malice and envy overwhelm you.

Anger rushes blood to the brain;
the temperature rises;
the composition of the blood changes;
toxins enter into it in such quantities
that it injures the nerves, and make you old before your time.

from a divine source

If you don't smoke, you escape a number of illnesses...

If you do not smoke,
you escape a number of illnesses.

Any intoxicant or stimulant,
because it disturbs nature's trend, is harmful.

Smoking destroys health,
happiness, energy and even charm.

Smoke will not quench
your thirst or fill the hungry stomach.

It disfigures your face
and denigrates your lungs.

It debilitates you
and makes you diseased.
Control yourself and do not
yield to the snares of friends or society,
or what is miscalled social convention,
and become a prey to this and other bad habits.

from a divine source

When seeds are fried, they do not sprout, that is clear proof that the 'life-force' is eliminated..

Millions of living beings
grouped as species dwell on earth;
they sustain themselves by means
of food secured from Nature, as provided by Nature.

It is only man that is an exception.
He is the only living being which
dislikes raw food found in the natural state.

All other animals
eat food as they are -
grain, grass, leaves, shoots, fruits.

Man boils, fries, melts,
mixes and adopts various methods
of cooking in order to satisfy the
cravings of the tongue, the eyes and the nose.

As a consequence,
the food value of these articles
are either reduced or destroyed.

Birds and beasts
do not adopt such
destructive methods.

They eat things raw
and consume the strength-giving
vital essence. So, they do not fall
victim to the many ills that man brings on himself.

When the seeds are fried,
they do not sprout;
that is clear proof that the "life-force" is eliminated.

Therefore, uncooked food, nuts,
fruits and germinating pulses are the best.

Use these at least at one meal,
say, for dinner; this will ensure long life.
And long life is to be striven for in order
that the years may be utilized for serving one's fellow-beings.

from a divine source

The Lord knows all, yet says little..

The Lord knows all -
yet says little -
Yes! He waits for you
to speak the sweet truth!

The lack of spiritual awarenesshas
made you hungry -hunger has made you stubborn -
the stubbornness has made you angry -
the anger has made you fearful -
the fear has taken from you the faith,
and the lack of faith has made you
the animal that lives with the mind -
the mind digs its claws deep in the heart
and lets one suffer the slow death
of its injected poison.

from a divine source

5 wonderful tips to wake and shake you up!

1. Never expect things to happen, struggle and make them happen.
Never expect yourself to be given a good value, create a value of your own.

2. If a drop of water falls in lake there is no identity.
But if it falls on a leaf of lotus it shines like a pearl, so choose the best place where you would shine.

3. Falling down is not defeat...defeat is when your refuse to get up.

4. Ship is always safe at shore... but is not built for it.

5. When you are successful your well wishers know who you are and when you are unsuccessful you know who your well wishers are.

If the patience within you is beginning to break, then make the silent exit!

If the patience
within you is beginning to break -
then make the silent exit,
My child, from the scene
where the battle is showing the signs of eruption.

Leave, My child,
for there is nothing to lose - nothing to win.

Give him the room
to find his lost peace -
give yourself the time
to regain the strength to endure
the present feeling of shakiness.

Let time pass -
with time, evil thoughts lessen -
the anger and resentment fades -
one begins to repent the past moments.

This is the process of self-healing,
My child - self-healing for one,
with his own inner strength,
binds lesser and lesser with the pain, and instead,
with forgiveness, he bathes himself with the purity of compromise.

Be like the child
that holds no resentment -
their innocence and sincerity
lets them overcome all evils -
their nature is to be happy -
happiness is spontaneous in them.

Be happy, My child, at all times.
The one that strikes you on the cheek
will feel equal pain on his palm.

The wrong doer will
suffer much more than
the one that is wronged.

Knowing that,
leave all self-pity,
and dive to help the one
that has not only lost his strength,
but has lost, today, the brilliance,
the clarity, the vision and the promise of his own future!

from a divine source

Soften, my child to the tears of the one that cries in the anguish of his own self-destruction..

Soften, My child,
to the tears of the one
that cries in the anguish of his own self-destruction.

Remember that
the negative emotions
of another must not instigate the evil from you.

Communicate with the Lord,
at all times - speak to Him
not only at the chosen time of prayer,
but all during the time your work for Him continues.

Those that are
in constant contact with the
Divine energy have no reason to taste, ever, a single failure.

The contact with
the Lord is so fulfilling, My child,
that even if evil stomps its feet with fury before you, you,
My child, will stand unaware of its fears -
the more you experience the bliss of the divine union,
the more you will be blinded and deaf to evil's unreal threats.

Hence, My dear,
remember that your peace
is bigger than any battle, your peace comes
before any proof, and your peace is the key
to not only your own spiritual success, but it,
My child, can be the borrowed wings of freedom
for another disturbed mind to fly
and experience the bliss of his own lost tranquility.

Soften, My child -
soften until the one that
believes himself to be hard hearted
breaks with tears of his own compassion.

from a divine source

Remember it takes two to fight, two to argue,two to disagree.., the blame can never be of only one!.

Remember, it takes two to fight,
two to argue, two to disagree, hence,
My child, the blame can never be of only one.

In a relationship, there are at least two involved.
Know and remember that two minds will rarely think completely alike -
one is thus, inevitably, going to face an opposing view,
even from the one who he feels is the closest or dearest to him.

The two egos are bound to clash to produce the sound of disharmony.
Two humans that are at a different stage of their spiritual development are surely going to comprehend the other's path much lesser than their own. What is the best you can do to avoid the ugliness of uncalled harshness?

Stay silent, My child -
not out of stubbornness or pride,
but out of the wealth that you have
gathered in the process of receiving the Inner God.

Know and realize that
the one that has already
stepped into the lava of uncontrollable anger will not,
at that moment, be able to see and comprehend the truth.

Why respond unkindly to the one that is already suffering from the self-attack?

from a divine source

Faith will not stop the boat of life from rocking, but will stop you from falling off the rocking boat!

Faith will not stop
the boat of life from rocking -
No! That what you must face, will come -
but faith will stop you from falling from the rocking boat.

It will give you
the strength to balance the boat
and prevent it from overturning.

It will give you
the intelligence to steer the boat,
away, from the threatening storm.

It will give you
the strength to prevent you from panicking -
it will still hold your hand,
when you are left with no other friend.

Faith is the oar
that will keep you moving
in your chosen spiritual path.

Hence, become the "believer" -
no more must you live the life of a "deceiver"!
Know that God not only comes to test your faith,
but He comes to strengthen it, too.

Do not make faith
another of your acts in playing the role of life -
in fact, let the act of faith become life's only role.

Faith can make you
walk through any fire,
step on any thorn, pass through the raging waters -
it can make you touch the sky -

Yes! Faith will make you the doer - no more the dreamer!

from a divine source

Faith and truth go hand in hand..

Faith and truth go hand in hand,
My dear - Faith abhors falsehood.

Hence, it will not awaken,
if one is still held like a puppet by the mind.

One cannot believe in
one's impure thoughts
and hope for it to happen -

No! My child.
Such impure thought
will only lead you to the pit
that you dug for your own fall.

One must develop faith
not to simply boast of it -
faith is sacrifice - it is silent love -
it is the patient learner - the eager teacher.

Once you have spoken
with pride of your faith in God,
you have made faith
the spectacle of your own confusion.

learn to experience
it with the self, alone.
Each one comes with only one true self -
hence, each spark of light,
lights his own torch and
leaves to merge with the eternal flame, forever.

from a divine source

Believe can even make the rock move..

Believe, My child,
and even the rock will move -
believe, My dear, with the heart,
with purity, with innocence, with sincerity,
and one will make the sun rise even in the darkest night.

Believe, and one will begin
to understand that the language
in all matter is all the same - love! love!

Believe, and even the
mightiest of demons will not hurt you,
for your faith in his goodness will inspire him
to reveal the hidden treasures of divine virtues.

Believe, and it will happen -
for faith is not just a lingering promise,
neither is it any false consolation.

Faith in God is the umbrella
that will protect you from the
scorching heat and storms of karma.

Faith is the nourishment
of the soul, it is the sustainer -
it is the true life of the spiritual path.

from a divine source

Health is body, mind, emotion and indwelling spirit

The word 'health'
has derived from the Anglo-Saxon word 'helig,'
meaning (wholeness) or inner spirit.

What is the wholeness that is to be achieved?

The body consists
of the sense organs,
the mind, the intellect,
the consciousness, and the indwelling Spirit.

"Wholeness" means that all these elements should be whole.

To achieve
such a state of mind,
it is necessary to understand
the meaning of everything and every situation.

(For instance, if a student has failed in an examination, he should not get depressed. Instead, he should examine the reasons for his failure, whether he had not studied properly or understood the subjects correctly. If he finds that his failure is due to inadequate preparation, he should resolve to do better in the future).

from a divine source

The umbrella is useful, as long as it rains..

The umbrella is useful,
My child, as long as it rains -
once the clouds clear and
the skies brighten,
it becomes only a burden
to carry in the journey -

The one will be
untouched by the rain,
whose spirit remains dry
and comfortable
under the roof of all skies -
He will carry no hat nor an umbrella,
for he carries God's hand over his head.

from a divine source

Importance of people coming in our lives... a reason, a season or a lifetime..

Sometimes people come
into your life and you know right away
that they were meant to be there,
they serve some sort of purpose,
teach you a lesson or help figure out
who you are and who you want to become.

You never know
who these people may be:
your neighbour, child, long lost friend,
lover, or even a complete stranger who,
when you lock eyes with them,
you know at that very moment
that they will affect your life in some profound way.

And sometimes things happen to you
and at the time they seem painful and unfair,
but in reflection you realize that
without overcoming those obstacles
you would have never realized your
potential strength, will power, or heart.

Everything happens for a reason.
Nothing happens by chance or
by means of good or bad luck,
Illness, injury, love, lost moments
of true greatness and sheer stupidity,
all occur to test the limits of your soul.

Without these small tests,
whether they be events,
illnesses, or relationships,
life would be like a smoothly paved
straight flat road to nowhere,
safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.

The people you meet
who affect your life and
the successes and downfalls
you experience create who you are,
and even the bad experiences can be learned from;

In fact, they are
probably the poignant
and important ones.

If someone hurts you,
betrays you, or breaks your heart,
forgive them, for they have helped
you learn about trust and the importance
of being cautious to whom you open your heart...

If someone loves you,
love them back unconditionally,
not only because they love you,
but because they are teaching
you to love and opening your heart
and eyes to things you would have
never seen or felt without them.

Make every day count.
Appreciate every moment
and take from it everything
that you possibly can,
for you may never be able to experience it again...

Talk to people
you have never talked to before,
and actually listen, let yourself fall in love,
break free and set your sights high...

Hold your head up
because you have every right to.
Tell yourself you are a great individual
and believe in yourself... for if you don't believe
in yourself, no one else will believe in you either.

You can make of your life anything you wish.
You cannot do kindness too soon because
you never know how soon it will be too late...

Create your own life
and then go out and live it!!!
Tomorrow is Not Promised"

from a divine source

I love spiritual enlightenment, that is why I understand my true self and divine love..

We have a life span, we too have a spiritual span. We are mortal, yet we are also immortal, our soul, our spirit. Who are you? Where are you going? Can you understand our immortal spirit that is encased inside a mortal body? Can you accept the fact that you are me and I am you? No matter what name you call yourselves, we all call ourselves 'I' ... That 'I' refers to all human beings... Read my other spiritual blog for spiritual guidance and enlightenments.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Local fruits and vegetables, not to miss out...

Let's be aware too that all fruits and vegetables over the globe are recommended as healthy foods. I have touched on a lot of imported foods recently, but some local fruits and vegetables should not be missed too.

I am an Asian living in an equatorial climate thus we too are also enjoying our local fruits. Our local fruits range from the king of the fruits[durians] to the queen of fruits[mangosteen]. We have pineapples the whole year round, we have guava, starfruits, longans, pomelos, green citrus like mandarin oranges, langsat, black olives, bananas, mangoes, rambutans, lychees, dragon fruits, jackfruits, cempedak, papayas soursop, passion fruit,watermelons, melons and many other local ones.

Other vegetables include long beans, white cabbage, brinjals, bitter gourd, cucumber, taro, white radish, chayote, ketola, ladies fingers, chillies, bamboo shoots, local spinach, water spinach, corn, ferns, mushrooms, spring onions, chinese kale, mustard green, local celery, guords, leeks, sprouts and many others.

Don't miss out all these wonderful foods... buy them local for its freshness...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Eat to live, not live to eat! 'Not too much, but not lacking!'

Not too much, but not lacking!
Not too over, but just enough!
Not in excess, but just in need!
Eat moderately, eat sparingly but not missing out even a single goodness!
That should be the meaning.... to be able to obtain all types of nutrients from different classes of foods. Our base of normal food for modern folks should be more on fruits and vegetables...........

Let's be aware that 'Not too much, but not lacking' applies to all foods and drinks. Too much of just any good food is not good too. Let me explain, water is exceptionally important to us, but over drinking of water will kill too. I can still remember stories of my childhood when the Japanese forced their captives to drink water until they drown in them.

Thus all of us who are health-conscious should be aware of this simple phrase. "Eat to live, not live to eat!' It is meaningful enough to tell us that we take food and fluids for the sake of surviving healthy instead of surviving for the sake of eating.

We care enough to spare time to boost and maintain our health. Understand the 'tao' of eating. It means the skill of eating right! For a healthier and happier you and family!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Citrus [oranges, lemon, lime, grapefruit, tangerines, pomelo....]

These are wonderful fruits with a tangy flavor....yummy yummy...
Citrus Bioflavonoids is a powerful antioxidant that provides a lot of vitamin C, and contains no artificial flavoring, color, sugars or starches. Citrus Bioflavonoids provide antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy properties.

Citrus Bioflavonoids contain Vitamin C, Lemon bioflavonoids, Orange bioflavonoids and Grapefruit bioflavonoids

Bioflavonoids are natural substances found in plants, fruits, vegetables, nuts, bark and buckwheat. Bioflavonoids help protect capillaries, prevent bruising and intensify the effect of vitamin C. Bioflavonoids are essential for total vitamin C effectiveness.

In addition, certain bioflavonoids may be beneficial for fighting infections, free radical damage, viruses and common colds. Bioflavonoids may also be used to help alleviate symptoms related to allergies and respiratory conditions.

Lemons, lime, pomelos, grapefruits, oranges, tangarines are collectively known as citrus fruits..

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, an orange a day keeps cold away.... Go for a healthier and happier you...

Marigold....beautiful and edible as a herb..

Marigold is one of the best known and versatile herbs in Western herbal medicine and is also a popular domestic remedy. It is, above all, a remedy for skin problems and is applied externally to bites and stings, sprains, wounds, sore eyes, varicose veins etc.

It is also a cleansing and detoxifying herb and is taken internally in treating fevers and chronic infections. Only the common deep-orange flowered variety is considered to be of medicinal value.

The whole plant, but especially the flowers and the leaves, is antiphlogistic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aperient, astringent, cholagogue, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, skin, stimulant and vulnerary.

The leaves can be used fresh or dried, they are best harvested in the morning of a fine sunny day just after the dew has dried from them. The flowers are also used fresh or dried, for drying they are harvested when fully open and need to be dried quickly in the shade.

A tea of the petals tones up the circulation and, taken regularly, can ease varicose veins. An application of the crushed stems to corns and warts will soon render them easily removable. The leaves, blossoms and buds are used to make a homeopathic remedy. It is used internally in order to speed the healing of wounds.

Wonderful, isn't it? So, why are we waiting? Double X has it! Go for a healthier and happier you....

Alfafa.... a host of wonder phytonutrients..

Alfafa is a perennial leguminous plant of the pulse family. It is one of the most important pasture and hay plant in North America. Uses of alfafa include as excellent source of nutritive properties, rich in minerals, chlorophyll, vitamins. It also supports our thyroid. It is a blood purifier and a host of phytonutrients.

Double X has it!

Alfalfa is also useful in the support of urinary tract health including kidney, bladder and prostrate. It also detoxifies the body, especially the liver.

Alfalfa has estrogenic properties and therefore helps support the female cycle.

Asparagus is low in calories and..

Asparagus is low in calories and provides substantial amounts of two antioxidants—vitamin A and C. It truly shines as a source of folate and has a goodly amount of fiber.

Nutrition Facts(Serving size, 1/2 cup cooked)Calories 90Protein 2 gramsCarbohydrates 4 gramsDietary Fiber 1.5 gramsPotassium 144 mgVitamin C 10 mgFolate 131 mcgVitamin A 485 IU
This is also my favourite vegetable, delicious and a natural green. You will also find them in Double X.

Kale is a great food....

Kale is a great food if you're looking to sustain your health and enjoy a delicious food at the same time. It's the organosulfur compounds in this food that have been main subject of phytonutrient research, and these include the glucosinolates and the methyl cysteine sulfoxides.

Although there are over 100 different glucosinolates in plants, only 10-15 are present in kale and other Brassicas. Yet these 10-15 glucosinolates appear able to lessen the occurrence of a wide variety of cancers, including breast and ovarian cancers.

Exactly how kale's sulfur-containing phytonutrients prevent cancer is not yet clear, but several researchers point to the ability of its glucosinolates and cysteine sulfoxides to activate detoxifying enzymes in the liver that help neutralize potentially carcinogenic substances. (These detoxifying enzymes include quinone reductases and glutathione-S-transferases).

For example, scientists have found that sulforaphane, a potent glucosinolate phytonutrient found in kale and other Brassica vegetables, boosts the body's detoxification enzymes, potentially by altering gene expression, thus helping to clear potentially carcinogenic substances more quickly. Sulforaphane, which is formed when cruciferous vegetables such as kale are chopped or chewed, triggers the liver to produce enzymes that detoxify cancer-causing chemicals, inhibits chemically-induced breast cancers in animal studies, induces colon cancer cells to commit suicide.

Sulforaphane may also offer special protection to those with colon cancer-susceptible genes, suggests a study conducted at Rutgers University and published online in the journal Carcinogenesis.

For about 20 years, we've known that many phytonutrients work as antioxidants to disarm free radicals before they can damage DNA, cell membranes and fat-containing molecules such as cholesterol. Now, new research is revealing that phytonutrients in crucifers, such as kale, work at a much deeper level. These compounds actually signal our genes to increase production of enzymes involved in detoxification, the cleansing process through which our bodies eliminate harmful compounds.

The phytonutrients in cruciferous vegetables initiate an intricate dance inside our cells in which gene response elements direct and balance the steps among dozens of detoxification enzyme partners, each performing its own protective role in perfect balance with the other dancers. The natural synergy that results optimizes our cells' ability to disarm and clear free radicals and toxins, including potential carcinogens, which may be why cruciferous vegetables appear to significantly lower our risk of cancer.

Recent studies show that those eating the most cruciferous vegetables have a much lower risk of prostate, colorectal and lung cancer-even when compared to those who regularly eat other vegetables:

So, what have you to wait? Buy or plant them for its goodness.... But it is also there in Double X!

Broccoli and cancer risk..

A compound found in broccoli and broccoli sprouts appears to be more effective than modern antibiotics against the bacteria which causes peptic ulcers. Moreover, tests in mice show that the compound offers tremendous protection against stomach cancer - the second most common form of cancer in the world.

Sulforaphane - a substance produced by the body from a compound in broccoli - could trigger the production of phase II enzymes. Phase II enzymes can detoxify cancer-causing chemicals and are among the most potent anti-cancer compounds known to man. It should be noted that broccoli sprouts have shown to be every bit as beneficial as full grown brocoli.

A different study showed that consumption of broccoli was strongly associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease death in postmenopausal women.

In yet another stydy conducted jointly with US and Chinese researchers, it was found that chemicals present in broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, and other cruciferous vegetables may protect against lung cancer. Researchers studied more than 18,000 men. They recorded 259 cases of lung cancer during the study's follow-up period. The researchers found that the men with detectable amounts of a substance known as 'isothiocyanates' in their bodies had a 36% lower risk of developing lung cancer over a 10-year period.

Isothiocyanates are found in broccoli and other so called 'cruciferous' vegetables.

You like these greens? Oh, my kids and me love it very much.... munchy and crisp when cooked just nice.... Well.... brocoli concentrates are found in Double X!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Peace of mind, peace at heart.....

Peace is not merely
the state of the mind
in which it remains calm -
No! My child,
that is only a state of relaxation.

Peace is that in which one finds
synchrony between the mind,
the heart, the functions of the body,
the purity of one's conscience,
the stability of one's intellect
and with the force of the energy
that brings one to experience one's own life, existence and being.

When each of these move
like the wheels of the same vehicle,
in the same direction, with the same speed
and with complete cooperation, only then,
will one experience the state in which
there is no inner conflict, only then,
will one feel the complete confidence
in one's own strength to be far mightier
than any external threat, only then,
will one experience the ultimate realization
in which he will see that the truth is not ever
before him or around him - he is the truth -
the only truth, and that reality of truth
can break every barrier that breaks
his journey to reach his own state of Godhood.

from a divine source..

A bad mind can corrupt the best of hearts...

A bad mind can
corrupt the best of hearts -
hence, correct the problem,
before the poison spreads
and kills every bit of the love you carry.

Do not be ignorant
and say that only
when the Lord's Grace will descend,
that you will undergo change -
your love for God is God's biggest grace -
your respect for the self is the biggest effort.

Hence, realize that you
are the biggest miracle of God, My child!
You are His strength in the purest form!
Awaken the truth with prayer -
live your life with the truth -
and have faith that the Lord
will give you the strength in all that you do,
only if you respond to Him, always, with a Yes! Yes! Yes!

from a divine source

Do not be afraid to love God...

Yes, do not be afraid to love God.
Know that there are no rules
and no specific ways that you must love Him.

Each one's heart has been
taught the way to reach the Master,
hence, none can be lost, none can remain ignorant, forever.

The love for God will arise in abundance,
once you have disciplined your life to be led
only by the true self and true self, alone.

Believe God,
it is only a joyful experience,
for in this path, one first finds dedication,
then discipline, then faith, then purity and finally love -
Yes! Love, love, love!

Love that changes
the most poisonous mind
into the sweetness of the Lord's nectar.
Love, My child, when it fills every being of the imperfect human,
makes him the outlet of the Source - the instrument of the Perfect Hand -
the living proof of the Mysterious Master!

from a divine source...

Don't be angry.... or else you will never find restfulness of sleep..

The angry mind
will never find the restfulness of sleep -
they wake up only to face
the stress of fatigue.

The lazy mind
finds even lesser time
than the one that sweats
with continual hard work,
for it spends it all in planning its excuses,
only to make his duty another's responsibility.

from a divine source

Tomatoes.... rich in lycopene, a great antioxidant..

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant, which fights against cancer, heart disease and aging. Lycopene is a carotenoid that gives tomatoes, watermelon, guave and pink grapefruit their read color. By eating 2-4 servings of tomato per week, a man can reduce his risk for prostate cancer by as much as 35%. Per gram, tomatoes have more lycopene than any other fruit or vegetables.

Tomatoes and lycopenes have been in the news due to more and more studies linking tomato and tomato-product consumption to reduced risks of many types of cancer. The study that began it all was called “Carotenoids and Retinol in Relation to Risk of Prostate Cancer” and was headed by Dr. Edward Giovannucci.

Most findings support recommendations to increase vegetable and fruit consumption to reduce cancer incidence but suggest that tomato-based foods may be especially beneficial regarding prostate cancer risk.PHILADELPHIA - March 12, 1999 - New medical research suggests that the consumption of lycopene - the stuff that makes tomatoes red - may prevent cancer.

Love your tomatoes, decorate your table with these great orange goodness.... not to miss out.. .. tomatoes..... as a salad, or just eat it as it is..... remember to share among your family.... Let's eat food as natural as be healthier and happier....

Acelora cherry is my favorite.. I have been consuming these berries for more than 2 decades. It is indeed an exceptionally valuable fruit, acelera cherry. It can be taken as tablets form as Bio C and as a form of a drink from acelera cherry powder. One can get it from Nutrilite.

Analysis has shown that the acerola is the richest source of vitamin C, of any fruit. In the 1940’s, large commercial plantings were established for processing, particularly for making Vitamin C tablets. But, still, the acerola is acknowledged as being the fruit with the highest content of vitamin C. Ledin (Florida University) quotes acerola as being higher, (1,000 - 4,676mg of vitamin C per 100 grams of fruit) than most other fruits.
It pays well to know these wonderful berries that will make us healthier and happier. Smile, you are healthy.......

Monday, April 2, 2007

What are prunes? Dried plums?

Prunes are dried plums which are specially grown for this purpose. Prunes are rich in iron and potassium. They are high in fiber and contain modest amounts of vitamin A, vitamin B3 and vitamin B6. Prunes are a valuable food for anyone suffering from high blood pressure and make an ideal laxative.

Could a handful of nutrient-rich dried plums each day help keep the doctor away by actually reversing bone loss in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis or osteoarthritis?

FSU Professor Bahram H. Arjmandi is the principal investigator and a nationally recognized expert on the effects of "functional foods" (dietary components that may provide a health benefit beyond basic nutrition) on chronic diseases. His previous studies found that dried plums -- better known as prunes -- restored lost bone in animal models of osteoporosis, and improved biomarkers linked to bone formation in postmenopausal women.
Canned and dried plums (prunes) are also available when fresh plums are not in season. Plums and prunes are a good source of vitamin A, potassium, and fiber.