
Sunday, December 31, 2006

Goodbye 2006...... Hello 2007!

The bussiness of life is to go forward... with strength, will and determination... success will be so near then....

Wish all readers achieve your goals and dreams as swift as these 'thousand miles' horses will bring, to you and your family and your loved ones!

Goodbye 2006...

Another new year to come.....

Say goodbye to 2006....

Another ladder of success to climb....

Say goodbye to 2006..

It might not be the best 2006..

Definitely no pain, no gain....

It might not be a triumph 2006,

But the sun will shine again...

Be geared to welcome 2007...

Be motivated to move on...

Be happy to salute 2007..

Be glad that we still live on...

Our senses


Look and see all things positive..

Hear and heed good advices..

Say and talk well of others...

Touch and feel the love in all...

Feel at ease with Mother Nature....

Taste the joy and happiness in giving..

Smell little troubles, shoot them down before it becomes one...

Accept and embrace love for all....

Let's welcome 2007...


- You are unique, live out the real you!


- Enough is enough, go the extra mile...


- your Attitude will determine your altitude!


- Remind yourself of your goals, plan your work and work your plan.............


- 2 brains are better than 1, team up, work out to clone 2, to become 4, to become 8, 16, 32...


- Zero to start, hero to become


- Open to new ideas, we are now in a 21st Century..

7 - apply the 7 habits of highly effective people..oops, not only 7, but 8 now...

so, here is Lucy from Sibu wishing all readers a Happy and Prosperous New Year...

Remember to look at your health from all 4 dimensions, for a healthier and happier 2007.....

A year older, a year wiser....

A year older, a year wealthier..

A year older, a year healthier...

A year older, a year happier....

Cheers! Year 2007

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Saturday, December 30, 2006

The talking parrots...heed not what they say...

The talking parrots....don't bother them..., they themselves are not aware of what they say...

"the hunter is here, let's fly away.... the hunter is here, let's fly away..." all the parrots were warning other parrots about their danger and the hunter was so surprised that he stopped in his track and retrieved his nets and went back, empty-handed.......Hear this story of how to delete negative words...

There was once a hunter who hunted for talking birds and sold them for a living. He was quite poor. Finding no other jobs, he was forced to go uphills to catch parrots in the forest nearby. He had to start out early and walked into the forest and up the hill where these birds gather. Arriving at the hills, he would spread some corn and prepared the net. Then the parrots would fly down to eat the corns spread in the nets. By this way, the hunters could easily catch those birds. Most of the time, he would catch several dozens of these talking, colorful birds and sold them in the market...

One day, the hunter met a monk on his way back with his catch. The monk pitied the parrots and told the hunter to sell all the parrots to him. After buying the parrots, the monk set free all these parrots. He told the hunter not to go up the hills to catch anymore. He also told the hunter that he had taught the birds to talk and that the birds knew how to protect themselves from being caught. The monk told the hunter that he would not be able to catch any more of these parrots.

It was bad news to the hunter. He didn't believe the monk and the next day, set out to the nearby hills to catch his birds. Arriving at his destination, he again spread corns and set up his net. Soon the parrots came flying down to eat the corn. At the same time, these birds started talking....'the hunter is here, let's fly away.... the hunter is here, let's fly away....', warning each other..

The hunter was shocked to hear these parrots talking and spreading the news to other parrots. He was too disappointed to do anything and quickly retrieved his nets and went downhill. It was his bad day, he wasn't able to catch a single bird. He was hopeless, but couldn't do anything. As days passed by, he was facing great difficulties in catching other small animals. He promised himself that he would go up the hills to try to catch those birds again. He was dependent on these parrots for his living.

Early the next day, he set off towards the hill. Halfway, he met the monk again. He told the monk that he had no other choice but to resume his hunting for parrots. The monk sensing his trouble told him to go uphill and catch the parrots as usual, heedless of whatsoever the parrots are talking. Therefore, the hunter was comforted.

As usual, he set up the net, spread some seeds beneath it. Soon the parrots came, hungry for food, they flew into the nets picking up the foods at the same time saying 'the hunter is here, let's fly away..... the hunter is here, let's fly away...' Funny, isn't it? The birds were saying at the same time flying into the nets. The hunter quickly caught them despite those birds talking about flying away and that the hunter was there..... Yes, the hunter really caught all those birds by heeding the monk's advice. Not to listen to the meanings of what these birds were talking.

what is the message here?

It is teaching one not to heed any rumours or the meanings of people who join in the crowd to criticise or blame people. Just do what we ought to do, don't listen to rumours, to meaningless insults or remarks. Like another proverb that says... 'Let the dogs bark, the caravan still moves on'

Don't bother or take into hearts what these people are saying, especially the negatives remarks that are meant for nothing.

This is a story to make one aware that we shouldn't bother what people says because these people are not even aware of their mistakes.... these people do not even understand what they are listen and delete! For the good of oneself and others...remain calm even when provoked...

Saturday, 30 December, 2006

Friday, December 29, 2006

My 5 fingers to represent.......

"get a cleaver... I want to chop off this finger... I don't want this finger, it is no use' I told my daughters, they screamed with fright..yelling.........!...don't do that! It will be son's eyes were slightly red...... I thought I saw some tears....."

I have 4 daughters and 1 boy

Bing, my second daughter asked me, do you love me? who do you love most? who do you pamper most? You must love me the most, because I did the most work......... I washed for you, I cooked for you........

I showed my children my right hand, and asked them to count how many fingers I have? They say, 5, ok, let me use a chopper and chop off one finger. They screamed and stopped me and told me not to....

I bursted out laughing, I was joking with them..... How can I possibly inflict such an injury to myself? I told them what I meant...

Here are 5 fingers of mine that can also mean my 5 children. Which ever finger I chopped off will bring me the same pain as any finger that I choosed. That means, all are my fingers and all of them will inflict pain when injured or cut off!

My love for them are all the same! My 5 children that I treasure most are not just one, but all of them.

And all of them nodded in agreement with what I said, joking laughingly that no one is better in Mum's eyes....

They have learnt an invaluable lesson of love...

Friday, December 29, 2006

What is this spiritual health?

what is this spiritual health?

Spiritual health is expressed in the believer by bearing the 'fruit of the Spirit' which is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faith, modesty, meekness, temperance, patience, righteousness and truth. Believers will be enlightened and there is always a change of mind and heart which allows them to increasingly enjoy the benefits of spiritual health empowered by the holy spirit, and bearing the fruits thereof. It is the sum to everything of what we do to or invest in our body, emotion and mind that will eventually leads to improve and increase our spiritual values and wealth.

As explained in my other blogs, our immortal spirit is embedded in our human body, and our human body is made of blood and flesh that will die and rot! In another words, it is mortal, it can die one day but the spirit or soul will never die or be lost. It is immortal. Our body's life span is rarely over 100 years, but our spirit or soul will be eternal.......

Encaged inside one's mortal body, hidden by our subconscious mind, amidst mixed emotions and human's intelligence and accumulated experiences, there is this 'thing' called the spirit or the soul being detected and unfolded. Our spirit or soul is gradually detected by our efforts put in by our body, mind and emotions to reveal this priceless and eternal gift from God. This is something intangible, invisible and untouchable that leaves the body when it breathes its last. There is more to discover about this spiritual thing, so spiritual health is going to be manifested into our overall well-being that makes up the sum of it.

Is there a God or a Creator? Without intelligent intervention, does anything create itself? Does it just by chance that this universe is here?

So, there is this creator behind this marvelous and enchanting cosmos. He is Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent. He is worshipped as God using many names and in many forms by various people. Unity, brotherhood and devotion are essential goals for all of us. To promote these sacred qualities in mankind, some great souls sought to establish different religions.

Religion is not a restrictive concept. Religion is intended to develop the human personality and indicate the basic guidelines for right and proper living. Religion beings out the humanness in man and enables him to live in harmony with his fellowmen. It provides the link between the individual and the Divine. It also demonstrates the unity that underlies the diversity in creation.

Can you believe those things as above? Certain words that comes from the divine sources, certain things that one never thinks of or things that you have never heard of?

God is love, love is God, so it is definitely all closely related when we talk about spiritual values, wealth and health, and religion or divine sources or love.

As I always shared, to love means setting an example of caring and sharing. To be loved means expecting all of you to understand love and practise and follow those good examples. Please don't get me wrong and place me in the classification of 'male and female love'. It might sounds so, but it is genuine love for everybody, it is educare at its best! It is educare at its height! It is because I understand that we are all brothers and sisters in the eyes of God. It is the brotherhood or sisterhood that flows from my inner heart.

Just try to move on with this momentum of self-realization, just try to be influenced by this momentum of love-awareness, love-awakening force that will gradually spread from and to all corners of the earth and eventually be immersed in the sea of bliss and love. This awareness of love that fears no difficulties, that takes up even the toughest tasks, that evokes or melts the hardest heart to be realized in the realm of spiritual health and wealth. That there are nothing impossible nor boundaries of anything that our Creator won't be able to do.

Firstly, learn to understand that it all starts with a simple and easy way..... of showing love and accepting what is love..... Cleanse and purify our heart......

Secondly, try to get closer to those people who are in the pursuit of spiritual wealth and health. You will meet brothers and sisters that will be willing to share and encourage each other about spiritual knowledge, bliss and eternity. Search to constantly share spiritual knowledge from holy books, divine sources and bibles and encouraging each other to achieve the same goals of life, that is to increase and improve our spiritual health and wealth.

Thirdly, get into the environment where one can feel the spiritual enlightenment or bliss. It can be a church or a holy place where one can meditate or pray.

To achieve spiritual health as in our physical body, we also need to boost our immune system. Since it is the only road to eternity, one should be firm and persist in the pursuit of salvation. We need to ward off diseases like false teaching, temptations of flesh and soul, and survive all persecutions. One have to face all the inevitable that block the way towards achieving spiritual health. One have to meditate, be rejuvenated, rested, reflected through reading and practising spiritual activities.

To assume work as worship and fulfilling roles of spiritual richness or health amongst all believers and aspirants should never be neglected. Devotees should learn to be devoted to 'give and take'. A healthy diet will be to live on the Words of God as Words of life and practising sound doctrine. Follow and adhere to God's prescriptions for spiritual health. And most of all, be ready to be detached from the love of personal or material gains like money, position, fame and power. Be ready to lay down your ego, your attachments for this world and to let go.....this is the only road to gain spiritual wealth and health.

Remember that Love is God, God is Love?

How to rid 'negatives' and keep our mind 'clean'..

let me emphasize more on hygiene, cleanliness of the body and environment versus cleanliness of the mind. Read my two previous blogs before you can understand better.

one of your nasty neighbour swept her compound and dumped all the rubbish at your compound. she even added some rubbish from her rubbish bins, when you see it, you are furious and felt angry for what she has done to you. It was insulting, mean, bad, not considerate, selfish and an unkind act! Okay, all of us know these words to describe an unkind and illogical action.

What about if someone pours 'negatives' or 'rubbish' into our mind? What will you do? Well.... one just smile and welcomed it. MOreover, stored it and felt 'glad' to know them. And join the crowd to spread these 'tasty rumours' and enjoying oneself too. What are these 'rubbish' or 'negatives'? Too many people cannot recognize these 'rubbish' or 'negatives' in any form. Listen to me... heed my advice.... learn to un-install or delete or remove these 'negatives' that will degrade our mental and emotional health. Such an invisible 'dirtying' of our mind that we don't even recognize them, what a sad thing to happen!

Stop the game! Stop where you should stop at the first place. Don't delight yourself at the expense of others!Don't laugh at other's misfortunes, sneer at other's handicaps, look down at other's inabilities or just anyone. we are humans, not beasts, rite?

What are these 'negatives'? Where are these 'negative' sources? Where comes these 'rubbish'? they come from the different sources, especially the mass media, magazines, newspapers, videos, Internet, televisions, chats, radios, newsletters, mails, messages of degrading topics that leads to degeneration of all mankind. There is no 'boundaries' or 'laws' or what we call the police or good man to guard these issues, to prevent and censor these 'rubbish'. This is really an alarming sensitive issues of concern to all parents and teachers alike. Where any Internet sources of any kind can be so easily accessible, it is going to be a big problem. It is so easily spread and manifested in any forms and which are destroying the Morales and characters of immatures beings, despite of their age! Who cares? Who are concerned?

Who will rightfully and willingly stand out to stop the flow of 'negative knowledge' and restore 'positiveness' and love? Who have this power to do the restoring program? Who has this patience to keep the program going on? Where are these people?

Tell you what, start from each family, start from the parents, to educate and to care is the answer.... fear not, the righteous will always win in the name of love, in the name of truth, in the name of justice. in the name of peace, in the name of order and law! Parents, stand out! A thousand miles all start with the first step! A step a day, a pace a day, it works.

Don't you feel that our generations nowadays are more difficult to control and always deaf to our advises? Are our children getting more rebellious and uncontrollable compared to our times? Don't tell me that you don't care! You as parents should do this work as the policeman, to guard your family first. Don't be too busy in your job as to forsake the most valuable treasures in our homes, our children. They are future leaders, future rulers and must be trained with proper foundations of faith, trust, love and kindness..... justice.....and all the good qualities as one should have.

What will happen if we 'keep' and 'digest' these negatives? To know about it doesn't mean that you 'use' them... To know about negatives also doesn't mean that you 'keep' them. Most important of all we just need to recognize them..... but not to 'use' them or let them influence us negatively... All of us are great copycats... but copycatting the wrong systems, copycatting the wrong ways, copycatting 'dirt', and eventually be drowned with 'rubbish'! Eventually killing oneself with demeaning, disgraceful thoughts and actions and end the story in a drastic way.

Brain Waves A are being destroyed and destructed by Brain Waves B. Worst of all, allowing it to happen knowingly instead of unknowingly. Most of the time, it is the self that wills such a meaningless action when one feels hopeless or loveless! Here comes emotional balance, can you understand its importance? To be tuned at the correct brain waves is the skill in handling things correct and proper. NEVER EVER GO AGAINST MOTHER NATURE! We are just a little corner cell of Mother Earth, not the creator of Mother Earth. No one can go against the greatness of Mother Nature and win in this game. Look at the destruction and danger when Mother Earth boils, fumes, strikes, erupts, kneads and thrashes with anger. Look at the wind, the sun, the light, and the power natural phenomenas beholds....

Learn to be at peace with Mother Nature, yes, learn to understand her. Learn what Mother Nature means for us...the secrets of it, do more meditation, listen to our hearts, listen and heed its cries, its messages, its visions and missions as a human being. We are created to love, not to fight, we are created to enjoy, not to suffer, we are created to be at peace, not at war... It all starts from how we think!

Friday, 29 December, 2006

Food for our mind - to build strength....

Food for our mind - to build strength and be goal-orientated

Difficulties come and go like passing clouds.

You don't need to worry about them.

Keep your vision fixed on the sun.

sometimes, clouds cover the sun

But, have patience...

when the clouds move away,

the sun will be visible again.

In the same manner, the clouds of

worldly delusion come in the way of

spiritual vision.

In such situations,

you should not let your mind waver.

Have patience, the 'clouds' will recede and

the 'sun' will reappear in all its brilliance...

from a divine source

Our mothers, our wives.... cleanliness in mind..foods for thoughts..

Let me share with you about cleanliness, hygiene to be exact. Since I am always looking at health at a 4 angled dimension, I have come across numerous cases of women who suffered swollen, stiff, painful hands. Most of these women's hands are bruised, discolored, full of scars, and felt the numbness of the whole hand.

Maybe it is no new things to you, maybe you are one of them, maybe it is your mother or maybe it is your maid, or maybe it is your neighbor or friends. These women had suffered ever since they realized what were expected of a woman, as a mother or as a daughter-in-law! These women and their responsibilities of doing things as expected by everyone. These women were all to understand the meaning of a 'home-maker'.

Hear me, listen to me, NEVER EVER despise or look down upon an old woman, or your mother, your aged mother, who had sacrificed and suffered for the family. Her back bent, her face wrinkled, her hands sored, her weak legs, her toothless mouth, her slow movements, her pigmented hands, her constant sighs, her stiff and numb limbs, her carelessness, her lack of memories and her age..... Do you know that once upon a time, she was a pretty lady with dimples in her face, sparkles in her eyes and a smooth complexion, fair in complexion and attracted so many man? She was wrong to have attracted your father, that was what I mean? If your father has allowed such a tragedy to happen to her at that age.

She was spent! She was exploited! She was treated like a 'slave', a more correct word to describe a home-maker! Totally out of shape when compared to her younger days where she was ever so carefree! They are totally spent! Because of YOU and ME!

Alright, things are about how one thinks. How one looks at things. If a female or a girl is to know or could actually perceive what was expected of her when she marry, give birth, be a woman and a mother and those tedious jobs expected of her, no one wants to get married. Nothing is ever changed in this society, that what is expected of a woman. Nothing can be altered, nothing is being done.

Just to let those who had never tasted of being a 'home-maker', let me make a list of what most of these women are doing at home.

[1] wake up early [to do their washing, cleaning, boiling water, preparing of breakfast for the family....keeping constant contact with water]

[2] sweeping and tidying up their rooms, some have to mop their homes everyday

[3] cleaning the toilets, not just one, but a few

[4] feed and look after the babies[no limits to age, get what I mean?]

[5] put their clothes out to dry

[6] collect the clothes to be folded and ironed

[7] run after the sun to dry their clothes especially during the rainy seasons

[8] tidying up includes every single things expected out of her in the kitchen, sitting rooms, studies, sleeping rooms, balcony, verandas, bathrooms...

[9] the tedious work of dish-washing after every meals [constant contact with dish, clothes, toilet cleaners]

[10] attending to the needs of every members of the family

[11] some also attending to the aged, the sick and the handicapped, their siblings, their relatives...

[12] and be stressed with loads of work expected of her routine work

[13] and the buying, choosing, preparing, cleaning, cooking of the 3 meals

[14] and the constant exposure of heat, cooking gas, electricity, hot waters when cooking

[15] and spending at least 3 hours in the kitchen, 1 hour to do the laundry, few hours in the cleaning up and etc..

[16] some have pets to look after too

[17] some have plants and flowers to look after too

[18] some have to still go to work in the garden or in the office

[19] some have to go out to work too, especially to be other people's home-maker

[20] some are also part-time breadwinner, exchanging a few dollars for labour

Goodness me, I dread to continue writing all these things... I will be again experiencing the tightening of my throat and tears maybe...

I can't possibly finish all the minute details of what are expected by a home-maker. My dear friends, I don't care whether you are a female or a male, do you ever understand or give a minute what our mothers, our sisters, our wives are doing? Do you ever stop to look and feel and be concerned with your home-makers? Do you notice how precious these women are? Can you stop complaining about her poor job not done to your order or in your way? Have you ever hug them and say the word 'I understand, I thank you for everything, and you are the best in my heart?' Do you ever reward them? Do you ever stop to give just a hand for a few minutes? Can't you think of any ways to lessen their jobs?

The worst of all, no holidays for all these home-makers. You will feel it the most when your home-maker is sick. Falling flat with all the burdens of work expected and not expected of her. She wanted to be serving well her loved family. She has sacrificed her life for all. She has suffered and contributed her time, her precious youth and strength for being a home-maker. And the stress of being a good home-maker.... the lists will go on and on...

So, that is why I am writing this article to make aware anyone, or anybody who has such a good home-maker at home in the keeping. I am trying to point out that these women, these home-makers needed to be treasured.

Whenever these women stretched out their hands to let me have a look, I always kept back my tears, I always felt their sufferings untold, I always felt their sacrifices and pains as a home-maker. I can feel their anxieties, their worries, their tedious jobs as a mother and keeping a home. And I always tell them I treasure their hands, blessing them and kissing their hands in my heart[without telling them], and told them, these hands are most precious to me, it tells me a story that no one knows, it tells me the story of love of a woman, of a mother and I salute them and told them that they have the most beautiful and useful hands in this world.

Believe me, I will always spare my time to tell them the importance of cleanliness in our mind... which is more important then that of external or outward cleanliness. It is not that I don't emphasize on home cleanliness, what I mean is that our mind needs to be 'cleansed' too. I told them to take a break, reduce some of their daily tedious cleaning. Our mind needs the cleaning. Our brain needs the weekly cleaning, our mind needs to be refreshed, to be uninstalled, to rid off negatives and those meaningless worries and to be fed with the necessary foods for thoughts, foods for our brain....

foods for our brain, cleansing of our mind, to un-install negatives by installing love and positive thoughts. How to encourage a home-maker or anybody to be installing positiveness and love into our brain, our mind so as to obtain a quality mental attitude. And be free of those 'dirts' inside our brain. These 'dirts' are invisible, intangible, untouchable and cannot be cleansed using any detergents.... no ordinary detergents can do the job well... That is why my blog will contain foods for thoughts, foods for our mind.... how to un-install those 'dirts' in our mind. It takes time and is pain-staking... fear not, it will WILL work one day.....

the days will come for these home-makers to live a more meaningful and healthier life, to throw far away those 'dirts' and leave behind worries and tension and stress of being a house-wife. Empathy...practise empathy when you understand!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

The right concept of food intake

Here are some right concept of food intake, let me put it in a simple and easy English for all..

[1] when taking foods, look for the proper combinations of foods.
The secret is to eat foods that won't create a too acidic condition in the stomach. Most meats are acidic, most vegetables and fruits alkaline. White rice and bread acidic too, so eating them in such a way that we don't aggrevate the acidity in our stomach. Fruits are even better when taken alone, not after the meals. Fruits should be taken some time before meals for better assimilation since most fruits are easily digested.

[2] learn the proper steps of eating food
start off with a warm soup, then more raw vegetables and fruits, less carbohydrates, then some meats[optional as in vegetarians], a mouthful of desserts[can totally avoid] and a few sips of clear water or juice. Never wash down a meal with a big glass of water or juice, it will dilute our digestive enzymes. Then these foods will be sitting inside your stomach waiting to be fermented rather than to be digested. That's why sometimes our mouth smells bad, our breathe digusting! At the same time, don't overeat until one's stomach feels bloated. Or sometimes starving oneself. Do things in moderate.

[3] reduce saturated fats
Trim away skins and fats when preparing or eating meats. Instead of eating a big serving, reduce it to a smaller portion, chewing well as you eat to swallow. Enjoy your food and take your time. Saturated fats and cholesterols will sooner or later clot and narrow our blood vessels. It will indeed be an expensive lesson to learn if one do not heed this advise and we cannot afford to have any blockage anywhere. Know this, if a blockage happens at the heart, it is called a heart attack, if it happens in any part of the brain, it will be called a stroke! Moreover it will also lead to overweight and obesity.

[4] reduce salts
Too much salts in our blood streams will also hinder our flow of blood. It will affect our blood pressure

[5] reduce sugars
Too much sugars will also affect our insulin tolerance. It leads to diabetes and make many diseases complicated.

[6] reduce white rice and flour
White rice or flour has been depleted of all the goodness of vitamins and minerals when they are sent to the mills to be refined as polished rice. What is left is of no significance to discuss. Left behind are the carbohydrates and sugars only. It is never too advisible to take too much of them

[7] control intake of 'rubbish' foods
Rubbish foods include all those foods high with preservatives, colorings, additives, artificial flavors mostly fried in high heat. Foods that are sweetened, salted, preserved or canned are also not recommended. Frozen foods that has lost its nutrients and taste are useless or just poor in nutritional values. Cut down or refuse eating those 'rubbish foods'. Refuse buying 'troubles', refuse drinking highly sweetened and carbonated drinks... Our kidneys and liver have been doing a wonderful excreting job, don't overwork them...don't live to regret for not understanding how these failures are linked with our daily foods.....

[8] increase intake of more fresh vegetables and fruits
Go for fresh foods.... go for more organically planted vegetables and fruits. Increase these foods, don't miss out all the goodness in them. These fresh vegetables and fruits should make up to 2/3 of our food.

[9] cook food in low heat, don't use high heat
High heat will destroy most of the vitamins, enzymes, minerals vital for human's fitness.

[10] eat with a feeling of gratitude, to those who helped planted the food, harvested them, brought them to the markets, and the one who bought and prepared the food, eventually cooking and serving the foods.

Eat to survive, not survive to eat. and I am adding this... Eat to stay healthy, and be healthy in the eating!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Miracle nutrients that can prevent diseases and enhance our health..

Miracle nutrients to prevent diseases and enhance health

These are no unfamiliar foods and most of them can be easily obtained. I am having it written collectively here for easier reference and to remind ourselves of what to eat for a healthier and happier person. It is not on nourishment itself, it is also on powerful anti-oxidants, good immune boosters, good repair foods, anti-aging, to revitalize, rejuvenate and maintenance of our body system. Dare you to live 100!

[1] sprouts of all types of beans, grow your own sprouts [best to be eaten raw, rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes]

[2] raw fruits and vegetables [1/3 food must be eaten raw, excellent for detoxification when taken as juices]

[3] onions, ginger and garlic [prevent blood clotting, clean systems of various parasites]

[4] soy protein [prevent growth of cancerous tumors, for body growth, repairs and maintenance]

[5] good natural seeds [from sunflowers & pumpkins seeds]

[6] whole grains [whole, natural, unprocessed cereals like rice, oats, barley and wheat]

[7] kelp [provide rich minerals and trace minerals from the ocean]

[8] unpolluted clean water

[9] yeast [provide B vitamins well-known as happy vitamins and its anti-stress properties]

[10] vitamins & minerals [must obtain from natural sources for vitality, immune system and prevent deficiencies]

[11] fiber/psyllium husks [to flush and keeps our colon clean]

[12] green tea

[13] lecithin [from beans, needed to prevent cells from damage from free radicals] also well known for one's youthful looks

[14] shiitake mushrooms

[15] wheatgrass [contains enzymes, rich food nutrients]

[16] seafoods [complete protein, iodine and polyunsaturated fatty acids]

[17] Vit. F - [essential fatty acids rich in flax oil, linoleic acid]

[18] Ginseng - [king of all tonics, general healing, improves glandular function]

[19] Co-Q 10 enzymes [for our heart]

[20] Anti-oxidants [vitamin C & E, beta carotene that helps to fight free radicals]

[21] ginkgo [fuel for the brain]

[22] phyto-chemicals [found in fruits and vegetables]

[23] honey [complete source of food]

[24] Milk thistle [excellent for liver]

[25] Omega 3 & 6 [good fats]

[26] Food and curing herbs [ancient wisdom for safe cures in modern life]

[27] bee products [pollen]

The above miracle foods can be taken to enhance our health. It brings forth vitality, boost the immune system, restore and repair body systems and keeps our body health in a tip-top condition. Know how to eat, when to eat and the amount to be eaten for best results.

One important advise, never destroy. Never purposely destroy! Intentional destruction is a tragedy itself.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

LIFE IS A an unknown author.

I happen to receive this short article just now..
I like it, so I would like to share with all of you.....
Happiness is in the sharing...
Sharing is happiness...

LIFE IS A MIRACLE... by an unknown author

Life is a miracle
so don't let it slip away,
Open your heart to others
and give yourself each day...

See the beauty in everyone
regardless of where they have been..
Some have a difficult journey
and really need a friend.
Share your gifts and talents
and listen with your heart
Do the things you dream about
which you never had time to start...

Pick a bouquet of flowers
show someone that you care,
Be gracious and forgiving
remember life is never fair.

Hold on to your courage
you may need it down the road,
We all have a cross to bear
it could be a heavy load

If you practice all these things
no matter where you roam,
With God by your side
You will never ever be alone!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Lotus...water lilies..stay beautiful and graceful even in polluted waters...

Lotus and water lilies.... what have they to do with health and happiness?

Water lilies and lotus are renown for its beauty, purity and therapeutic values. To most of us Chinese, the lotus are also unique in a way that is connected with heavenly beings like "Kwan Yin", a spiritual Legend of a Lady with pure thoughts and loving heart. We used to see pictures and drawings from Eastern Arts about lotus and fairies and they are beautiful arts....

For our body - food
Lotus seeds can be eaten, yummy yummy... remember the moon cakes? There are cooling and rich in nutrients. The large matured leaves can be used for wrapping food like glutinous delicacies and edibles while the young leaves, delicious as a vegetable dish. And the petals, stamen and roots all has medicinal values of its own. Eastern arts and handicrafts are inspired by the beauty of lotus in too many ways... attracted by its artistic and graceful forms.

Food for our emotion
Since lotus and water lilies are a beauty itself, it soothes our feelings and stabilize our emotion when we gaze at those nice lilies... It is so easily cultivated that one can grow them inside their homes. If you don't believe me, just look at those pictures of lotus and water lilies.... the green leaves are such pleasant, soothing sights to our eyes.... really... a picture can do just such a job, what more if one can touch and really witness the nice lotus? Look for a few seconds at the photo on my homepage..the water lilies...posted by a special friend, Dr. Quek. It relaxes us...

Food for our mind
Always refer to those lotus and water lilies... They blossom so perfectly and so gracefully even in dirtied or polluted environments. Learn from nature.... Feel the peace and joy that radiates from such beautiful plants... Feel close to Mother Nature... Enjoy the serenity and majestic natural resources that can be obtained from plants and flowers... So, learn to dis-stress and un-install senseless, useless negatives that will drag our mental health down. Learn to live right, pure and with inner conscience even though we are in a degraded or polluted environment or situation. Learn to remain untouched from detestable, harmful and negative sources. Don't join the crowd to exaggerate, to criticize, to accuse or hurt and blame anyone.....Be like the lotus that flowers so graceful, untouched and uninfluenced of any form of pollution.

Learn the skill of staying healthy in our mind... Be tuned at Brain Wave A, the optimum level of positive greatness and power. Brain Wave A is a much talked topic where one can maximize its power to achieve one's goals. This brain wave is only accessible when a person's mind is tuned to maximum positiveness and love. And the power gained will be extremely great and unlimited. Brain Wave B is not to be accessed because it is about negativeness and stress.... Brain wave O is a resting mode. this will be another exciting topic.... coming soon..

Spiritual values?
Well, it depends on how one feels towards spirituality especially those who believes in Buddhism. I am not against any religion. Religion itself is a virtue, a belief, it is we, humans who have unstable emotions, minds and lack of genuine spiritual values that distorted the real messages that all religion teaches. Nothing is something, something is nothing.... Everything is nothing, nothing is anything.... quite confusing, right? ok, know this.....nothing is permanent.... Things come and go... People live and such short a time....

Only God is real! Only God is eternal.... Duality that distort a person's learning attitude, character and being misinformed of what is LOVE is a sad thing. Where there is love, there is no sorrow, where there is love, there is peace, where there is love, there is justice, where there is love, there is always an answer, where there is love, there is hope, where there is love,, there is this harmony...where there is love, there is no hurt, no hate, no discrimination, no criticisms, no fights, no complains...... therefore love is the basic ingredient for peace amongst all. TO LOVE AND TO BE LOVED...

God is LOVE.. God is the CREATOR... the small lotus is His creation... so, we should treat it as a spiritual gift... a rare gift of Love, treasure all living things, be it in any form of flora or fauna...

Christmas .... a happy and joyous occasion for all..

We all love celebrations and joyous occasions, Christmas is for all... but how many really understands the meaning of why we celebrate Christmas? What is Christmas? What we should do? Well, most of us are just touching the cover page of Christmas..... Everyone knows about Santa giving presents and the rein deers that he rode, the clothing he wears...

One will hear a lot of stories about Jesus being born and is the saviour of human race. He will the king and be seated upon a throne. But did he? He talks in parables, he shares and teaches with examples. Where is He to be seated? I just blogged about this...

What has happened has became history, irreversible and cannot be rewritten! It happened long long ago.... how Jesus was born in a stable and how he was visited by wise men of that time. How a star was shinning in the sky and how the angels rejoiced. Why all the rejoice? Why must Jesus undergo birth and death in such a short period of time? What was His Will?

He who is omnipresent, omniscience, omnipotent understands and predicts all! He is eternal, He is all-knowing and He is Love. Love is God, God is Love. If you were to ask me who God is, my answer is as above. He loves us so much that he sacrificed his only son/himself to help us understand Him better. He lives as a human, suffered, died and was resurrected. The holy trinity that belongs to the same holiness refers to the Father, the Son and the Spirit. It needs spiritual enlightenment to understand better. Each and everyone of us are his children, even if you want to deny this very fact. He will always stretch his hands to welcome you all into his embrace and love you as a father will.

If you are a father, do you love your kids? Well, your answers will be 'of course, I do'.... tell you something...... Our heavenly father loves us as much as you love your own kids, but even more loving... because he can give anything, everything not just something..... even the air that we depend on..... the rain, the waters... and the original energy source of life, the sun.... and this world....they are not ours to keep....

A Christmas celebration just on fun and food or drinks is the first step to learn more about Jesus and God. At least these people are getting closer.... I have nothing to share, just love... just to emphasize God's Love... to remind one that love is forever patient, forever true and genuine. It won't change.

This is my Christmas message.... To Love and be loved. Sprinkle love in your work and in your words, in your actions and collections, in your family, in your home, in your town, in your country and this world will become so much lovelier and a happier place to live... God's life is love, God's message is Love, God's will is Love... and for the sake of Love, we will change for the better... it is all about Love..... Serve all with compassion..

Love is God, God is Love...
[to all christians....]
A celebration loses its meanings when his ideals are not remembered and followed. If one do not care to follow their teachings, the celebrations are meaningless and become artificial observances...and it is not doing justice to Jesus whose birthdays are being celebrated... To live out the examples of Jesus and lead a life of selfless services based on love is the only correct way of celebrating the birth of Christ.

I received a special WATCH.. with 2 time-face...

'I will pay u $100 for this watch... I like it very much, now that u are back from Rome.. sell it to me..... my father implored... it was difficult to say no, though I love the watch too, but since it was my own father who asked for it, I told him that no amount of money can buy this watch, it is priceless. but I can let you have it for free... my father was grinning wide and said...haha...this langsat, I specially pick for you.....he gave me a crude bunch of exchange for the watch.......

He went away laughing and glad to possess such a priceless treasure..... and juggling Roma's coins too...I will keep them too, hehe..... ' I signed, who asked him to be my father whom I love and respect so much?' I know he will be showing to his and his priceless treasure!

Not too long ago, before going to Rome, I and my spouse both received a watch from Amway. It was a special watch that shows 2 different time. It also is a 30th anniversary celebration gift. I took an instant liking to the watch though it is a little too big for me. The watch is to remind us of the time difference when in Rome and at the same time still can see the time in KL.

The brown leather matched the nice watch, but anyway I can still review it by stealing some glances at my spouse's watch since he still has one on his wrist. Mine one, I have given it to my father, guess he is still smiling and proud to possess such a wonderful watch.

Talking about watch, let us look at the below meanings...

W - watch out for our WORDS
A - watch out for our ACTIONS
T - watch out for our THOUGHTS
C - watch out for our CHARACTER
H - watch out for our HEART

[taken from a divine teaching]

The watch itself reveals a very meaningful teaching on morals that all of us have to understand and practice. It is of importance to remind oneself of WATCH! What do we have to watch out for?

too many a times, we talk too much, say too much, criticise too much and never heed what others may feel or think. Speech is silver, silence is gold. Though our tongue is just a soft tissue, but it cuts and kills without bleeding. Have you ever been hurt by some strong personal remarks, be it intentional or unintentional? I like so much this phrase, 'HURT NEVER, LOVE EVER' These are all divine phrases so uncommon amongst us. I understand fully the power of words, how it can either create or destroy. I prefer to create something positive and good instead of bringing disharmony or destruction. Don't provoke negatively! I learnt a good lesson from a special friend of mine about to provoke and be provoked positively, but few will understand positive provoking. this is another great topic on how people response on being provoked....

Though it is just a phrase or a few alphabets jumbled up like 'I hate you", or "I love you', it makes a great difference. These are strong expressions of feelings that should not be taken lightly. Don't simply throw these words into just any body's face. Words showing distaste, showing disharmony, showing jealousy and hate.... or cruelty, don't! Especially when it comes to anger that eats up proper thinking, remember? I have come across some women in distress who harboured and stored negative remarks and kept repeating and affirming themselves of their terrible plight! These women are so sad and in sorrow due to those ugly, bad remarks! Ok, we need to un-install them, but some don't know how to do it! Some are too negative to understand what is negative!

Prevention is better than cure. Just don't provoke at the first place! I have come across these women whose hate knows no boundary and they live in constant stress, anxieties and worries. These women are emotionally unstable and are sick! They are sick because of some careless and negative remarks! Especially remarks from loved ones, especially their husbands. Create happiness, not unhappiness.... All of us can do it for the betterment for all........For goodness sake, think before one speaks! Watch out for our WORDS.... BE THANKFUL THAT WE CAN SPEAK, SOME wanted to talk, but CANNOT!

Actions speaks louder than words.................. Actions counts. An appropriate and right action will also either create or destroy. The above is just saying, but this is different, it is something in action. 'I will kill you!' can you imagine if it is in action? "Get out!' can you imagine that too? Our actions come from our thoughts.... what we think, we act. How we think, we say. It is a great teaching whereby as parents, teachers, leaders or as an elder, we should act with morals and setting good examples. I used to tell parents not to smoke or gamble before he or she can tell others not to smoke. I used to share about 'monkey see, monkey do' what we do, our friends, our kids, our family, our neighbours will see. It will be so difficult to stand upright or guide if we ourselves have no 'eyesight' or show irrelevant examples.

A great leader does not push nor complain about not moving, he or she guides by leading by examples that he or she wants them to follow. All great leaders are not afraid to do the extra jobs of leading by examples. This is the strength of showing good examples. It all starts from our home, showing, leading by correct and appropriate examples. This is the secret of effective leadership as the head of the family. Remember actions count! Remember the law of harvest? You plant beans, you harvest beans, you plant disharmony, you harvest hate, harvest war, you harvest stress, worries and negative products.

Manufacture positives to produce quality, joy and peace. Once again, be thankful that we can still move.... we are not crippled nor handicapped in a way!

You are what you think you are! You have to believe this fact. Thoughts are things. For every thought you think, there are 5 to 6 thousands who knows what you think. I couldn't believe that at first, gradually I understand. Do you know that there are people who can read our thoughts? I mean some only! The world is big.... got my meaning? There is this story about an island where the first monkey washed his fruit before eating. Later, it was found that all the monkeys living at the island washed their fruits before eating! Invisible influence...

I am also saying that a stern and fierce face is self-constructed. Why? You know Justice Pao, who had an iron face, stern and giving justice as one deserved? He was in such a constant practice of maintaining a stern or fierce face that eventually his face will show his thoughts and feelings. Though it might be just a chinese folk tale, but there are people on this earth who 'self-construct' his own face due to accumulations of prolonged thinking who he is.

Tell you this.... if you continue for long enough to feel distaste, hate, anxiety, stress, sadness, anger, worries, your face will show it too. Believe me.... Not the face only, body posture, body language and almost everything becomes transparent. Do you come across someone self-murmuring? aha... he is self-affirming what he thinks he is. He is self-confirming what he thinks he is right or screaming injustice! He is murmuring what he thinks! Dearest friends, don't add into these populace that shows sorrow in one's face! Don't trap yourself with meaningless and senseless, erroneous and erratic or illogical and cynical thoughts that brings nothing, but a road to no where!

Think the other way round, smile, be happy, be contented, be generous, be positive, be friendly, count our blessings, count even those blessings in disguise that may be in the form of adversity, hardship, challenges, foes, difficulties..... we are all blessed in our own ways! Smile and try to give instead of take, try to create instead of destroy, try to love instead of kill, look for peace not fights.... YOur face will shine with confidence, your smile terrific, influential, convincing and your words powerful, your actions effective.... all comes from our thoughts! Bad thoughts lead to the devil's workshop. Beware, never trade with evil or anything to do with satan! Get influenced by good people, good company, good books, good friends and a peaceful and positive environment is what you need.

Smile and the world will smile back to you.... Life is full of happiness and good things to look forward to.... yes...beware of what we think, thoughts are the first place....

what is character? what is bad influence? what can be done to revive or help these 'poor or bad' character guys? If I were to tell you that no one is born evil, do you agree? Yes, no one is evil or bad in a sense. Tigers or flesh-eating animals, we consider bad, they kill and eat their preys, but they are kind to their young, to their kinds, to their family! Some notorious guys are also kind to their own young, family, and their kinds...... that they sin for them.

Character can be discussed closely with moral values. Moral values are preached but never heeded nor practised, sad to say.... When character is corrupted, our world will become a sickening place to live. Rome is not built in a day, so is character. It is an accumulation of bad thoughts, bad influence and bad environment that influences a person to be so. I used to give examples of a lotus that flowers so beautifully despite dirty waters or environment. How many are willing to be a lotus? It is indeed difficult to stay unpolluted in mind, body and heart.

There are only two types of people, to influence and to be influenced. One can choose not to be influenced by bad characters, words, thoughts and actions. One can choose to not be influenced by negatives or instead influence the other. I have personally experienced this great change though it might takes long years of suffering and pains. I have come across to people who told me that I was influenced by him...he taught me to gamble, he womanized, he pulled me to the nightclubs... it was all his faults..... that is why I am like this.... is his excuse! Who is to blame? What about the other way round? You can stay firm in our character and influenced the 'supposedly bad' guy to listen to our advises. It is a task! But can be achieved!

A strong character influences and convinces. It brings peace, justice and order. It shows care and love! What are those characters? Let me tell you... patience, persistence, generosity, selfless, no ego, humble, understanding, helpful, trustful, hard-working, honest, filial, sincerity, integrity, strength, honourable, respectful, confidence, empathy, kindness..... all the grapes of virtue that can be mentioned. These are goals to be, goals to watch out for... just try our best, it is never limited. Take your time...a pace a day...a step a day...

Our society wears colored spectacles to look at people. Our society sometimes never listen nor heed the roots of problems. It is a sad thing, really..... when a mistake is unknowingly committed, all others will add to the condemning and pointing fingers at his or her mistakes. It aggravates and made things worst. If one really did committed something bad or evil, if we constantly classify them and tell these people that they are evil and bad, these people will accept and think that they are really bad and evil and prove that they are evil and bad to the world! Give them the chance to reform... it is pain-rewarding, but needs the right environment and mentors.... don't destroy, never destroy....

Our heart is the temple or a place for God. If we have cleansed or prepared the place, God will be seated inside our heart. But if it soiled, dirtied with negatives there will be someone else, the one with a hook at his tail.... I don't recognize him, but I know there is this 'someone' We have the right to allow or disallow the someone to be seated in our heart. You have your choice, but the choice will produce an entirely different result.

If one allows God to be seated inside his heart, his life will be different. He will experience bliss, joy and contentment and happiness untold. He is rich in life. He is blessed and live with hope, live with love and possess all the richness of life, now and ever. It is as promised, the universe is is his to command and we are in safe hands because we have a heavenly father and we are his children....

But likewise, the other who accepts that someone into his heart, he will be living in fear, in anxieties, in temporary luxuries, falseness..... I don't know...

But there are also those who accept himself to be the king inside his heart.. there are also those who believes that God is in many forms and names... We called to Him, yet never recognize the real One.... But God is only one, though having many names and forms... well, if it is true love, never condemn nor criticize, after all we are all humans, brothers and sisters..... do we need to ask or check their birthrights or colors of skin to differentiate whether we are brothers or sisters? Mean what we preach... God loves all....even the sinners, right? He sets the best example! Just follow Him... treat all as brothers and sisters... never mind, at least, I treat you all as sisters and brothers....

A watch can tell such a long story, a watch can bring so much joy and happiness, a watch can tell time, a watch can also bring stress, a watch can also bring sadness, a watch that tells everything, a watch that records histories and testimonies.... let us ask ourselves, what is this WATCH stands for? It is up to you... to believe or not to, to heed or not, a watch will still be a WATCH! Watch out for our words, actions, thoughts, character and heart! This is the first step towards happiness.... only when one understands!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Total health and happiness...a must to read, friends..

my tooth aches terribly..... I hate it..... I am hopeless, I cannot stop the pain.... I cannot eat.... where is God?

this is a jumbled up of body, emotion, mind and spirit, can you find them individually?

4 dimensions of health.... a clearer picture of total health and happiness....

I should have written earlier about the 4 dimensions of health. The 4 levels of health which I classify as body, mind, emotion and spirit. Total health and happiness is only complete when it touches on the whole instead of just partial. All of us should learn to be aware that we cannot separate our body, our mind, our emotion and spirit and treat it as something of its own.... Holistic ways refers to a more complete approach towards the sum of it than to separate it,

I repeat.... Therefore, a sick person whose body aches is also stressed and not feeling well and low in spirit.

aches = body

stressed = mind

not feeling well = emotion

low in spirit = spirit

Physical or body health[we are what we eat]

Let us go back to the very basic, to what we studied in our school. We study about human body, its many different cells and the varied systems of our body that includes skeletal, excretory, muscular, lymphatic, endocrine, digestive, nervous, respiratory, reproductive and blood circulatory. We study about our skin, our 5 senses, nutrition, deficiencies, food, balanced diets, exercises, the 7 classes of foods and healthy foods. As a teacher, we can briefly go over these chapters in a month or two to teach. But when we really come to study those detailed varied systems of our body, it may take several years to specialize. All doctors are trained to be experts on the biology of our body and how it works and how a diseased body can be cured and operated on. These doctors are doing their jobs excellently.

When our body fails us or is at dis-ease, there are symptoms that show. One can easily get a doctor's help and be cured. However, we shouldn't take for granted to put all our hopes or depend on our doctors to keep fit. Doctors cannot put scrambled eggs back into the egg shells too, no matter how hard they can try. The less one goes to see a doctor, the healthier one is. Do you know that there are cases where the patients couldn't stand the pain of the body and jumped from the top of a tall building to commit suicide? Pain is the most unbearable task of our physical body.... it produces cold sweats, irritations, frustrations and body shivering and numbness and more....

Let's have a look at the sickness of our body. These sickness include underweight, overweight, dizziness, cold, nausea, body numbness, no appetite, cold sweat, discomfort, pain, sleepless, sleepy, headache, dental pain, cuts, bruises.......and the like.. are referring to the physical body. When one is physically fit, it is just the opposite. When one is physically fit, he looks healthy and won't have the above problems..., understand me? Next, let's look at our emotional health.

Emotional health[we are what we feel]

Emotions are closely related to feelings. Feelings of uncontrolled anger, guilt, unhappiness, hurt, disturbances, fear, frustration, mixed feelings, insecure, loneliness, anxiety are all classified as negative emotions. I am just pointing out some of the examples of these negative emotions to make one realize and be aware of the dangers of emotional problems.

Unstable emotion is a kind of sickness that will become even more complicated when his or her physical and mental health deteriorates and interferes with his overall health!

This is a very alarming state of emotion that needs immediate attention. A hole in a dam will soon bring destructive disasters if not mended on time. A small hole or puncture in a boat will bring unpredictable tragedy if not mended on time too.... believe me... every disaster can be traced back to the root or we call it the source. Prevention is too important. Do things wise, think wise too, don't plunge yourself into this deep dungeon where rattle snakes and centipedes live. It is a nightmare, believe me.. be emotionally balanced.

There are ways as how to maintain emotional balance. A better understanding of the power of emotions needed to be explained, look out for these topics...that I will also be sharing. For the betterment of all mankind, remember, destruction is easy, construction is never easy. but if your fort is built on proper foundations of knowledge and positive emotions, it won't be easily destroyed, as least one can stand up and say, I am happy and I am strong... Dare you to live 100!

So, how can we manage our emotions? It is wilder that the wildest horse and extremely difficult to manage. What can we do?

[1] go for an understanding of being detached, duality and equanimity[spiritual realm]

[2] counteract the negative emotions with the grapes of virtues. The bigger branch of grapes of virtues, the easier one can control one's emotion.

[3] if one is a keen and faithful believer, then pray to God for strength and persistence to remain emotionally free

[4] since all the 4 are interelated, don't miss out all necessary steps to remain healthy either in the form of body, mind, emotion or spirit.

[5] be keen to desire to want to be emotionally fit, no one can help if you deny HELP of any kind, from any source.

Understand the previous blogs that I emphasized and explained about emotions shared by Anthony Robbins. Read until one understands. If one needs further clarifications or understandings, just write to me... my email is provided. Take the initiative to go the extra mile...if you want to be who you want to be.

Mental health[we are what we think we are]

He looks normal, can eat, can drink, can smile or cry, and can sleep. But he doesn't know what he is doing, how he is feeling and why he is like THAT! He is mentally retarded. Is this also a sickness? How should we classify these people? And some are so dangerous that they are kept under bars and being wired or even electrified! It pains me terribly, makes my heart bleeds...when I see these people and their destiny.... why the pain? why the suffering? why the difference? Why the need to lock them up? They are humans like us... We classify them as sick mentally. So, how can we help? how should we help?

Let's look at some of our mental attitudes. It is the thinking, the mind that either creates or destroys. Our mind sometimes are blank, empty, restless, lack of confidence, lack of faith, lack of purpose, lack of determination, lack of initiative, lack of purpose, hopeless and filled with negatives......

Brain Waves A, B, O are referring to the power of mind and I strongly recommend that these subjects should be taught in school too. It is a very exciting subject whereby I used to share in most of my trainings and teachings. When one is in Brain Wave A, all good things will happen because we are using the power of positiveness and concentration. When all positiveness are focused, great power and ability will be generated. To be focused means doing it with absolute concentration.

All of us should be tuned at Brain Wave A to receive the BEST, to gain the BEST, to feel the BEST! For anyone who wants to achieve his or her goals, he or she must be tuned at Brain Wave A. The power of Brain Wave A will be enhanced when it is practised in a group instead of an individual. Too many wonderful things will happen when we are tuned at this brain wave. Whatever our mind can conceive and believe, we can achieve. I used to share this phrase, and it is true. Get out of Brain Wave B which is full of negatives. I never would like to discuss these negatives. To discuss is to remind people of it too, so, I will be using these negative words very sparingly. It is never too good to remind ourselves about negativeness. Just don't mention about it! Brain Wave O is a resting or we call a sleeping mode.

Spiritual health[we are who we actually are!]

This might be something out of one's expectations when I am explaining about spiritual health. Can one accept this idea of a mortal-flesh body embodied inside is an immortal spirit? There is this immortal spirit embedded inside our body, do you believe this? When we are alive, we are bound to emphasize body, mind and mental health which we can easily understand. But when it comes to the spirit of which is invisible and intangible, one will find it so difficult to understand.

Let's trace back to the where we come from?...Scientists, sages, saints, heroes, all great inventors and philosophers, great men eventually all agreed that there is A CREATOR of this universe.... Some knows and acknowledge HIM, some don't know HIS name, some are not willing to accept HIM! It is HIM who created us, man who can live with a body and died when this something leave behind the body.. Dead, but are we really dead? Is that the end? think twice....... Comparing the time when we are living and the time when we will be dead, which is longer? We are too naive to just worry about our living body and ignore the long, long, eternal sleep when our spirit is being released.... and what and how and why and where is this spirit comes or originates from? Should be from the CREATOR, right? and eventually, where will this spirit go?????

When a person is alive, the spirit is already in existence. Only when the body dies, one can realize the spirit in full. You see, when a mother is alive, the children will be embracing and kissing her with intimacy. But when the mother breathed her last breath, all her children knew that she is gone although the body is there! All her children will know that she is dead! Why? It is just this something....something gone! What is this thing called? Life? Spirit? It is this thing life gone or is it the spirit? The spirit leaves the body and is free at last? We need an understanding......through meditation, through spiritual awakening and through prayers to get closer to the answers.

The answers will be revealed only the day we live behind our mortal body... The day will come too when our spirits will be released.... Our body is just an empty shell and soon to rot and left only dust..... from dust to dust...amen.... heard about this? By the time one understands, it might be too late, because we won't have any body to make up with our mission and vision.

It is so much wiser if one can understand how to achieve spiritual health and enlightenment while one is alive and knows what is going on. This is the ultimate goal, we have to make use of our mortal body to achieve spiritual bliss and to be prepared for the 'eternity' to come... Our spirit will eventually be cleansed and prepared before one can go back to the source of our origin, the CREATOR without doubt. As we are all God's children, we will be returning to where we come from.... As Christians believe, back to our heavenly father... to rejoice and live/merge with HIM for eternity as promised.... forgive me if you cannot accept my explanations. well, remember? To err is human, to forgive divine...

Remember, this is just a brief introduction to the 4 dimensions of health. Just on physical health, a few trains are still not enough to carry those materials whereby now we are into this total health and fitness? and that also includes love and happiness? this is too vast a subject that one cannot see the beginning nor the end. Provided we remain as humans, provided we still survive, provided we remain breathing, there is no limitations.

Our human brains will be so much awakened to be a healthier person that the future is into global interest...into a realm of total awareness that we human beings will survive well. A more quality survival instead of barely surviving.... that all of us deserve! We are all children of God.

can you imagine all earthlings in this world, healthy and happy in all ways? yes, one day...that one day will come where all of us will be physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually fit?

Mum...what is for breakfast today?

Breakfast.... to break a fast that continues from the previous night. It is at least 10 t0 12 hours we haven't eaten. One is never advisible to eat and sleep on a full stomach. It is very much wise to refrain from eating late, so finish your supper or dinner at seven or eight at the latest. Ask me why and I will tell you..... it seems nobody is interested to know why we shouldn't go to sleep immediately after a full meal. Ok, I will wait until someone ask, only then I will tell you then. There are reasons behind it.

So, what is the best breakfast that one should eat? Maybe I am just talking to those handful who are health-conscious, and the rest are not interested at all. I know I am.....

Look at the typical breakfast, chinese food? or western food? Remember what I have always emphasized? We must obtain and acquire all those necessary [macro and micro] nutritious food requirements from the 3 meals that we consume daily to stay nourished! Look at the food we are eating? Do you think it contains all those necessary 7 classes of food? Are you taking enough roughage from fibrous vegetables and fruits? Are you eating to survive only? What about repairs? What about maintenance? Let me add in this... what about going the extra mile?

We eat to grow/survive, to maintain and repair our body tissues and system. We cannot ignore these facts, or else we need to go to the doctors' workshop to be repaired and operated on...hehe... got my meaning? If the operation fails or our spare parts irreversible, we will soon be nailed into the coffins and buried forever..and say bye bye to this lovely world. You may have bought a lot of insurance, well, somebody else is enjoying what you your expense! Yes, I am not joking... I am telling you the truth. Think twice and be wise!

Let me share with you about how to eat a nice and healthy breakfast
[1] choice 1
Ok, we are now all going for vacation and staying in a nice hotel where breakfast is provided. So, one will wake early, take a bath and down to have breakfast. Most hotels provide porridge, bread with butter, eggs, maybe some mee or meehoon goreng, meat curry, cornflakes, milk, western food like bacon, sausages and cold cuts. You will also find some fruits, cakes and some salads. Some fruit juices, coffee and tea and yogurt and in some grand hotels, Hong Kong dim sum and some delicacies. Well, what should we choose to eat then?

Start with a plate of fruits, then a plate of salads with yogurts, then to starchy foods like mee or porridge. Only then we can eat eggs, meats or delicacies made from prawns, fish or sausages. Only then a taste of some cakes and some milk to finish off. Don't wash down the food with big cups of teas or coffees. WE take for granted that all foods prepared are wholesome and fresh and nutritious as we hope for. But are these salad bars clean and green and safe? Is it natural or added with preservatives? Let's just believe that they are fresh and safe.... With sufficient time and a relaxing dining hall, it can be fun.

The above can be a good breakfast to start the day... but how many times can we eat these buffets?

[2] choice 2
Blend a protein drink, add a packet of positrim[contains protein, fiber, fats, carbohydrates, more than 26 vitamins and trace minerals required for a day per pax] half a packet of Active 8 lemon or cherry, 250ml fresh low-fat milk and some vitamins like Cal. Mag, Lecithin E, Bio C, B complex, Daily, garlic and a green apple. Add some ice. This is a drink which I strongly recommend for those health-conscious for a good breakfast. A tall glass that contains 500ml of the above goodness will do. I sometimes add tomatoes[unripe], cucumbers or other fruits like guava and mangoes. One will not feel hungry too. And best of all, one will enjoy the drink, instead of swallowing those vitamins, we mix and blend them together as a wholesome drink. Easy to make and delicious to drink.

什么都不多, 一个也不少! This is a very wise saying that all of us should follow when coming to eating skills. Too much of the good or delicious food is never good or wise! Eat for the sake of health, not just to pamper one's taste buds. Beware of all delicious foods that are full of artificial flavourings and additives and colorings to lure and stimulate one's appetite! Eat sparingly!

[3] Choice 3
Steamed rice, some freshly sauteed vegetables, steamed fish and a light chicken soup. A plate of fruits too.... what do you think? will it contain all the 7 classes of food? what about the preparations? What about the time needed to cook and tidying up?

[4] Kampua
This is a very common noodle dish. A plate of carbohydrates, few pieces of thin slices of meat, a tablespoon of MSG[aji-no-moto], splash of green onions, a few spoonfuls of animal fat, that's all for breakfast....

{5] Bread and butter, coffee or milk? How nutritious is this?

[6] Porridge with salted fish, eggs, salted vegetables.... Look at this....

[7] Fried noodles, kueh teow, meehoon... oily, starchy, lots of MSG, some meats and fish balls...

[8] Dim sum...delicacies, white pow, dumplings, meat balls..

[9] sandwiches with tuna, eggs, sausages or hot dogs...

[10] A few pieces of dry crackers, a cup of cereals, oily kueh, oily pancakes, buns...

[11] some fruits and a cup of cereals to go with...

[12] some buns and water... and some even just go without any food or drinks!

and some more....

Choose wisely, our new day begins with a good and nutritious breakfast, to move us on, to keep us with energy, to enable our body system to work well. Here is one bad news for those who are too lazy to take a breakfast of any kind for years. His or her bile will grow stones. like it or not, it is a fact!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

The 8 pillars of health...

The 8 pillars of health

We have to earn our health first, E.A.R.N refers to:

[1] Exercise

We need to exercise so as to have a good blood circulation, our brain needs to be irrigated with sufficient oxygen and nutrients. Exercise always come best with proper breathing, how to inhale deep and slow and exhale used air in a relaxed mood. Do more walking instead of driving like parking our car further away from our working area. Swimming is also one of the best form of exercise where every part of our body movable can be exercised. Tedious or over exercising that makes a person feel exhausted or tired out is not recommended. Exercise is meant for moderate movements that exercises every movable parts of our body and feeling relaxed and great after doing it. An exercise that over-exercise only certain parts of our body is not a smart way of exercise. A game doesn't necessarily means that it is a good form of exercise; like playing badminton where only one of our hand is being over-exercised.

[2] Attitude

Positive attitude, self-affirmation on healthy and beauty concepts plays a very important role in maintaining physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. I used to emphasize that it is our attitude that determines our altitude. Our attitude towards many things will determine our success in that specific field. Good and positive attitude is the key of success. Positive attitude towards survival, health, love, food, family, jobs, money, freedom, personal success, teamwork, spiritual enlightenment, religion and friendship.... the lists will be endless..... if one's attitude is proper and correct, you will be a happier person and the world will be at peace, not war. Start from oneself, then family, then neighbourhood, then the society and the world.... We will be living in a nicer and happier place... Heaven is a place where there is peace of mind and peace at heart, it can be anywhere......I will be discussing more on this subject in the time to come...

[3] Rest

We are no robots, our body system is designed in such a way that it listens and obeys the sun and moon. When the sun is up, we should be up too. To 'absorb' or to 're-energize' the life-giving source, free and eternal..... energies from the sun, it is really too wonderful. But sad to say, too many people take this valuable source for granted. And still wished and demanded for more and better sources of energy which is impossible. To replenish ourselves with this 'power' from the sun will prevent a person from 'wilting'.... can you imagine a life without the sun? The moon is just a reflection of the sun.....

When to rest then? YOu will know, right? If one wakes up early, the body system will also tell us so naturally when to rest. We sleep at night when it is meant for us to rest. A very systematic route already destined by the most powerful source of the universe that plays such an influential role in our everyday life. Resting means to be rested so as to be able to be re-energized for further journeys of life. Without resting, our body system will break down and no doctors or any miracle pills are there to help you. It is just like if one is thirsty, just drink and your thirst will be quenched. There is no other better way, unless you come from other planets, but are you? Listen to our body mechanism, it is wise to heed our body symptoms... It is never too late...........

We need at least 8 hours a day, an afternoon nap [half an hour] from 11am to 1 pm is good for our heart too. To be rested so as to go further....

[4] Nutrition [macro]

Make sure we that we are sufficiently nourished during the 3 meals we eat. The foods and drinks we eat should contain all the necessary nutrients required for growth, repair and maintenance. We are not asking for eternal life, but a life-span whereby we can live healthy and without diseases. This is the real wealth that everyone of us should aim and achieve. When we have health, we have hope. When we have hope, we have everything!

Be aware of the wonders of food and herb therapy and the art of detoxification for those who have over-ate. And learn to differentiate those rubbish foods to shun, miracle foods and herbs to eat. Remember to eat 70% full, know when to eat and when not to eat. That is smart eating. Remember, we are what we eat!

[5] Food supplements [micro]

Not too much, not to miss out, but just enough is enough!

Micro comes in small or little amounts, but it is not to be missed out in our diet... If we don't have them, it is wise to supplement those vital enzymes, trace minerals and vitamins…for better health, immune system, and to cope with sicknesses caused by deficiencies. Free radicals that goes wild needs antioxidants to counteract...and minimizing the problem of pollution, stress, overdrive, going the extra miles…. If one doesn't invest in our health bank, we cannot withdraw any good health from it... No pain, no gain. One have to work out the health plan, it isn't that you just wish for it and whoosh....comes good health!

Recognize our condition of health first before one can work out a health plan that works. I will also be writing on one's health line which explains clearly our state of health....soon....just bear with still learning to put graphs and drawings into this blog..... graphs and drawings will help to explain much better.... There are many things that I should upgrade for easier understanding.

[6] Proper medical care

Not to miss out early vaccinations, medical check-up and proper medical care that comes handy in times of prevention and emergencies. All of us and doctors from all specialized fields should join hands to do our jobs well and effective. Who says that we don't need any doctors? Who dares say that we need no doctors in our lives? We have ourselves to work hard to maintain and prevent illnesses, but when one is sick and needs to be hospitalized, one should know where to go. Reliable and effective surgeries have saved countless lives....and especially in emergencies.. Our society is still short of good doctors and nurses...

[7] Hygiene health care

It is our responsibility to keep personal and home hygiene. This is the simpliest and the least required from just anybody. It is the basic requirement of health. Keeping ourselves clean and maintain cleanliness in our homes, working areas and even the public is each and every one's job. Many hands make light work! Remember? We share the same air, we breathe in the same air.... so clean air, water and a cleaner environment are all our goals, Meanwhile, one can consider using water filter and air-filter to get better results.

[8] Reducing risk factors

To recognize those risk factors about our family genes that affect our health is also a must. Be smart to troubleshoot. Be conscious of these powerful genetic heritage that either destroy or strengthen certain categories of our health. Go for health knowledge and care and preventive measures to be a healthier and happier you.

These are just brief explanations on the 8 pillars of health that one should heed and try to understand..... There are more to come....

These 8 pillars are supposed to be strong, firm and steady, but if we destroy them, they will also collapse! How and why would anyone destroy? Tell you what, yes, there are many people out there who destroyed the 8 pillars and collapsed at the end of the day. No pillars even those in Rome can withstand destruction...self-destruction and self-mutilation and suicide, a common trend of today! Destruction is easy, building it up is never easy!

Be mentally fit, be emotionally fit and go for spiritual health, there are more invisible pillars to build that will never ever collapse! Believe and stay to believe and see the results. We will get and harvest what we plant!

Healing is not just touch and prescribe... it needs more than that....

Early this morning, I received a call from a very familiar voice, and she was non others but my cousin. she told me that her mother has been sick for more than a week. Her head feels giddy, her limbs cold, no appetite and her heart palpitating and hearing drumming in both her ears..... she has seen two doctors, given injections and some medicines, but she is still feeling not well.

They soon arrived. Waiting in anticipation for their arrivals, I was still writing one of my blog. I welcomed them warmly and let them be seated. I could sense the chill of her mother's limbs and at the same time, looking at her pale face. She looked tired and was fighting for her breath! I took her pulse, and I knew what was wrong with her. Do you want to know? Well...the root of the problem..... She has been worrying and angry with one of her children for long. She was so angered and frustrated, yet couldn't get the matter solved. She was too unhappy and angry with herself for not being able to solve the problem. She 'swallowed' all the anger and got 'indigestion'! She was still angry at what her 'black sheep' did.

Frequent bout of anger, frequent sadness, frequent anxieties and worries deplete her of her happiness and joy as a mother. It eventually lead to chest pain which most women will feel. These women's 'tang chong' becomes blocked, blood circulation feeling 'jammed'! The more the women kept to themselves those sorrows and worries, the more sick she feels. Her immune system goes to a nosedive. A cold wind will easily make her sick.

How to make her smile and feel better?

She is a pure vegetarian and does not consume any living things for at least a decade! Some can recommend some animal protein but she couldn't take. She is also not willing to take food supplements too. Some vitamins I have spared her was still left untouched. She was stubborn in a way...

3 important steps to make her smile...
[1] teach her to breathe deep and slow..... she followed, it works helps.. her face turning a little pinkish... her head less giddy[just after 10 minutes]
[2] gently massaging her specific areas on her hands, back, ankle and backbone with allano, a body lotion that I have been using for decades. Slowly her limbs get warmer... halfway, I got her a warm energy-giving drink...[protein]
[3] talk to her to release her troubles, her built-up tension, her worries... how to inhale good memories and exhale bad memories.... told her how to uninstall negative thoughts...

That was what I did. My third daughter was also with me, I told her to give her those relevant reflexology massage. She has a 'born-given-gift' in massaging away tiredness and sickness too! They were surprised to see my daughter who could do the same, good and effective job! We spent more than an hour, talking and sharing tips on how to be healthy! I reminded them about proper cooking and eating the appropriate foods. Eventually, she can smile and she feels so much better. I told her daugher to buy her some food to eat, she was feeling hungry then..

I gave her some homework too. To be continued until she fully recovers.
[1] eat sprouts, the superior foods daily
[2] reflexology - her hands and ankle[twice a day for 15 minutes each]
[3] practice the breathing exercise, twice a day for half an hour each and to uninstall negatives..
and.......must keep in touch with me to report her improvements...

When it comes to angpow, I told her not to give, but she was too clever, she said that it was not for me, she gave it to my third daughter... who was with smiles...

For such a case, it is a proven method that proper breathing is the answer to 'jammed up emotions' and 'blocked feelings'.......... I am not describing the details how it can help yet.. just believe this God-given free gift called 'air' Never underestimate the importance of proper breathing!

So, it is not the chicken or rabbit meats that can be eaten for better health, one needs love and care, concern and consideration that can help and will cure. Massaging the appropriate areas will be 'tonics' for better health too. Effective cures does not necessarily be expensive! Remember, there are more poor people out there then the rich! Who will be willing to help them then?

At the same time, I told my daughters not to be lazy to learn or practise, the more we do, the more experience we gain and be improved. My daughters agreed.

Learning is about practise, practise, practise, just do it, only then one will gain experience and obtain the skills and knowledge that he or she wants! There is never a short-cut! It is not about learning theories only, but practical works the best!

Look at things from physical, mental and emotional angles so as to make sure that he or she is benefited from their visits to see us... time is valuable for all...