Saturday, November 10, 2012

Part 2 .... Back to sky fruit.. have been giving sky fruits to some people and their responses are great..

[7] I gave some seeds to a 76 years old lady who had had stroke before and now on high blood pressure medication.  I told her to eat two a day.  After taking for a week, she found that her fluid retention of her legs have disappeared.  Now her legs are not swollen any more.  It brings back the flexibility of her legs.  She felt also better every time she goes to the toilet too.  No more stomach discomfort when she pass her stools now. Great, isn't it?

[8] A middle aged lady took sky fruit, twice a day for more than 3 weeks.  So far, so good, because she had  high blood pressure.  Her headache disappeared and she doesn't feel heaty anymore.  Her blood pressure now is normal.  She said her abdominal fat has lessened too.

[9] Another 50 years old man who has slightly higher blood sugar took sky fruit for two weeks too.  He found his blood sugar normal.. and one surprising fact is that his sexual appetite became normal.  Doctors always say ... ' the higher the blood sugar, the least active one's sexual needs'..

Great isn't it?  Cheap and effective.. GOD LOVES US SO MUCH...

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