Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Do you know how to save your toe's nail when injured? Sometimes heavy objects may accidentally fall on our toe nails and brings us much pain and suffering...

A close friend of mine called me one day saying that her toe was hurting her so much.  A heavy object fell on top of her toe thus leaving her pulsing with pain.  The next day, it became all black and bruised.  She was limping in pain as she walk...

I have many experiences in such cases.  And it can be solved easily and quickly.

Get a small very clean pointed[sterilized] sharp pen-knife or special needle which has a triangle end.  Just use the sharp end to poke a tiny hole on top of the nail... Please slowly and carefully... it can take 15 minutes to drill through the nail to let out the blood.  You don't need to hurry and there is no need to poke the flesh underneath..

Let out the blood... press it out.. PAIN DISAPPEAR and YOU STILL CAN KEEP THE NAIL... NICE AND WHOLE...

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