8 Urgent Needs for a Cancer Patient to Heed....
The will to survive cancer is the most urgent need for just any cancer patient. No one can survive when his or her will to survive cancer is gone. Hope brings light, light brings faith, faith is confidence, confidence will make a person survive and win the fight! If there is a will, there is a way, if there are 8 WILLS, there are MANY WAYS!
[1] The will to survive
Do not be disheartened and discouraged! Listen! Obey! Respect! and Follow your Faith! What ever the trouble, the pain or suffering, the only goal of our life should be holding on to the Lord's feet. This is the essence of our life.
Pray for inner strength, the surge of which will carry you through the ups and downs of the mind's rebellion. To uproot the chaos that is already present. You must find the strength of a rock to face the challenges. Love conquers all. Fill every thought with the might of its warmth, maturity and compassion. This is the only race where one should emerge a winner, not a whiner! This is the most urgent need, the strong will to survive! Tell yourself that you WILL DEFINITELY recover!
[2] The will to accept and adapt to certain changes
The expectations of certain degrees of discomforts, disabilities, sufferings would be there. There is nothing as unbearable, treat sufferings and miseries as footsteps towards deeper understanding of True Self. When one is in deep suffering, one will be forced to search within and look for resolutions.
We should have equanimity towards honor and dishonor, cold and heat, pleasure and pain. Without pain, one cannot understand pleasure, sorrow is verily the royal road to joy.
Sufferings are the stepping stones that lead man towards virtuous conducts. Deep suffering and pain is also one form of meditation in faith. It always lead to self realization and self awakening. Be patient to understand these changes. Fear not.
[3] The will to change for the better
Certain foods and drinks that are carcinogeous should be immediately revised. Unhealthy lifestyles should be put to a stop. "Doctors of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame and diet, and the cause and prevention of diseases." Understand what Thomas A. Edison said. Find out the cause and prevent it from happening at the first place.
But fear not, as I always confide in many people, there are also certain miraculous and wonderful food that can cure cancer. Change for the better. Stop poisoning our body, go for a detoxification program where one can go on a strict diet on just certain fruits, vegetables and herbs. It will heal. Starve the cancerous cells, feed the immune system.
[4] The will to smile at adversity
Do not fear, carry the luggage of will and strength. Strive on, tough man will last, tough time won't! Whenever you find truth, beauty, goodness, justice, wisdom, compassion, hope, love, God is present and active! We must surrender our judgement to the Lord, then the Lord will assume full responsibility and be your guardian, guide and the motivator. Our worries and tears cannot change what is predetermined. Be equal-minded to happiness and unhappiness.
People are being tested, but it should not be called so. It is grace, those who suffer have God's grace. Only through suffering will they be persuaded to turn inward and make the inquiry. And without turning inward and making inquiry, they can never escape misery! Pass the test of adversity, pass it with doctorate!
[5] The will to reprogram one's thinking
Life brings the message to live it to the fullest, but how many of you are using the power of this strength, fully and completely? Rid off poor habits and restraits, delete uncontrolled desires of the mind which are simply excusedly called 'pleasures' and 'prizes' Reprogram one's thinking to more meaningful works. Choose to stay with positive companions and environment. Be positive in thoughts, in words, in deeds and apply all positive emotions.
[6] The will to 'look beyond' our mortal body
Planning ahead, yes planning ahead. With each sunset, the span of life is being chipped away remorselessly but man does not prepare himself for the eventuality of death and the aftermaths. Our mortal body cannot survive forever. But our immortal soul is embedded inside our mortal body. Have one ever given a second thought on how to attain immortality and that we are actually a spark of Divinity?
[7] The will to cooperate with doctors and physicians
There are many cases where patients aren't cooperating well with healing doctors. We have our choice to which physicians we trust. We need the doctors to diagnosis our well-being and our status of cancer. To survive a cancer, one MUST work hand in hand with your doctor. It is a MUST!
[8] The will to return to normal living, accepting oneself among friends, loved ones, relatives and family
Love will solves all problems and challenges. Recovery from a near-death illness is no game to gamble or play with. All of us learn in a difficult and expensive way in realizing the value of life. All of us should show discipline and wisdom in emerging as a winner and once again one is breathing freely and feeling the warmth and beauty of sunshine. Life written cannot be rewritten. All of us should learn to treasure life.
I am writing this article specially for a new friend whom I have not met. I wish her speedy recovery and no matter what happens, it all happens for the good. As a true Catholic, strive to be true and steadfast, be a beacon to others, be a model of faith and strive to give a testimony of God's love. It is His will be done, not ours.
Health is inclusive of all in all that is in us, visible or invisible. Achieving total health and happiness is possible for all those who earns and wills it. When we have health, we have hope, when we have hope, we have life. It's our utmost duty to maintain balanced body, mental, emotion and spirit and persist to be whole and intimately connected. Prevention is much better, cheaper and smarter than cure. Understand that this is the only race where all humans should be winners!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
Man has forgotten that there is God within..
True spirituality lies in
destroying one's bestial nature
and rising to the level of the divine.
But instead of ascending to divinity,
man is degenerating to animal nature.
He has forgotten the principles of spirituality.
He celebrates festivals by merely partaking
of sweets and wastes his time in pomposity.
One should ponder over the inner significance
of each festival and celebrate it in a meaningful manner.
Man should have total faith
that he is not just a human being
but there is God within.
Only then will the animal nature in him be subdued.
As man has forgotten his true nature,
he has become bestial.
You may belong to any country,
religion, race, caste or gender,
but you should firmly hold on to humanness.
from a divine source...
bestial means beastly, marked by brutality or depravity, lacking in intelligence or reason
pomposity means the quality of being pompous, self-importance
partaking means receive a share of, joining
gender means male or female
destroying one's bestial nature
and rising to the level of the divine.
But instead of ascending to divinity,
man is degenerating to animal nature.
He has forgotten the principles of spirituality.
He celebrates festivals by merely partaking
of sweets and wastes his time in pomposity.
One should ponder over the inner significance
of each festival and celebrate it in a meaningful manner.
Man should have total faith
that he is not just a human being
but there is God within.
Only then will the animal nature in him be subdued.
As man has forgotten his true nature,
he has become bestial.
You may belong to any country,
religion, race, caste or gender,
but you should firmly hold on to humanness.
from a divine source...
bestial means beastly, marked by brutality or depravity, lacking in intelligence or reason
pomposity means the quality of being pompous, self-importance
partaking means receive a share of, joining
gender means male or female
Ten commandments for Peace of Mind
1. Do not interfere in others' business
Do not interfere in others' business unless asked. Most of us create our own problems by interfering too often in others' affairs. We do so because somehow we have convinced ourselves that our way is the best way, our logic is the perfect logic, and those who do not conform to our thinking must be criticized and steered to the right direction, our direction. This kind of attitude on our part denies the existence of individuality and consequently the existence of God, for God has created each one of us in a unique way. No two human beings can think or act in exactly the same way. All men or women act the way they do because they are prompted to do so by the Divine within them. There is God to look after everything. Why are you bothered? Mind your own business and you will have your peace.
2. Forget and forgive
This is the most powerful aid to peace of mind. We often nurture ill feeling inside our heart for the person who insults or harms us. We foster grievances, which in turn results in loss of sleep, develops of stomach ulcer, high blood pressure and many other ailments that stealthily gnaws us from within.
We forget that the insult or injury was done to us once but by nourishing the grievance we go on excavating the wound forever. Therefore it is essential that we cultivate the art of forgiving and forgetting. Believe in the justice of God and the doctrine of Karma. Let Him judge the act of the one who insulted you. Life is too short to waste in such trifles. Forget, forgive, and march on.
3. Do not crave for recognition
This world is full of selfish people. They seldom praise anybody without selfish motive. They may praise you today because you are rich and have power but no sooner you are powerless, they will forget your achievement and start criticizing you.
Moreover, each person is a mortal with a bundle of defects in them. No one individual is picture perfect. Then why do you value the words of praise of another mortal like you? Why do you crave for such false recognition and lose your peace of mind if the world does not praise you? Believe in yourself. People's praises do not last long and are not worth it. Do your duties ethically and sincerely and leave the rest to God.
4. Do not be jealous
We all have experienced how jealousy can disturb our peace of mind. You know you work harder than your colleagues in the office but they get promotions, you do not. You started a business several years ago but you are not as successful as your neighbor whose business is only one year old. There are several examples like these in every walk of life. Should you be jealous? No, remember everybody's life is shaped by his previous Karma that has now become his destiny. If you are destined to be rich, not all the world can stop you. If you are not so destined, no one can help you either. Nothing will be gained by blaming others for your misfortune. Jealousy will not get you anywhere, but will only give you restlessness.
5. Adapt to all environment
If you try to change the environment single handedly, the chances are you may fail. Instead, change yourself to suit the environment. As you do this, even the environment, which has remained unfriendly for you, will mysteriously appear to be congenial and harmonious.
6. Endure what cannot be cured
This is the best way to turn a disadvantage into an advantage. Every day we face numerous inconveniences, ailments, irritations and accidents that are beyond our control. We must learn to put up with these things. We must learn to endure them cheerfully thinking, "God will it so, so be it". God's logic is beyond our comprehension. Believe it and you will gain in patience, in inner strength, in will power.
7. Do not bite more than you can chew
This maxim should be always remembered. We often tend to take more responsibilities than we are capable to carry out. This is done to satisfy our ego. Know your limitations. Why take on additional loads that may create more worries? You cannot gain peace of mind by expanding your external activities. If you have extra time, then spend it in an inward life of prayer, introspection and meditation. This will reduce those thoughts in your mind, which make you restless. Fewer the thoughts, greater is the peace of mind.
8. Meditate regularly
Meditation makes the mind thoughtless. This is the highest state of peace of mind. Try and experience it. If you meditate earnestly for half an hour every day, you will tend to become calm during the remaining twenty-three and a half hours. Your mind will not be disturbed as much as before. You must gradually increase the period of daily meditation. You may think this will interfere with your daily work. On the contrary, this will increase your efficiency and you will turn out more work in less time.
9. Never leave the mind vacant
Empty mind is the devil's workshop. All evil deeds start in the mind. Keep your mind occupied in something positive, something worthwhile. Actively follow a hobby. Do something that holds your interest. You must decide what you value more - money or peace of mind. Your hobby, like social work or temple work may not always earn you more money, but you will have a sense of fulfillment and achievement. Even if you are resting physically, occupy yourself in healthy reading or mental chanting of God's name.
10. Do not procrastinate and never regret
Do not waste time in wondering "should I or shouldn't I?" Days, weeks, months and years may be wasted in that futile mental debating. You can never plan enough because you can never anticipate all future happenings. Always remember God has His own plan too. Value your time and do things. It does not matter if you fail the first time. You can rectify your mistakes and succeed the next time. Sitting back and worrying will lead to nothing. Learn from your mistakes but do not brood over the past. DO NOT REGRET! Whatever happened was destined to happen only that way. Take it as the will of God. You do not have the power to alter the course of God's will. Why cry over the spilt milk?
from a divine source
Do not interfere in others' business unless asked. Most of us create our own problems by interfering too often in others' affairs. We do so because somehow we have convinced ourselves that our way is the best way, our logic is the perfect logic, and those who do not conform to our thinking must be criticized and steered to the right direction, our direction. This kind of attitude on our part denies the existence of individuality and consequently the existence of God, for God has created each one of us in a unique way. No two human beings can think or act in exactly the same way. All men or women act the way they do because they are prompted to do so by the Divine within them. There is God to look after everything. Why are you bothered? Mind your own business and you will have your peace.
2. Forget and forgive
This is the most powerful aid to peace of mind. We often nurture ill feeling inside our heart for the person who insults or harms us. We foster grievances, which in turn results in loss of sleep, develops of stomach ulcer, high blood pressure and many other ailments that stealthily gnaws us from within.
We forget that the insult or injury was done to us once but by nourishing the grievance we go on excavating the wound forever. Therefore it is essential that we cultivate the art of forgiving and forgetting. Believe in the justice of God and the doctrine of Karma. Let Him judge the act of the one who insulted you. Life is too short to waste in such trifles. Forget, forgive, and march on.
3. Do not crave for recognition
This world is full of selfish people. They seldom praise anybody without selfish motive. They may praise you today because you are rich and have power but no sooner you are powerless, they will forget your achievement and start criticizing you.
Moreover, each person is a mortal with a bundle of defects in them. No one individual is picture perfect. Then why do you value the words of praise of another mortal like you? Why do you crave for such false recognition and lose your peace of mind if the world does not praise you? Believe in yourself. People's praises do not last long and are not worth it. Do your duties ethically and sincerely and leave the rest to God.
4. Do not be jealous
We all have experienced how jealousy can disturb our peace of mind. You know you work harder than your colleagues in the office but they get promotions, you do not. You started a business several years ago but you are not as successful as your neighbor whose business is only one year old. There are several examples like these in every walk of life. Should you be jealous? No, remember everybody's life is shaped by his previous Karma that has now become his destiny. If you are destined to be rich, not all the world can stop you. If you are not so destined, no one can help you either. Nothing will be gained by blaming others for your misfortune. Jealousy will not get you anywhere, but will only give you restlessness.
5. Adapt to all environment
If you try to change the environment single handedly, the chances are you may fail. Instead, change yourself to suit the environment. As you do this, even the environment, which has remained unfriendly for you, will mysteriously appear to be congenial and harmonious.
6. Endure what cannot be cured
This is the best way to turn a disadvantage into an advantage. Every day we face numerous inconveniences, ailments, irritations and accidents that are beyond our control. We must learn to put up with these things. We must learn to endure them cheerfully thinking, "God will it so, so be it". God's logic is beyond our comprehension. Believe it and you will gain in patience, in inner strength, in will power.
7. Do not bite more than you can chew
This maxim should be always remembered. We often tend to take more responsibilities than we are capable to carry out. This is done to satisfy our ego. Know your limitations. Why take on additional loads that may create more worries? You cannot gain peace of mind by expanding your external activities. If you have extra time, then spend it in an inward life of prayer, introspection and meditation. This will reduce those thoughts in your mind, which make you restless. Fewer the thoughts, greater is the peace of mind.
8. Meditate regularly
Meditation makes the mind thoughtless. This is the highest state of peace of mind. Try and experience it. If you meditate earnestly for half an hour every day, you will tend to become calm during the remaining twenty-three and a half hours. Your mind will not be disturbed as much as before. You must gradually increase the period of daily meditation. You may think this will interfere with your daily work. On the contrary, this will increase your efficiency and you will turn out more work in less time.
9. Never leave the mind vacant
Empty mind is the devil's workshop. All evil deeds start in the mind. Keep your mind occupied in something positive, something worthwhile. Actively follow a hobby. Do something that holds your interest. You must decide what you value more - money or peace of mind. Your hobby, like social work or temple work may not always earn you more money, but you will have a sense of fulfillment and achievement. Even if you are resting physically, occupy yourself in healthy reading or mental chanting of God's name.
10. Do not procrastinate and never regret
Do not waste time in wondering "should I or shouldn't I?" Days, weeks, months and years may be wasted in that futile mental debating. You can never plan enough because you can never anticipate all future happenings. Always remember God has His own plan too. Value your time and do things. It does not matter if you fail the first time. You can rectify your mistakes and succeed the next time. Sitting back and worrying will lead to nothing. Learn from your mistakes but do not brood over the past. DO NOT REGRET! Whatever happened was destined to happen only that way. Take it as the will of God. You do not have the power to alter the course of God's will. Why cry over the spilt milk?
from a divine source
Sunday, February 25, 2007
What are the things that we should do when a family member is found to have cancer?
What are the things that we should do when a family member of us is found to have cancer?
First of all and most important of us is to...
[1] Show her/him your love and concern
Gather your strength and faith and to stand by her no matter what happens. Tell her, and emphasize that we all love her and care for her. Standing by her means that we are not leaving her alone to fight cancer. Let's do it together. Her tears are our tears, her sorrow our sorrow too. Let her know and confide in us. If you really care for her, spend more time with her. Just make sure that you are there when she needs us. Be determined!
[2] Be positive. Look at the bright side of life!
Why? this is the AQ that I always share with my friends.. Pass the test, yes, past the test! Fear not! Adversity Quotient is a skill that we all have to master. Face all challenges brave and strong. Rid of unwanted FEAR! Be confident that all will be fine and well. Most patients are killed by 'fear', not the real illness. Give relevant encouragements. Know that cancer is not incurable! There are also so many people out there who survived cancer! Show her confidence! Don't be distressed yourself. Stress kills too.
[3] Pray for forgiveness together.
Miracles do happen if one pray hard enough. Have 100% faith and believe in your faith. Everything happen, happens for the good. Let God be our guide, our strength. Set a timetable for constant purposeful prayers with her/him. Recite our Lord's prayer and understand the meanings. 'Our father in heaven, holy be thy name...... Your will be done, on earth as in heaven..'
From here, we must acknowledge that God is our father... our father! Our father will know what is best for us, leave everything to HIM, His will be done, not ours! Can you really believe that 100%?
[4] Stop poisoning the body. Review your food, a change is needed immediately
Stop eating those food that one have been consuming all those while that might caused cancer, so it is advisable to change immediately. Since there are certain foods that cause cancer, there are also foods that can cure and prevent cancer. Wake up! There are plentiful of foods and herbs that one can eat to put cancer at bay.
Since air, water and food is directly affecting our immune system, it is of great importance that we review the quality of air, water and food that we take. Start from drinking clean water and food.
[5] Learn more about cancer
At the same time, spare some time to really understand what cancer is. Look for appropriate knowledge, proven and relevant knowledge on preventive cures and treatments. Read to understand why people get cancer and how to prevent them. It might happen to just anybody!
The above 5 ways should be considered. But sometimes I do find difficulties like wanting to help yet not able to help. Not many people will believe natural cures and prevention. Cancer is a taboo not easily explained. And it pained me to see people suffering. So what can I do?
Never mind, just to share with all of you, my friends on how I will treat my own family member if there is one... My dear friends, you can just read and refer to it... "Starve the cancer cells, boost the immune system!'
[6] I will immediately revise a new food timetable for the patient. I won't allow any animal protein foods. I will draft a 100% vegetarian diet, with 60% raw vegetables and fruits to be taken 3 to 5 times a day.
[7] I will blend a 8V to be taken twice a day. 8V is a combination of some natural green herbs, vegetables and some fruits to be taken immediately after blending. [types of herbs used depend on the type of cancer]
[8] I will give higher dose of anti-oxidants A,C, E and especially Bio C and high quality plant protein to boost his/her immune system, and let him/her to drink more clean water.
[9] I will grow sprouts from different types of beans. I will let the patient take it twice or thrice a day and best taken when raw. Sprouts are miracle foods, superior foods too in boosting our immune system.
[10] I will also work out a breathing exercise with him/her and emphasize on self-affirming of speedy recovery. I will make sure that I will nurse him/her back to proper health personally.
Most likely I would also like to spend with her/his recovery period away from city life, away from the crowd, but near or in the embrace of nature at its best, where one can hear birds singing, dragonflies and butterflies flying, clear ripple of waterfalls, and breathe in cool, fresh air and be at ease with Mother Nature....
Prevention is much better than cure, believe me. I have written and posted the article on how to keep cancer at bay, read to understand. Cancer can be prevented!
First of all and most important of us is to...
[1] Show her/him your love and concern
Gather your strength and faith and to stand by her no matter what happens. Tell her, and emphasize that we all love her and care for her. Standing by her means that we are not leaving her alone to fight cancer. Let's do it together. Her tears are our tears, her sorrow our sorrow too. Let her know and confide in us. If you really care for her, spend more time with her. Just make sure that you are there when she needs us. Be determined!
[2] Be positive. Look at the bright side of life!
Why? this is the AQ that I always share with my friends.. Pass the test, yes, past the test! Fear not! Adversity Quotient is a skill that we all have to master. Face all challenges brave and strong. Rid of unwanted FEAR! Be confident that all will be fine and well. Most patients are killed by 'fear', not the real illness. Give relevant encouragements. Know that cancer is not incurable! There are also so many people out there who survived cancer! Show her confidence! Don't be distressed yourself. Stress kills too.
[3] Pray for forgiveness together.
Miracles do happen if one pray hard enough. Have 100% faith and believe in your faith. Everything happen, happens for the good. Let God be our guide, our strength. Set a timetable for constant purposeful prayers with her/him. Recite our Lord's prayer and understand the meanings. 'Our father in heaven, holy be thy name...... Your will be done, on earth as in heaven..'
From here, we must acknowledge that God is our father... our father! Our father will know what is best for us, leave everything to HIM, His will be done, not ours! Can you really believe that 100%?
[4] Stop poisoning the body. Review your food, a change is needed immediately
Stop eating those food that one have been consuming all those while that might caused cancer, so it is advisable to change immediately. Since there are certain foods that cause cancer, there are also foods that can cure and prevent cancer. Wake up! There are plentiful of foods and herbs that one can eat to put cancer at bay.
Since air, water and food is directly affecting our immune system, it is of great importance that we review the quality of air, water and food that we take. Start from drinking clean water and food.
[5] Learn more about cancer
At the same time, spare some time to really understand what cancer is. Look for appropriate knowledge, proven and relevant knowledge on preventive cures and treatments. Read to understand why people get cancer and how to prevent them. It might happen to just anybody!
The above 5 ways should be considered. But sometimes I do find difficulties like wanting to help yet not able to help. Not many people will believe natural cures and prevention. Cancer is a taboo not easily explained. And it pained me to see people suffering. So what can I do?
Never mind, just to share with all of you, my friends on how I will treat my own family member if there is one... My dear friends, you can just read and refer to it... "Starve the cancer cells, boost the immune system!'
[6] I will immediately revise a new food timetable for the patient. I won't allow any animal protein foods. I will draft a 100% vegetarian diet, with 60% raw vegetables and fruits to be taken 3 to 5 times a day.
[7] I will blend a 8V to be taken twice a day. 8V is a combination of some natural green herbs, vegetables and some fruits to be taken immediately after blending. [types of herbs used depend on the type of cancer]
[8] I will give higher dose of anti-oxidants A,C, E and especially Bio C and high quality plant protein to boost his/her immune system, and let him/her to drink more clean water.
[9] I will grow sprouts from different types of beans. I will let the patient take it twice or thrice a day and best taken when raw. Sprouts are miracle foods, superior foods too in boosting our immune system.
[10] I will also work out a breathing exercise with him/her and emphasize on self-affirming of speedy recovery. I will make sure that I will nurse him/her back to proper health personally.
Most likely I would also like to spend with her/his recovery period away from city life, away from the crowd, but near or in the embrace of nature at its best, where one can hear birds singing, dragonflies and butterflies flying, clear ripple of waterfalls, and breathe in cool, fresh air and be at ease with Mother Nature....
Prevention is much better than cure, believe me. I have written and posted the article on how to keep cancer at bay, read to understand. Cancer can be prevented!
Friday, February 23, 2007
Our formless God..
Our formless God,
It requires intense effort
to fix the mind on the formless GOD.
Those who do such worship
should have a very pure consciousness...
God is our Base!
"Castles in the clouds are passing phenomena
but God is their base.
Just as waves spray bubbles
arising from the ocean fall away and disappear,
but the ocean does not disappear!"
from a divine source...
It requires intense effort
to fix the mind on the formless GOD.
Those who do such worship
should have a very pure consciousness...
God is our Base!
"Castles in the clouds are passing phenomena
but God is their base.
Just as waves spray bubbles
arising from the ocean fall away and disappear,
but the ocean does not disappear!"
from a divine source...
Can you be a healthier and happier person?
Body and mind interdependent...
A sound mind ensures a sound body
and a sound body ensures a sound body!
The 2 are interdependent.
Similarly, health is essential for happiness
and happiness or a capacity to be happy whatever may happen,
is essential for physical health too!
and not to forget emotion and spirit!
Anger is also a major cause of ill-health,
besides being dangerous for other reasons.
It brings a long trail of camp followers,
each of whom adds its share to the final ruin....
Light is seen before the sun rises.
Similarly, if the Lord appears in our mind,
it will be indicated by selflessness, purity of thoughts,
and keen interest in the path of Truth!
With each sunset,
the span of life is being chipped away remorselessly,
but man does not prepare himself
for the eventuality of death and the aftermath...
Death is inevitable,
Are we this perishable body?
No, we are the Eternal True Self,
The body is required for realizing the True Self.
Discovering your True Self..
There is only one divine consciousness.
All the variety of names and forms one perceives,
are creations of the mind and are bound to disappear!
But you are one with the Divine,
where is the need to seek the Divine?
The Divine should be comprehended by
earnest enquiry and a profound inner experience!
My dears... all of you are sparks of the Divine...
all divine messages are from divine sources..
Health should be aimed at all 4 dimensions that includes body, mind, emotion and spirit. You might wonder why I am posting so many spiritual messages in my blog. Body, mind, emotion and spirit are all one, believe me. Spiritual quotient is the highest of all. Spiritual health and wealth is the wealth that all of us are in search of. Yes, all of us. It binds Love, manifests it all over this world, creating and keeping everything in order.
Only when one understands spiritual health, all the rest will come in just one accord nicely. Yes, God is Love, Love is God.
A sound mind ensures a sound body
and a sound body ensures a sound body!
The 2 are interdependent.
Similarly, health is essential for happiness
and happiness or a capacity to be happy whatever may happen,
is essential for physical health too!
and not to forget emotion and spirit!
Anger is also a major cause of ill-health,
besides being dangerous for other reasons.
It brings a long trail of camp followers,
each of whom adds its share to the final ruin....
Light is seen before the sun rises.
Similarly, if the Lord appears in our mind,
it will be indicated by selflessness, purity of thoughts,
and keen interest in the path of Truth!
With each sunset,
the span of life is being chipped away remorselessly,
but man does not prepare himself
for the eventuality of death and the aftermath...
Death is inevitable,
Are we this perishable body?
No, we are the Eternal True Self,
The body is required for realizing the True Self.
Discovering your True Self..
There is only one divine consciousness.
All the variety of names and forms one perceives,
are creations of the mind and are bound to disappear!
But you are one with the Divine,
where is the need to seek the Divine?
The Divine should be comprehended by
earnest enquiry and a profound inner experience!
My dears... all of you are sparks of the Divine...
all divine messages are from divine sources..
Health should be aimed at all 4 dimensions that includes body, mind, emotion and spirit. You might wonder why I am posting so many spiritual messages in my blog. Body, mind, emotion and spirit are all one, believe me. Spiritual quotient is the highest of all. Spiritual health and wealth is the wealth that all of us are in search of. Yes, all of us. It binds Love, manifests it all over this world, creating and keeping everything in order.
Only when one understands spiritual health, all the rest will come in just one accord nicely. Yes, God is Love, Love is God.
Who is the real and true devotee?
He is a true devotee
who considers God's happiness as his own.
He always aspires to give happiness
to the Lord and does not want
to cause any inconvenience to Him.
Only the one who always
gives happiness to the Lord is a true devotee.
You should never cause inconvenience to God
in the name of devotion.
Consider that God's happiness
is your happiness and your happiness
is God's happiness. Imbibe this spirit of oneness.
"God and I are one." Today most of the devotees are selfish.
They have only devotion intended for selfish gains.
They are concerned with their own happiness and not that of God's.
You should see to it that your love is always pure.
God is the embodiment of love.
Such divine love is present in all.
Share your love with everyone.
This is what God expects from you.
from a divine source
who considers God's happiness as his own.
He always aspires to give happiness
to the Lord and does not want
to cause any inconvenience to Him.
Only the one who always
gives happiness to the Lord is a true devotee.
You should never cause inconvenience to God
in the name of devotion.
Consider that God's happiness
is your happiness and your happiness
is God's happiness. Imbibe this spirit of oneness.
"God and I are one." Today most of the devotees are selfish.
They have only devotion intended for selfish gains.
They are concerned with their own happiness and not that of God's.
You should see to it that your love is always pure.
God is the embodiment of love.
Such divine love is present in all.
Share your love with everyone.
This is what God expects from you.
from a divine source
Today's newspaper becomes tomorrow's waste paper..
What is the purpose of life?
Is it to be born again and again?
Today's newspaper
becomes tomorrow's waste paper.
Once you have finished reading a newspaper,
you do not like to read it again and again.
Similarly, you have been given this birth,
and you have gone through
varied experiences of pleasure and pain.
You should pray,
"Oh God!
You have given me this life
and I have gone through
all the experiences of pleasure and pain.
I do not want to have another birth."
That's why a spiritual aspirant prayed
"Oh Lord!
I am caught up in this
never-ending cycle of birth and death.
Time and again,
I am experiencing the agony
of staying in the mother's womb.
It is very difficult to cross this ocean of worldly life.
Please take me across this tumultuous ocean and grant me liberation."
from a divine source
Is it to be born again and again?
Today's newspaper
becomes tomorrow's waste paper.
Once you have finished reading a newspaper,
you do not like to read it again and again.
Similarly, you have been given this birth,
and you have gone through
varied experiences of pleasure and pain.
You should pray,
"Oh God!
You have given me this life
and I have gone through
all the experiences of pleasure and pain.
I do not want to have another birth."
That's why a spiritual aspirant prayed
"Oh Lord!
I am caught up in this
never-ending cycle of birth and death.
Time and again,
I am experiencing the agony
of staying in the mother's womb.
It is very difficult to cross this ocean of worldly life.
Please take me across this tumultuous ocean and grant me liberation."
from a divine source
Spiritual food - Our World is the Body of God...
You must realise
by constant contemplation
that the world is the Body of God.
And, you are a cell, in that Body.
The prosperity of the world is your prosperity;
feel so, act in that spirit; think in those terms.
That is real spirituality.
The Spiritual aspirant
cannot cut himself away
from the world and escape into solitude,
for, the world will follow him
into the deepest cave or the darkest forest.
The Spiritual aspirant can claim progress
only when he has established
in himself faith in the oneness of humanity.
from a divine source
by constant contemplation
that the world is the Body of God.
And, you are a cell, in that Body.
The prosperity of the world is your prosperity;
feel so, act in that spirit; think in those terms.
That is real spirituality.
The Spiritual aspirant
cannot cut himself away
from the world and escape into solitude,
for, the world will follow him
into the deepest cave or the darkest forest.
The Spiritual aspirant can claim progress
only when he has established
in himself faith in the oneness of humanity.
from a divine source
Thursday, February 15, 2007
God loves you much, much more!
The beauty
has just begun
when you have started
to love God -
for then you will soon know
and experience that
God loves you much, much more.
That work
God will complete
that began with
the inspiration of God's presence.
It is in the silence of the simple mind
that the Lord will hum the song of life.
from a divine source
has just begun
when you have started
to love God -
for then you will soon know
and experience that
God loves you much, much more.
That work
God will complete
that began with
the inspiration of God's presence.
It is in the silence of the simple mind
that the Lord will hum the song of life.
from a divine source
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Become LOVE itself....
“Instead of being a LOVER
Whose love is confined to a few
Become LOVE itself
So that you can love all!” the God of LOVE,
from a divine source.....
Whose love is confined to a few
Become LOVE itself
So that you can love all!” the God of LOVE,
from a divine source.....
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Beautiful pictures for keeping...




Happy Valentine Day! Kiss me sweet... for all true lovers all over the world..
A picture that means a thousand words....
Care for a drink? dearest?
Flirty fairy..
Mummy...mummy...why does people get sick?
One of my daughter asked me while I was relaxing on my couch.... Why people fall sick? I was glad to have my daughter aware of this question as how one may get sick. My 5 kids have personally witnessed the many suffering patients who came to see me ever since they were babies..... No wonder, they were curious to know. So I told them these reasons.....
Here are some reasons why a person might fall sick. Read through, it might be one of your bad habits.
[1] Long term imbalanced diets.
'Not too much of just anything, but not a bit lacking' is the main requisite towards good health when consuming foods. Over consuming of the wrong foods will also cause 'dis-eases', and deficiency of just any vital nutrients will be fatal too. One must follow the healthy food pyramids.
[2] Environmental pollutants
Highly polluted residing places will in the long term let inhabitants be exposed to toxic wastes, heavy metals and free radicals that tire out our immune system. Once our immune system is weakened, many health problems will come.
[3] Unstable emotions
That create emotional turmoil can also cause dis-eases. Anger, hatred, guilt, fear, stress, worries and suspicions will create negative responses that indirectly affect our appetite, our sleeping and resting mode and assimilation of nutrients from our food. It also affects our breathing system.
[4] Unseen pressure or stressful living
This also contribute to mental stress that sometimes leads to uncontrollable anger or temper. Deadlines and responsibilities contribute to temporary insanity or mental breakdown too often found in highly stressed beings. All of us have limitations..
[5] Yin and Yang imbalance
It refers to a wide topic that might range from over-working, over-eating, over-drinking, over-indulging, over-sleeping, over-loading, over-intoxicating, over-sexed, over-heating, over-cooling or deficiencies of the just mentioned actions.
Too yin or too yang will create illness of uneven distribution of energies. The best answer should be that all things should be in moderation, within safe limits and smartly balanced. Never go against Mother Nature.
[6] Abnormal metabolism
Disorders or abnormal metabolism can be due to defects of certain genes that are inborn errors. Some diseases are then caused by accumulation of toxic substances which might interfere with normal functions that reduce ability to synthesize essential compounds. It just doesn't work right.
[7] Poor excretory system
And poor blood circulatory system and poor detoxifying abilities. Our lungs, our skins, our liver and our kidney must be in tiptop condition to do the excretory work to maintain a clean body environment freed of unwanted wastes, toxins and cholesterols or uric acids.
Since most of them comes from improper of food intakes, detoxification can be practised to cleanse our body system. It can be in the form of fasting, semi-fast, juicing or just any detoxifying job.
[8] Free radicals
from the air, from water and foods should be avoided because it creates havoc in our body system. Our body cells from certain parts of our body will grow abnormally and that might kill us at the end of the day.
[9] body lack of oxygen.
A body lacking oxygen will feel fatigue and tires easily. Not enough nutrients and oxygen supplied to our brains will be brain-damaging which is irreversible and a sad thing to admit.
[10] Improper lifestyles.
Late nights for those who sleep late and waking only at noon when the sun is overhead is never healthy. These people will miss out their most important meals, their breakfast and the early refreshing air at day break.
Dawn is an exceptionally beautiful part of the day where birds resume their singing and butterflies and bees buzzing with their daily chores. Of course, late nights are usually accompanied with dancing through the night, drinking and enjoying life in pub and nightclubs.
When one is suppose to sleep when the sun sets, they are wide awake, when the sun rises, they are too tired to wake up. Life should be treasured and there are facts and proves that late nights are beauty robbers, late nights are never good for our detox organs in our body.
Of course there are other reasons besides the above mentioned. To be health-conscious is the first step towards caring our own health. Don't join the trend or crowd that lives life upside down. We are no nocturnal animals that can see in the dark and all of us are supposed to rest when the sun is down. Be health- smart, be health conscious, be loving to our body, for the sake of yourself and your loved ones.
Here are some reasons why a person might fall sick. Read through, it might be one of your bad habits.
[1] Long term imbalanced diets.
'Not too much of just anything, but not a bit lacking' is the main requisite towards good health when consuming foods. Over consuming of the wrong foods will also cause 'dis-eases', and deficiency of just any vital nutrients will be fatal too. One must follow the healthy food pyramids.
[2] Environmental pollutants
Highly polluted residing places will in the long term let inhabitants be exposed to toxic wastes, heavy metals and free radicals that tire out our immune system. Once our immune system is weakened, many health problems will come.
[3] Unstable emotions
That create emotional turmoil can also cause dis-eases. Anger, hatred, guilt, fear, stress, worries and suspicions will create negative responses that indirectly affect our appetite, our sleeping and resting mode and assimilation of nutrients from our food. It also affects our breathing system.
[4] Unseen pressure or stressful living
This also contribute to mental stress that sometimes leads to uncontrollable anger or temper. Deadlines and responsibilities contribute to temporary insanity or mental breakdown too often found in highly stressed beings. All of us have limitations..
[5] Yin and Yang imbalance
It refers to a wide topic that might range from over-working, over-eating, over-drinking, over-indulging, over-sleeping, over-loading, over-intoxicating, over-sexed, over-heating, over-cooling or deficiencies of the just mentioned actions.
Too yin or too yang will create illness of uneven distribution of energies. The best answer should be that all things should be in moderation, within safe limits and smartly balanced. Never go against Mother Nature.
[6] Abnormal metabolism
Disorders or abnormal metabolism can be due to defects of certain genes that are inborn errors. Some diseases are then caused by accumulation of toxic substances which might interfere with normal functions that reduce ability to synthesize essential compounds. It just doesn't work right.
[7] Poor excretory system
And poor blood circulatory system and poor detoxifying abilities. Our lungs, our skins, our liver and our kidney must be in tiptop condition to do the excretory work to maintain a clean body environment freed of unwanted wastes, toxins and cholesterols or uric acids.
Since most of them comes from improper of food intakes, detoxification can be practised to cleanse our body system. It can be in the form of fasting, semi-fast, juicing or just any detoxifying job.
[8] Free radicals
from the air, from water and foods should be avoided because it creates havoc in our body system. Our body cells from certain parts of our body will grow abnormally and that might kill us at the end of the day.
[9] body lack of oxygen.
A body lacking oxygen will feel fatigue and tires easily. Not enough nutrients and oxygen supplied to our brains will be brain-damaging which is irreversible and a sad thing to admit.
[10] Improper lifestyles.
Late nights for those who sleep late and waking only at noon when the sun is overhead is never healthy. These people will miss out their most important meals, their breakfast and the early refreshing air at day break.
Dawn is an exceptionally beautiful part of the day where birds resume their singing and butterflies and bees buzzing with their daily chores. Of course, late nights are usually accompanied with dancing through the night, drinking and enjoying life in pub and nightclubs.
When one is suppose to sleep when the sun sets, they are wide awake, when the sun rises, they are too tired to wake up. Life should be treasured and there are facts and proves that late nights are beauty robbers, late nights are never good for our detox organs in our body.
Of course there are other reasons besides the above mentioned. To be health-conscious is the first step towards caring our own health. Don't join the trend or crowd that lives life upside down. We are no nocturnal animals that can see in the dark and all of us are supposed to rest when the sun is down. Be health- smart, be health conscious, be loving to our body, for the sake of yourself and your loved ones.
10 major tips to put cancer at bay..
I have lived with cancer patients, have seen and understood their ailing conditions, felt the pain, the fear, the stress, the hopeless feelings and realized how much it affected their loved ones.
I have surveyed a location where there were 10 homes at a small corner of my stay where 10 families resided. From my survey, I came to know that there were 8 cases of cancer, ranging from 2 leukemia, breast cancer, 2 uterus cancer, bone cancer and colon cancer. Out of the 8 cancer cases, left only 2 who are still living until now. The rest of them didn't survive the clutch of death, most of them suffering and dying a miserable death.
From my years of experiences in holistic approaches in preventive cures, I hereby would like to share some tips about cancer-prevention. Cancer can be defeated. Here are 10 tips on how to prevent it.
[1] Consume more beans, it prevent cells mutation
[2] Consume a variety of natural foods that contains high antioxidants.
[3] Eat 5 servings of vegetables and 3 servings of fruits per day. Best taken raw which is rich in life-enhancing enzymes. Make sure that they are from organic sources.
[4] Be conscious of our weight, don't over eat or stuff oneself, most cancer cases comes from overeating wrong foods and drinks.
[5] Exercising moderately, go for stretching and proper breathing and make sure that our body cells are well irrigated with oxygen.
[6] Don't eat burnt foods or stale fats. Fats easily go bad and are unstable and contains carcinogens when overheated or disturbed. [Beware of groundnuts, rich in fats but when those fats have distorted or gone stale, will taste weird, don't eat]
[7] Eat meats or fish sparingly [too acidic in nature]
[8] Refrain from too much alcohol drinks, refrain from smoking [don't purposely poison our body]
[9] Don't eat canned, processed, preserved foods that are high in carcinogens or preservatives, artificial flavourings and colorings
[10] Possess a positive attitude, understand about hope, love and the power of self-affirmation of good health
Prevention is so much better than cure. Spend our money wisely. Humans actually don't fall sick easily. Humans are extremely tough and strong when taken well cared of. Be grateful that our hearts, our lungs, our kidneys and livers have been working for us the many years until now.
Of course, be thankful that our earth is richly endowed with plentiful of vegetables, fruits and herbs that can prevent cancer at the first place.
I have surveyed a location where there were 10 homes at a small corner of my stay where 10 families resided. From my survey, I came to know that there were 8 cases of cancer, ranging from 2 leukemia, breast cancer, 2 uterus cancer, bone cancer and colon cancer. Out of the 8 cancer cases, left only 2 who are still living until now. The rest of them didn't survive the clutch of death, most of them suffering and dying a miserable death.
From my years of experiences in holistic approaches in preventive cures, I hereby would like to share some tips about cancer-prevention. Cancer can be defeated. Here are 10 tips on how to prevent it.
[1] Consume more beans, it prevent cells mutation
[2] Consume a variety of natural foods that contains high antioxidants.
[3] Eat 5 servings of vegetables and 3 servings of fruits per day. Best taken raw which is rich in life-enhancing enzymes. Make sure that they are from organic sources.
[4] Be conscious of our weight, don't over eat or stuff oneself, most cancer cases comes from overeating wrong foods and drinks.
[5] Exercising moderately, go for stretching and proper breathing and make sure that our body cells are well irrigated with oxygen.
[6] Don't eat burnt foods or stale fats. Fats easily go bad and are unstable and contains carcinogens when overheated or disturbed. [Beware of groundnuts, rich in fats but when those fats have distorted or gone stale, will taste weird, don't eat]
[7] Eat meats or fish sparingly [too acidic in nature]
[8] Refrain from too much alcohol drinks, refrain from smoking [don't purposely poison our body]
[9] Don't eat canned, processed, preserved foods that are high in carcinogens or preservatives, artificial flavourings and colorings
[10] Possess a positive attitude, understand about hope, love and the power of self-affirmation of good health
Prevention is so much better than cure. Spend our money wisely. Humans actually don't fall sick easily. Humans are extremely tough and strong when taken well cared of. Be grateful that our hearts, our lungs, our kidneys and livers have been working for us the many years until now.
Of course, be thankful that our earth is richly endowed with plentiful of vegetables, fruits and herbs that can prevent cancer at the first place.
Friday, February 9, 2007
God's Knowledge is beyond the scope of material knowledge...
Realize the "I" in all...
You may feel that spirituality
is too abstract and not easily comprehensible.
The God's Principle cannot be understood
and realized by merely gathering material knowledge.
In fact, God's Knowledge is beyond
the scope of material knowledge.
It is transcendental.
It is at the base of all forms of knowledge.
If one is able to realize this God's Knowledge,
he can easily realize every other aspect.
The fundamental question for the basis
for everything in this universe is:
"Who am I?"
If you enquire
within yourself
as to who you really are,
you will ultimately realize
the Truth that the "I" principle
is nothing but God.
Develop firm faith in that God's Knowledge.
from a divine source
You may feel that spirituality
is too abstract and not easily comprehensible.
The God's Principle cannot be understood
and realized by merely gathering material knowledge.
In fact, God's Knowledge is beyond
the scope of material knowledge.
It is transcendental.
It is at the base of all forms of knowledge.
If one is able to realize this God's Knowledge,
he can easily realize every other aspect.
The fundamental question for the basis
for everything in this universe is:
"Who am I?"
If you enquire
within yourself
as to who you really are,
you will ultimately realize
the Truth that the "I" principle
is nothing but God.
Develop firm faith in that God's Knowledge.
from a divine source
Don't grieve when somebody point a finger at you..
"If you are a target for the envious, do not grieve; children throw stones against trees laden with fruits."
Oriental proverbs
I like this phrase very much, it is a wise oriental proverb that teaches us not to heed too much on people's remarks on who we are or what we do. Take it lightly as not to be provoked. Take it cool as not to reveal any negative emotions. The least provoked, the better one can hold the situation. oh, yes, my dear friends.... just don't get easily provoked!
"There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.."
Oscar Wild
Happiness is in the sharing.....
Oriental proverbs
I like this phrase very much, it is a wise oriental proverb that teaches us not to heed too much on people's remarks on who we are or what we do. Take it lightly as not to be provoked. Take it cool as not to reveal any negative emotions. The least provoked, the better one can hold the situation. oh, yes, my dear friends.... just don't get easily provoked!
"There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.."
Oscar Wild
Happiness is in the sharing.....
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Spirituality between husband and wife...
Make our marriage holy...
The man holds the hand of the woman for life,
and they take a solemn oath of complete union -
the union that binds both their strengths,
dissolving each of their differences
in which they lose all body consciousness with each other.
They sacrifice each of their minds
until each thought has synchronized
into one melodious compromising tune -
enwrapping their spirits into the one embrace
that results in the birth of their love -
The face of which, will always
remind them of their blessed union.
In the perfect union, the man is the provider -
the woman will only sacrifice;
the man is the protector -
the woman will only love;
the man symbolizes truth -
the woman depicts faith;
the man stands upon
the grounds of determination
The woman will reach with hope;
the man accomplishes
with the power of his strength -
the woman is complete
with the softness of her compassion;
the man believes in discipline -
the woman believe in forgiveness;
the man, My child, is the intellect -
The woman is the heart -
the pure heart, My child,
will always awaken the true intellect,
the union of which, will reach inward to find God.
Marriage is perfect,
only when one considers
the other as his own self.
Your willingness to offer forgiveness,
will surely become its radiance.
One will never compete
to win against his own self.
Know, My dears,
that in a marriage,
accepting the challenge
to compete will be its biggest loss.
Do not demean
this blessed union
by arguing and fighting,
for the pain you will inflict upon the other,
will only leave you hurt and isolated.
The bliss of union
can only be experienced
when one tries, at all times, to please -
when one swallows the pill of pride
and forgets the taste of its bitterness -
when one hopes that the other smiles
even in the midst of sorrowful tears -
when one's own protective love
for the other becomes his own security of that bond -
And when one reaches out
with all his spiritual limbs
to touch and caress the soul of his mate.
The beauty of marriage
lies when you have truly given
your self away to the other.
When one offers the God within him,
the other is bound to embrace you,
fully, receiving this precious gift.
Do not abhor each other for your weaknesses -
instead, become the strength that will,
one day, allow the weakness to make
its shameful exit.
Respect, My dears, your closeness -
do not pollute it by taking advantage
of each other's unspoken secrets.
The home will be a temple,
only when the man and the woman
find peace with each other.
Let the marriage be silent
with your sacrifices
and compromises and not
with hatred or stubbornness.
Make the other life your priority -
your duty - your love. Give,
My dears, for the mate will only
reflect all that you have given!
Your complaints of him
are nothing but your expectations -
the more that one complains -
the more he expects and
the lesser he has to give.
In whatever religion -
in whichever country,
each ceremony is performed
in the presence of God.
Let that purity
reflect in your relationship.
God is only the giver -
never the taker!
You, My dears,
are the gift of contentment
God gives to the other.
Let him experience your stability -
let him learn from your sacrifice -
let him taste your pleasantness.
One day, God promises,
that your endurance will make God's gift -
Yes! the gift of you to him - his very life!
from a divine source
The man holds the hand of the woman for life,
and they take a solemn oath of complete union -
the union that binds both their strengths,
dissolving each of their differences
in which they lose all body consciousness with each other.
They sacrifice each of their minds
until each thought has synchronized
into one melodious compromising tune -
enwrapping their spirits into the one embrace
that results in the birth of their love -
The face of which, will always
remind them of their blessed union.
In the perfect union, the man is the provider -
the woman will only sacrifice;
the man is the protector -
the woman will only love;
the man symbolizes truth -
the woman depicts faith;
the man stands upon
the grounds of determination
The woman will reach with hope;
the man accomplishes
with the power of his strength -
the woman is complete
with the softness of her compassion;
the man believes in discipline -
the woman believe in forgiveness;
the man, My child, is the intellect -
The woman is the heart -
the pure heart, My child,
will always awaken the true intellect,
the union of which, will reach inward to find God.
Marriage is perfect,
only when one considers
the other as his own self.
Your willingness to offer forgiveness,
will surely become its radiance.
One will never compete
to win against his own self.
Know, My dears,
that in a marriage,
accepting the challenge
to compete will be its biggest loss.
Do not demean
this blessed union
by arguing and fighting,
for the pain you will inflict upon the other,
will only leave you hurt and isolated.
The bliss of union
can only be experienced
when one tries, at all times, to please -
when one swallows the pill of pride
and forgets the taste of its bitterness -
when one hopes that the other smiles
even in the midst of sorrowful tears -
when one's own protective love
for the other becomes his own security of that bond -
And when one reaches out
with all his spiritual limbs
to touch and caress the soul of his mate.
The beauty of marriage
lies when you have truly given
your self away to the other.
When one offers the God within him,
the other is bound to embrace you,
fully, receiving this precious gift.
Do not abhor each other for your weaknesses -
instead, become the strength that will,
one day, allow the weakness to make
its shameful exit.
Respect, My dears, your closeness -
do not pollute it by taking advantage
of each other's unspoken secrets.
The home will be a temple,
only when the man and the woman
find peace with each other.
Let the marriage be silent
with your sacrifices
and compromises and not
with hatred or stubbornness.
Make the other life your priority -
your duty - your love. Give,
My dears, for the mate will only
reflect all that you have given!
Your complaints of him
are nothing but your expectations -
the more that one complains -
the more he expects and
the lesser he has to give.
In whatever religion -
in whichever country,
each ceremony is performed
in the presence of God.
Let that purity
reflect in your relationship.
God is only the giver -
never the taker!
You, My dears,
are the gift of contentment
God gives to the other.
Let him experience your stability -
let him learn from your sacrifice -
let him taste your pleasantness.
One day, God promises,
that your endurance will make God's gift -
Yes! the gift of you to him - his very life!
from a divine source
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
What one MUST know and do when one is over 40 yrs old...
Several things to observe..when one is over 40 years old.... 'Your immune system is, you win, you live, you lose, you die! '
[1] maintain ideal weight - cut down on carbohydrates, fats and sugars. always maintain an ideal weight, learn how to eat by steps... Know about food combination.
[2] cut down on meats, can go vegetarian for health purpose. Because all meats contain high cholesterol, uric acids, hidden fats
[3] more frequent health checks [all sicknesses can be curbed at its early stage]
[4] be committed to do some exercises, start off with 'soft' exercises, like stretching, aging starts from our leg. Learn to squat and stand and vise-visa, at the same time learning about proper breathing and how to exhale negatives, exhale stress and inhale blessings and strength
[5] keep a positive attitude - keep the law of love, [learn how to love and to be in love] law of attraction and law of life and law of harvest, be amongst a positive environment with genuine and positive friends
[6] Know about anti-aging - you will love to know how one's body ages. This is a must to know. Know about the miracle foods that keeps one as young and as beautiful as one deserves.
[7] Boost immune system - one is always fighting against bacteria, germs, virus.. you win, you live, you lose, you die
[8] Go for detox program - once in two or three months, do a detoxification. One can do a semi-fast with drinking only juices or eating only raw fruits and vegetables for a period of 7 days
[9] Tune to look into spiritual wealth and health - meditation is recommended [get to know this interesting fact, our immortal soul, the 'True Self' is embedded inside our mortal body... and it lives forever...]
[10] Next step - watch out for the menopause when one is going into the fifties....this is another great topic to write... aging gracefully to be exact. Under the 'repair system', one should move on to 'dare one to live 100!'
This is just a very brief introduction. If you are interested, do your homework, go and look out for details about the above tips........ Be geared towards being a healthier and happier person!
[1] maintain ideal weight - cut down on carbohydrates, fats and sugars. always maintain an ideal weight, learn how to eat by steps... Know about food combination.
[2] cut down on meats, can go vegetarian for health purpose. Because all meats contain high cholesterol, uric acids, hidden fats
[3] more frequent health checks [all sicknesses can be curbed at its early stage]
[4] be committed to do some exercises, start off with 'soft' exercises, like stretching, aging starts from our leg. Learn to squat and stand and vise-visa, at the same time learning about proper breathing and how to exhale negatives, exhale stress and inhale blessings and strength
[5] keep a positive attitude - keep the law of love, [learn how to love and to be in love] law of attraction and law of life and law of harvest, be amongst a positive environment with genuine and positive friends
[6] Know about anti-aging - you will love to know how one's body ages. This is a must to know. Know about the miracle foods that keeps one as young and as beautiful as one deserves.
[7] Boost immune system - one is always fighting against bacteria, germs, virus.. you win, you live, you lose, you die
[8] Go for detox program - once in two or three months, do a detoxification. One can do a semi-fast with drinking only juices or eating only raw fruits and vegetables for a period of 7 days
[9] Tune to look into spiritual wealth and health - meditation is recommended [get to know this interesting fact, our immortal soul, the 'True Self' is embedded inside our mortal body... and it lives forever...]
[10] Next step - watch out for the menopause when one is going into the fifties....this is another great topic to write... aging gracefully to be exact. Under the 'repair system', one should move on to 'dare one to live 100!'
This is just a very brief introduction. If you are interested, do your homework, go and look out for details about the above tips........ Be geared towards being a healthier and happier person!
No peace in this world, because you only see pieces!
This world is in pieces, that is why there is no peace!
you do not find peace
anywhere in the world.
You see only pieces!
In fact,
people are breaking
their heart into pieces.
How then can peace be acquired?
There is only one solution to this problem.
Love God.
Have faith in God.
Surrender unto Him.
Dedicate your whole life to God
and carry on every activity
of yours as an offering to Him.
Let all your activities
be helpful to others.
Help ever, hurt never.
If you wish to be always happy,
pray for the welfare of others.
This is the spiritual exercise
that you should undertake.
Spirituality does not mean
simplyattending just any worships,
or performing some acts of worship.
Cultivate noble qualities.
Always pray for the welfare of all.
Let's come together and pray that
all beings of the world be happy!
from a divine source
you do not find peace
anywhere in the world.
You see only pieces!
In fact,
people are breaking
their heart into pieces.
How then can peace be acquired?
There is only one solution to this problem.
Love God.
Have faith in God.
Surrender unto Him.
Dedicate your whole life to God
and carry on every activity
of yours as an offering to Him.
Let all your activities
be helpful to others.
Help ever, hurt never.
If you wish to be always happy,
pray for the welfare of others.
This is the spiritual exercise
that you should undertake.
Spirituality does not mean
simplyattending just any worships,
or performing some acts of worship.
Cultivate noble qualities.
Always pray for the welfare of all.
Let's come together and pray that
all beings of the world be happy!
from a divine source
Monday, February 5, 2007
Divine love is giving, worldly love is receiving...
People should
understand the distinction
between worldly love and spiritual love.
Worldly love is based on the desire to receive.
Divine love yearns to give.
God's love goes on giving.
This is the true mark of divinity.
It is a sign of purity.
Spirituality is
opposed to the ways of the world.
Worldly activities cannot always be avoided.
But if whatever is done is made an offering
to please God, it gets sanctified.
from a divine source
understand the distinction
between worldly love and spiritual love.
Worldly love is based on the desire to receive.
Divine love yearns to give.
God's love goes on giving.
This is the true mark of divinity.
It is a sign of purity.
Spirituality is
opposed to the ways of the world.
Worldly activities cannot always be avoided.
But if whatever is done is made an offering
to please God, it gets sanctified.
from a divine source
The powerful mother-child love... always be grateful, feel it..
Love is the most powerful positive emotion...tap it!
Sunday, February 4, 2007
My child... once you understand your True Self...you will be a healthier and happier person..
Spiritual health is also important....
Once you have called upon the self - it will emanate from within it's biggest gifts of peace and joy, giving one stability and security in the biggest of sorrows. Peace is the weight, My child, that will balance both happiness and sorrow in one pain - reacting with indifference to both and desiring none.
Man, in his ignorance, forgets that all through this journey to reach God - God is at all times, with him, in him and around him. The man that makes the vacation his home, will pay dearly for his stay, and in his ignorance of self inflicted suffering of worries, will lose the privilege of residing in his permanent home.
Any other, will serve you only temporarily, as long as you will handsomely reward him with some kind of payment - the mother, on the other hand, will serve you with no motive, other than her selfless love for you.
Every enticing diversion must be resisted by the enforcement of one's self discipline - for the one that turns away from God's path, will return, one day, only after he has been robbed of all inner strengths. The tears of hopelessness and desperation will, once again, awaken within him the love for God that will bring him back to the same point on the path on which he had left. With so many breaks in your journey, how can you, My child, even remember the purpose of this walk?
Keep the rest stops to a minimum, and know, O child, that the one that stops you in this pilgrimage, is not the true love. The one that fills you with the guilt for loving God is, himself, guilty of the sin of being possessive. The one that grabs your time away from God, is none other than another mask of Mother delusion.
It is hard to admit to yourselves that the one you believed to be the giver of love was nothing but the taker and possessor of your internal peace. Leave behind all those who use emotion as their weapon to bind you. Do not be entangled in the webs they weave - leave them in God's care and continue your walk of prayer, alone, leaving behind the mind that worries.
from a divine source
Once you have called upon the self - it will emanate from within it's biggest gifts of peace and joy, giving one stability and security in the biggest of sorrows. Peace is the weight, My child, that will balance both happiness and sorrow in one pain - reacting with indifference to both and desiring none.
Man, in his ignorance, forgets that all through this journey to reach God - God is at all times, with him, in him and around him. The man that makes the vacation his home, will pay dearly for his stay, and in his ignorance of self inflicted suffering of worries, will lose the privilege of residing in his permanent home.
Any other, will serve you only temporarily, as long as you will handsomely reward him with some kind of payment - the mother, on the other hand, will serve you with no motive, other than her selfless love for you.
Every enticing diversion must be resisted by the enforcement of one's self discipline - for the one that turns away from God's path, will return, one day, only after he has been robbed of all inner strengths. The tears of hopelessness and desperation will, once again, awaken within him the love for God that will bring him back to the same point on the path on which he had left. With so many breaks in your journey, how can you, My child, even remember the purpose of this walk?
Keep the rest stops to a minimum, and know, O child, that the one that stops you in this pilgrimage, is not the true love. The one that fills you with the guilt for loving God is, himself, guilty of the sin of being possessive. The one that grabs your time away from God, is none other than another mask of Mother delusion.
It is hard to admit to yourselves that the one you believed to be the giver of love was nothing but the taker and possessor of your internal peace. Leave behind all those who use emotion as their weapon to bind you. Do not be entangled in the webs they weave - leave them in God's care and continue your walk of prayer, alone, leaving behind the mind that worries.
from a divine source
Love is in the air.....tap it and treasure it! Learn to love and to be loved!
To love and to be loved... for all gentle men and gentle ladies..

and gentle ladies..
be dear to your loved ones..
be near and clear to your loved ones...
Just a tease will be good..
Just a light kiss will be good enough..
Just a little drink will be fine..
Just a loving word will do...
Spend some gifts on her.....
Spend some time with your love...
Give her a loving and comforting touch..
Give her what you had once upon promised her..
Treasure what you have in hand..
My dearest... treasure all...
A bird in our hands is more precious..
My dearest... than all the birds in the bushes..
Go ahead...yes, love will make her smile.
Go ahead, yes, love will make her shine..
Just do it! learn to say something...
Just do it! learn to do something...
to love and to be loved............message to all..
Happy Valentine Day? oh, yes...soon... Hold me tight....dedicated to all those in love...

Happy are those to love..
Happy are those loving..
Pleasing to the eyes of the beloved..
Pleasing to hear just our beloved voice...
Pleasing to just hold you tight..
Not today only, not tomorrow only..
Not just tomorrow..be for all the morrows...
Not just for a moment, for all moments...
Love is only for you...only for you..
Be my love, yes...forever....be my love...
Be my darling, yes...forever be my darling..
Let the songs of love be sang..
Let the songs of music be played...
Let the songs of life be created...
Yes, my beloved...yes.....my dearest....
Yes, my beloved....yes.....my darling...
Yes, oh yes! my beloved....
Holding you tight in my embrace...
Holding you close, never to let you go..
Holding you dear, never to let you go...
Let me forget all worries, all tasks..
Let me forget all hard days and nights..
and drowning myself in your sweetness...
My dears..to love and to be loved..
what have you prepared for your that special one on valentine day?
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Be a human with human values...
man is subjected
to untold suffering
because he lacks human values.
That which has the
innate capability
to burn is called fire.
In the same manner,
only the one
with human values
is a human being.
One bereft of human values
is not a human being at all.
You may be highly educated
and occupying an exalted position,
but if you lack human values,
you will be considered inhuman.
Hence, drive away evil qualities
in the first instance.
from a divine source
man is subjected
to untold suffering
because he lacks human values.
That which has the
innate capability
to burn is called fire.
In the same manner,
only the one
with human values
is a human being.
One bereft of human values
is not a human being at all.
You may be highly educated
and occupying an exalted position,
but if you lack human values,
you will be considered inhuman.
Hence, drive away evil qualities
in the first instance.
from a divine source
The barber can't believe that God exists...
A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed. As the barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. They talked about so many things and various subjects.
When they eventually touched on the subject of God the barber said: "I don't believe that God exists."
"Why do you say that?" asked the customer.
"Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn't exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't imagine a loving a God who would allow all of these things."
The customer thought for a moment, but didn't respond because he didn't want to start an argument. The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop. Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard. He looked dirty and un-kept.
The customer turned back and entered the barbershop again and he said to the barber: "You know what? Barbers do not exist." "How can you say that?" asked the surprised barber. "I am here, and I am a barber. And I just worked on you!"
"No!" the customer exclaimed. "Barbers don't exist because if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside." "Ah, but barbers DO exist! What happens is, people do not come to me."
"Exactly!"- affirmed the customer. "That's the point! God, too, DOES exist! What happens, is, people don't go to Him and do not look for Him. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world." If you know God exists, share with other people---If you think God does not exist, forget it!
BE BLESSED & BE A BLESSING, from a divine source
When they eventually touched on the subject of God the barber said: "I don't believe that God exists."
"Why do you say that?" asked the customer.
"Well, you just have to go out in the street to realize that God doesn't exist. Tell me, if God exists, would there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed, there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't imagine a loving a God who would allow all of these things."
The customer thought for a moment, but didn't respond because he didn't want to start an argument. The barber finished his job and the customer left the shop. Just after he left the barbershop, he saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard. He looked dirty and un-kept.
The customer turned back and entered the barbershop again and he said to the barber: "You know what? Barbers do not exist." "How can you say that?" asked the surprised barber. "I am here, and I am a barber. And I just worked on you!"
"No!" the customer exclaimed. "Barbers don't exist because if they did, there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside." "Ah, but barbers DO exist! What happens is, people do not come to me."
"Exactly!"- affirmed the customer. "That's the point! God, too, DOES exist! What happens, is, people don't go to Him and do not look for Him. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in the world." If you know God exists, share with other people---If you think God does not exist, forget it!
BE BLESSED & BE A BLESSING, from a divine source
Lovely mama's health - we are what we eat..

A picture is better than a thousand words, get to know those vitamins, minerals and phyt0-nutrients contained in these wonder foods, and be the 'wonder' mama of this 21st Century...
Love knows no regrets..

Valentine Day? Valentine mood?... show your love for your 'that special one'! The best love is that love that one has for each other matters more than the need of being together...
Happy are those..
who are in love..
and is loved..
and is cherished..
Happy are those,
who are to love..
and to be loved..
and love flourish..
Happy are those..
who loved deeply..
who loved unselfishly..
who loved bravely...
Happy are those,
who shed tears,
because of their years
of love stored within..
True love will stay..
True love will care..
True love will last....
True love will cure..
True love will grow..
True love will build..
True love will accept..
True love will be a sacrifice,...
For that special one,
For that special love,
For that special kind..
For that special tie...
Happy Valentine Day! too early? tomorrow? next week? well..should be everyday..

Love is love...
Love is blind..
Love is strength
Love is courage, grasp it!
Love is a start,
Love is a season,
Love is a reason..
Love is a treasure, enjoy it!
Love is obvious,
Love is distinctive,
Love is radiance,
Love covers all distance, know it!
Love is eternal..
Love is unconditional..
Love is understanding..
Love is strengthening., love it!.
Love is giving..
Love is forgiving....
Love is enduring...
Love is long-suffering, feel it!
Cheers to those..
who loved deeply..
who loved unselfishly..
who loved bravely...
Cheers to those..
who loved strongly..
who loved faithfully..
who loved persistently....
For all those who dare dreams loving dreams... Valentine mood?
Valentine gifts...to those who dare to love deep and strong..

Love is in the air...
Love is in our eyes...
Love is in our face.
Love is in our smiles, tap it!
Love is in our hands..,
Love is in our hearts
Love is in our thoughts..
Love is in our actions, reveal it!
Love is sweet.
Love is patient
Love is unique,
Love is happiness, reap it!.
Love is patient
Love is unique,
Love is happiness, reap it!.
Love is living...
Love is creating.....
Love is warming...
Love is rewarding, achieve it!
Love is sharing,
Love is glowing..
Love is enlightening
Love is overpowering, taste it!
Love is admiring...
Love is attracting....
Love is enchanting...
Love is endearing, prove it!.
Love is in the air..
Love is in the wind..
Love is in the sky.
Love is in the universe, tap it!
Wishing all lovers and beloved have a happy romantic Valentine Day...soon..
Friday, February 2, 2007
is the strength
from the past
that will guide
the present
and will save the future.
reveals itself only to
relieve its finder
and to release him,
forever, from the
blinding bandage of bondage!
from a divine source
is the strength
from the past
that will guide
the present
and will save the future.
reveals itself only to
relieve its finder
and to release him,
forever, from the
blinding bandage of bondage!
from a divine source
You have cut your wings with the disease of hatred..
'you want to fly, but you cut your wings with 'hatred'..'
You have cut your wings
with the disease of hatred,
and yet you desire to fly.
Be content, My child,
with your feet,
learn to walk with steadiness.
Do not be swayed
by your imbalances,
overcome fatigue with determination.
Let each blister
become the sweet memory of the
strength of your endurance and faith in God.
Similarly, the name of the Lord
will relieve you from
the caustic nature that you have developed.
from a divine source
You have cut your wings
with the disease of hatred,
and yet you desire to fly.
Be content, My child,
with your feet,
learn to walk with steadiness.
Do not be swayed
by your imbalances,
overcome fatigue with determination.
Let each blister
become the sweet memory of the
strength of your endurance and faith in God.
Similarly, the name of the Lord
will relieve you from
the caustic nature that you have developed.
from a divine source
Grow the wings of purity...and soar to heights...
food for our True Self
from the aging body,
the raging mind
and the caging attachments -
Grow, My child,
the wings of purity
and then soar the heights
as the untouched soul.
from a divine source
from the aging body,
the raging mind
and the caging attachments -
Grow, My child,
the wings of purity
and then soar the heights
as the untouched soul.
from a divine source
Look at the Wonders of Nature.....waterfalls...
Be filled with courage..to move on..to go an extra mile..

If there is a will, there is always a way! Whatever our mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve!
I received this meaningful picture from a friend, thanks my friend, happiness is in the sharing....
Thursday, February 1, 2007
MELONS - do you also eat the whites of the water melons? well, it can be eaten actually... especially when blending, one can just peel off the outer skin; and the rest....all inside the blender, seeds and white or red flesh.....
Talking about melons…..yummy..yummy…. just good food, is it a fruit or a vegetable? Okay, it doesn’t matter much. Melons are melons…. Simple as that, but best of all, one can eat it raw or cooked. Be in a habit of having melons several times a week. It is a terrific fruit and vegetable. Best taken raw too.
Melons include pumpkins, watermelons, white gourds, bitter gourds, loofahs, ficus tikauas and cucumbers. They have great importance for clinical therapy. Pumpkins and watermelons contain an average of 4 mg% and 3 mg% of vitamin C, and 2.4 mg% and 0.17 mg% carotene respectively.
Pumpkins also contain 20.9 mg% of citruline and small amounts of vitamin B and glucose. Pumpkin seeds expel tapeworms and ascaris, kill blood fluke. It can also paralyze the middle and posterior segments of beef and pork tapeworms.
Watermelons also contain apple sugar, glucose and some minerals. And the skin and pulp of watermelons can produce a diuretic and hypotensive effect. This is actually a delicious fruit that is colorful and sweet fruit.
The content of vitamin C in white gourds is as high as 16 mg%, and they also contain a small amount of protein, sugar and sodium salts. Because of the low content of sodium salts, it can be used to promote urination and resolve edema in patients of nephritis.
Bitter gourds contain glycoside, 5-serotonin and many amino acids. A reducing blood sugar effect produced by bitter gourds was found in animal experiments, but the blood sugar level of diabetic patients could not be reduced in clinical trials.
Cucumbers contain glucose, fructose, xylose, rutin, vitamin B2 and vitamin C. The bitter taste in cucumber is due to the presence of cucurbitacin A, B, C and D. What do you think about cucumber? Cucumber is just such a cheap vegetable and some don’t even give a glance at this wonderful melon. That is a mistake, my dears, no, no, no…. you better change your opinion a bit…
So, by reading the above, one will be at least more aware of these wonderful melons of all types that come with all the goodness. I am keen in eating melons… I used to call it 'gua' in mandarin. I always recommend 3 'gua' for heaty relief for those who have consumed too much fried foods.
be sharing with you more on these wonderful melons...
Talking about melons…..yummy..yummy…. just good food, is it a fruit or a vegetable? Okay, it doesn’t matter much. Melons are melons…. Simple as that, but best of all, one can eat it raw or cooked. Be in a habit of having melons several times a week. It is a terrific fruit and vegetable. Best taken raw too.
Melons include pumpkins, watermelons, white gourds, bitter gourds, loofahs, ficus tikauas and cucumbers. They have great importance for clinical therapy. Pumpkins and watermelons contain an average of 4 mg% and 3 mg% of vitamin C, and 2.4 mg% and 0.17 mg% carotene respectively.
Pumpkins also contain 20.9 mg% of citruline and small amounts of vitamin B and glucose. Pumpkin seeds expel tapeworms and ascaris, kill blood fluke. It can also paralyze the middle and posterior segments of beef and pork tapeworms.
Watermelons also contain apple sugar, glucose and some minerals. And the skin and pulp of watermelons can produce a diuretic and hypotensive effect. This is actually a delicious fruit that is colorful and sweet fruit.
The content of vitamin C in white gourds is as high as 16 mg%, and they also contain a small amount of protein, sugar and sodium salts. Because of the low content of sodium salts, it can be used to promote urination and resolve edema in patients of nephritis.
Bitter gourds contain glycoside, 5-serotonin and many amino acids. A reducing blood sugar effect produced by bitter gourds was found in animal experiments, but the blood sugar level of diabetic patients could not be reduced in clinical trials.
Cucumbers contain glucose, fructose, xylose, rutin, vitamin B2 and vitamin C. The bitter taste in cucumber is due to the presence of cucurbitacin A, B, C and D. What do you think about cucumber? Cucumber is just such a cheap vegetable and some don’t even give a glance at this wonderful melon. That is a mistake, my dears, no, no, no…. you better change your opinion a bit…
So, by reading the above, one will be at least more aware of these wonderful melons of all types that come with all the goodness. I am keen in eating melons… I used to call it 'gua' in mandarin. I always recommend 3 'gua' for heaty relief for those who have consumed too much fried foods.
be sharing with you more on these wonderful melons...
Lemon is a citrus fruit that can be grown almost everywhere. It is still lemon though the shape might differ. Some are round, some oval and some quite big of size. Of course it is not as big as grapefruit. It is sour in taste, extremely sour, but when lemon juice enters our stomach, it is not 'sour' anymore. Mother Nature loves us so much that it is an easily available cheap fruit that all of us can get just anywhere. And that this fruit can 'neutralize' our access acidity in our body; at the same time carrying out its detoxifying job in our body.
Next time, when one sees lemon, reach out to take one to make some juice, or buy those lemons and bring them home. Place them in front of your table and remember to do something with that wonderful fruit. Lemons can be great ornamental fruits that brings color into our home, our house that should look healthy. And I love the distinctive, pungent smell of its skin....Oh, I love it so much....the smell, it so much refreshes us too..
For me, I will always have some stock of lemon in my fridge or on my table. There are actually so many things one can do with lemons. Believe me... for drinks, for our skin, for coughs, for cooking and for washing., fantastic 'oil cutter'. Don't throw away the rinds after squeezing the juice, just keep it for the day's dish cleaning or for your hands too!
I could still remember while I was in Rome that we saw lots of lemons on our breakfast table. Shapely golden yellow lemons! I love them. I couldn't refrain myself taking a few in my hands. Just then, my double diamond friend, Stephen saw it and commended... "That should be a valuable fruit that Lucy is holding." I nodded and said, "of course, this is one of the best fruit!" We were laughing because I was mentioning that for all those who enjoy eating, lemon is a must in our diet.
Fresh lemon is the only food in the world that is anionic, which means it carries a negative molecular charge. This does not apply to other citrus fruits such as lime or grapefruit, only to fresh lemon, the juice of which must be consumed freshly extracted in order to retain its detoxifying anionic properties.
The negative charge combined with its strong alkalizing effects makes fresh lemon juice one of the most powerful detoxifying supplements of all, and it may be used to assist any type of detox programme. It should always be taken on an empty stomach, mixed into a glass of pure water, without the addition of any sweeteners.
Fresh lemon juice assists the production of bile in the liver and without adequate bile production. It is impossible to properly digest food and assimilate nutrients without the help of our bile.
From my own experience, for those who have high cholesterol's and uric acids, one can lemon juice on empty stomach for a month. One must stop after a month. Too much of the good thing is also not good. The results fantastic! We can either blend the whole lemon or just extracting the juice to drink, but without sugar please...may add honey.
What else can we do to lemons? There are many.... it is just that my advise is 'DON'T FORGET LEMONS!"..when going shopping, you might be buying apples, oranges, pears and other fruits, just don't forget to buy some lemons!
Lemon is a citrus fruit that can be grown almost everywhere. It is still lemon though the shape might differ. Some are round, some oval and some quite big of size. Of course it is not as big as grapefruit. It is sour in taste, extremely sour, but when lemon juice enters our stomach, it is not 'sour' anymore. Mother Nature loves us so much that it is an easily available cheap fruit that all of us can get just anywhere. And that this fruit can 'neutralize' our access acidity in our body; at the same time carrying out its detoxifying job in our body.
Next time, when one sees lemon, reach out to take one to make some juice, or buy those lemons and bring them home. Place them in front of your table and remember to do something with that wonderful fruit. Lemons can be great ornamental fruits that brings color into our home, our house that should look healthy. And I love the distinctive, pungent smell of its skin....Oh, I love it so much....the smell, it so much refreshes us too..
For me, I will always have some stock of lemon in my fridge or on my table. There are actually so many things one can do with lemons. Believe me... for drinks, for our skin, for coughs, for cooking and for washing., fantastic 'oil cutter'. Don't throw away the rinds after squeezing the juice, just keep it for the day's dish cleaning or for your hands too!
I could still remember while I was in Rome that we saw lots of lemons on our breakfast table. Shapely golden yellow lemons! I love them. I couldn't refrain myself taking a few in my hands. Just then, my double diamond friend, Stephen saw it and commended... "That should be a valuable fruit that Lucy is holding." I nodded and said, "of course, this is one of the best fruit!" We were laughing because I was mentioning that for all those who enjoy eating, lemon is a must in our diet.
Fresh lemon is the only food in the world that is anionic, which means it carries a negative molecular charge. This does not apply to other citrus fruits such as lime or grapefruit, only to fresh lemon, the juice of which must be consumed freshly extracted in order to retain its detoxifying anionic properties.
The negative charge combined with its strong alkalizing effects makes fresh lemon juice one of the most powerful detoxifying supplements of all, and it may be used to assist any type of detox programme. It should always be taken on an empty stomach, mixed into a glass of pure water, without the addition of any sweeteners.
Fresh lemon juice assists the production of bile in the liver and without adequate bile production. It is impossible to properly digest food and assimilate nutrients without the help of our bile.
From my own experience, for those who have high cholesterol's and uric acids, one can lemon juice on empty stomach for a month. One must stop after a month. Too much of the good thing is also not good. The results fantastic! We can either blend the whole lemon or just extracting the juice to drink, but without sugar please...may add honey.
What else can we do to lemons? There are many.... it is just that my advise is 'DON'T FORGET LEMONS!"..when going shopping, you might be buying apples, oranges, pears and other fruits, just don't forget to buy some lemons!
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