Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Let me dedicate this simple article to you, my most lovely mum...

When I was so tiny in your hands...
I looked up and saw your smiles...
When I was crawling on feet and hands...
I looked up and saw your patience...

When I was less than 2 feet tall...
I looked up and saw forbearance...
When I tried on my shoes so big...
I looked up and saw guidance...

When I was in school and with others...
I searched you out among the crowd...
When I was graduating and with others...
I searched you out to give you credits...

When I put on my bridal gown...
I discovered silent but happy tears...
When I waved goodbye to you..
I discovered I was lost without you...

Life goes on...
When I became a mother myself...
I remembered how you bear us with silence...
When I became a mother of five...
I remembered how tough a mother's responsibility is...

Life goes on...
When I see my daughters growing up...
To be grand and brilliant ladies..
When I see my son growing up..
To be great and gentle gentleman...

I remembered all and all...
I remembered how precious a mother can be...
Now that she is a grandmother to many...
Yet she still is the greatest mother of all...

Lacking nothing......yes.. lacking nothing..
She is wisdom and her name is love...
Nothing is complete without a mother...
Nothing is complete without her love....