Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Listen with a positive ear and heart.. and do not jump to negative conclusions.. It might not be the prob of the body, it could be the mind...

One day, John heard Alice saying...
She was saying that she was real tired..
So, I just happen to meet Alice..
Since they are all my people in business..
I am just as concerned...

We thought that she needed rest...
But then I was listening to her talking...
And you know what I discovered?
It is not that her body is tired..
But that she is tired financially...

Jump not into conclusion
on what people says..
Jump not into conclusion
on what you hear...
It might not be what you
what to hear or know...

Life is good, listen with a positive ear and heart...

Giving a wrong impression
of someone is not good...
Giving the wrong advice
is not helpful and proper too...
Be very careful of what we hear
or know from unknown sources..
Wrong clues, improper impression,
wrong advises are not welcomed..

Don't we want to put things right?
So, do not join the crowd to spread rumors..
Do not join the crowd to add in more spices...
You won't know how negative impacts will affect a person..
If he or she is weak... you have unknowingly be causing them pain...

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