Monday, August 8, 2011

There is no need to attend to selfish needs.. this is what the selfish recognizes in another selfish is encouraging him to continue his..

There is no need to attend
to someone's selfish needs..
this is what the selfish recognizes
in another selfish attitude..

It is encouraging him...
to continue his bad habits..
A lesson should be taught..
To make him realize his faults..

Patience is running out..
We won't have much time then...
To guide such selfish souls..
Till we lose our balance of life...

He who doesn't want
to be reconstructed for the better...
Will cling to his own grounds..
But sooner something will be done..

For good or for worst..
No one would like to befriend him..
Such selfish person needs no friends...
Leave the pain... least your tears rain...

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