Saturday, October 6, 2012

Know something? One is easily being tested on your personality.. your patience.. your kindness, your tolerance or whether you are a loving person or real life? and that it happens to you... e.g, like sickness, misfortunes, accidents, failure, disagreements, loneliness, loss of cash, loss of your personal belongings.. jilted...

Students Studying for the TOEFL exam

One can easily pass tests 
when written on a piece of paper..
Now, be prepared that 
you are now being tested in real life...

Let's have someone to tease and mess you up..
by stealing your handphone or computer.or money...
Or have someone to cheat you, to mistreat you...
Or something bad or negative to befall on you...

What do you think be your reaction?
Scream your head off?  Get angered?
Get irritated?  Get frustrated? Get lost?
Worried?  Stressed? Wanting revenge? Hate?

Feeling unfair?  Feeling distressed?
Unhappy?  Remorse?  more? some more?
Fight back?  Exaggerate? Furious?  Pissed off?
Slow down?  Neglect?  Intolerance?

What be done is already done...
What had happened, had already happened,..
Whatever happened, happened for the good...
Whatever was lost, was meant to be lost....

The process of understanding..
The process of maturing.. the sculpturing of character...
The process of improving... for betterment...
All in all depends on how many you can pass in real life...

Merging out as stronger and more thoughtful....
More tolerance.. more good and positive thinking...
It will always be there... always.. tests after tests...
It will always be pass them all with good grades.... 

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