Saturday, March 23, 2013

The worst type of misunderstanding is...

You ask a question, answer the question yourself and assume that the answer is correct!

You ask a question.. this means that you do not know the answer
Then you answer the question yourself.. this means you guess or assume it to be that answer without even investigating into the real situation
Lastly assuming that your answer is correct - this is passing a false statement

In such cases, self affirming the wrong answers will affect his speech, his teaching, his thinking, his deeds towards that situation of which I look at it as negative assuming and thinking.  Stay out of this negative in Page 1!  At the end of the day, someone himself is creating a storm, yet when heavy rain came, he start blaming others...

Think logic.. Speak reason... Think before we speak.  Live the carpenter rule, measure twice before one cut!

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