Saturday, October 6, 2012

THE BEST PRAYER...The moral of the story is obvious. If you pray for God Himself and seek to serve Him, you will get everything you may ever need and much more. But if you pray for this and that, well, you will get this and that only! The choice is yours.


Once upon a time, there were five young men who lived in five different villages. The first one was very unhappy about his poverty and the consequent lack of good food and dress. The second one was distressed about his house which leaked during the rainy season. The third one was dissatisfied with the village girls he had to choose from for his marriage. The fourth one was sorry 
that his village did not have sturdy, elevated roads and the rainy season would virtually cut the place off from the rest of the country. He wanted to earn a lot of money to build roads for his village. The fifth one was interested in gaining more knowledge about life, and was supposed to be a great man with excellent qualities of the head and heart.

Each of the five felt that their aims and ambitions could not be realised if they remained in their villages. With the blessings of their parents, they left for the capital city. By an amazing coincidence they all met on the main highway to the city and decided to travel together and be mutually helpful.

It was past midnight when they reached the city. As they were exploring the streets in search of a place to sleep for the night, they came across a scene where one man was being over-powered by four others. The man was eventually bested, but he valiantly declared: "I won't allow you fellows to rob that house, as long as I am alive." The leader of the four ruffians shouted: "Hey! Why do you bother about what we do? We will loot or kill to get our bread and butter! If you try to prevent us, you are sure to be killed yourself!" The five young men pounced on the four robbers, and after a brief struggle managed to secure them all with a rope . The rescued man was very grateful for their succor, and after enquiring about their circumstances, arranged a place for them to sleep. He also invited them for breakfast the next day at his house, at 'No. 1 on the Main Road.'

The next morning, after a good night`s rest, the five young men promptly went in search of their new friend's house, and found that it was the palace of the king. The noble king occasionally went around the city in disguise – and that is how he had been when encountered by the five young men.

The king gave them a hearty welcome, and told his ministers how he was about to be killed when he was saved by the young men's valour. Everyone was shocked and happy at the same time, and unanimously desired that the young men be suitably rewarded. So the king said, "Young men! Just ask for whatever you desire the most and I will see that you get it."

The first one asked for land and money so that he and his parents could eat and dress better. The second one asked for money enough to build a good house for his family. The third one asked for a beautiful girl to marry. The fourth one asked for a good road to be constructed for his village. As each request was made the king gave suitable orders to satisfy their needs, finally turning to the fifth man. He said: "Your Majesty, I am so happy just to see you – whom I wanted to serve in some capacity or other for so long. I request you to come to my village every year and stay there for at least a week and accept my humble hospitality! "

The king and his ministers were surprised at such a request. Yet the king ordered that henceforth he would be visiting that village every year and stay for a week at the young man's house. The ministers immediately left for the young man's village to inspect the conveniences and comforts available there. And lo! there was no good road in the village! The house of the young man was pretty ordinary, he was not married, and also without sufficient means to make the king's stay comfortable.

So they decided to build a good road to the village, and a big enough house for the king to stay in comfortably. They also chose a girl from an aristocratic family to be his wife, ensuring that the king's tastes would be properly taken care of during his stay. And, it was decided to make the young man a zamindar(landlord) so he would have enough income to maintain the big house and his aristocratic wife, and take care of the king's needs during his annual visits.

The moral of the story is obvious. If you pray for God Himself and seek to serve Him, you will get everything you may ever need and much more. But if you pray for this and that, well, you will get this and that only! The choice is yours.

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