Sunday, April 8, 2012

What is the main reason why our eyesight and hearing fails as one age? Interesting... read on.... ANYTHING HAPPENS, HAPPENS FOR THE GOOD...

One might be curious to know why am saying so...

As we age, we tend to see and hear many faults..
As we age, we tend to see and hear much negatives..
As we age, we learn to be mature and turn to 'frogs'
And sometimes we will be living with 'tadpoles'..

We were also once upon a time 'tadpoles'
Where and who are these 'tadpoles' then?
Tadpoles are growing youngsters or unmature frogs..
And one day, they will also grow into frogs..

How can a tadpole understands a frog?
It says, I will die without living in water..
It says, I can't jump and go out from my pond..
They are perfectly right, you know.. 

So with failing eyesight...
It means we learn to see less of their mistakes...
It means we learn to see less of their ignorance..
It means we learn to see less of their fights..

Then with failing hearing..
It means we learn to hear less of their complains..
It means we learn to hear less of their critics..
It means we learn to hear less of their quarrels...


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