
Wednesday, January 31, 2007



1. We find what we look for in people. If we look for God, we find God. If we look for bad qualities, we will find exactly that. It is therefore up to us, only us, to select what to choose, as that is what we will receive.

2. A life without challenges would be like going to school without lessons to learn. Challenges come not to depress or get us down, but to teach and help us grow.

3. A person who has come into our life has come either to teach us something, or to learn something from us.

4. A rich, full life is not determined by outer circumstances and relationships. These can be contributory to it, but cannot be the source. We are happy or unhappy because of what we think and feel.

5. We can never lose anything that belongs to us, nor can we possess what is not really ours.

6. We need to deal with each problem as it arises. we should never try to run from it, as either it will chase us or we will run into another one just like it, maybe with a different face or name.

7. To have no concern for tomorrow. Today is the yesterday over which we had worried so much. We just have to do our best and leave the rest to our Lord.

8. To never bang on a "closed" door. Wait for it to open, which it will, when the time is right, and then go through it peacefully.

9. In God's wise and loving plan for us, no burden can fall upon us, no emergency can arise, no grief can overtake us, before we are given the grace and strength to meet them.

from a divine source

The heart-shaped house...YOU MUST READ!

Here is a story that I read when I was only 8 years old, and it means a lot to me and will be to many more ......

There was once upon a time, a nice, big luxurious house built in the shape of a heart on a hill top over looking a meandering stream which flows swiftly and alive with colorful, lively fishes. It was indeed a small paradise where one can hear rippling music of running clear waters, chirping friendly grasshoppers and fanciful, sweet singing birds. Not to forget butterflies, so colorful and flying gracefully amongst dragonflies in the blue skies.......

It was indeed such a peaceful and wonderful clean and green place, scented with aromatic flowers blosooming at its best. And those hardworking busy bees buzzling keeping the atmosphere so lively and lovely..... and not to forget those few black crickets resting in the gently swaying reeds enjoying free rides while the gentle breeze blows...whispering soothing comforting love stories to their youngs..........and relaxing in the laps of Mother Nature. Yes, to be so close to Mother Nature.

In this wonderful lovely house dwells the owner called Love and his wife Care. They have many kids with them, all living together. They are called Hope, Kindness, Luck, Faith, Happiness, Courage, Compassion, Trust, Patience, Persistence, Gratitude and Honesty. Well, a dozen or more of all these kids, their parents ever so happy and contented with what they have. They looked cheerful, healthy, happy, grateful and in love with each other.

One day, Compassion went out for a walk. He was accompanied with Hope. Soon they were walking into a street full of people. They were happily joking with each other before stopping for a drink in the inn. There they met Deceit who was also resting and eating in the inn. Deceit approached them and wanted to befriend them. Soon, they became friends.

From there on, they were friends. One day,their parents Love and Care were away for a week travelling. So, they invited Deceit to their home. Deceit who was homeless was thrilled and excited to be invited into such a luxurious and nice house. He told Compassion and Hope that he had other friends, many of them and that he would also like his friends to come. Compassion was a bit soft hearted, so he agreed that Deceit and his friends could come and live with them.

The next day, Deceit went out to invite many of his friends to come to live in the house on the hilltop overlooking the meandering stream...His friends were Greed, Envy, Hatred, Sorrow, Impatience, Unkind, Pride, Ego, Prejudice, Laziness, Anger and Lust. Soon, the happy place became a gambling den,with this gang of notorious barbarians who shouted and screamed at each other. The happy house was then in ruins, in corruption and was in a bad shape. The home was of no difference like living in hell.

Just then, Love and Care came back. They were surprised to see their lovely home, in a terrible mess. They were aghasted at what they saw. Instantly they called a meeting with their kids. Determined and wise, the family agreed to chase them all out. Yes, all of them should be chased out, not even one should stay. They agreed and had all of those negative emotions out of their house, including Deceit who regretted for bringing in all his friends. But, no one was spared.

The heart shaped house was soon restored and cleansed. Once more, the family could live as happily as they could.

Hell is where all negative emotions breed, heaven is where all positive emotions grows.

Message of this story: Our heart should be filled with love and positive emotions, when one allows negative emotions like deceit or anger into our heart, we will be living with pain and troubles. Be cleansed and be strict as not to allow 'them' to come into our sacred house. A house who dwells Divinity should be swept clean without 'dirt'.

Stretching....stretch like a pussy cat...any pussy cat you see around you? learn from it, but don't meow..

You can dance and waltz...... stretching..

What is stretching? Stretching is the activity of gradually applying tensile force to lengthen, strengthen and lubricate muscles, often performed in anticipation of physical exertion and to increase the range of motion within a joint. This is what I get from wikipedia.

A lot of people suffers from stiffness and numbness in limbs and backs or legs. Stretching is also a part of exercising that is emphasized to work its best by practising stretching at least 10 to 15 minutes a day. One can just do it easily anywhere at home or office, seated or standing. The easiest stretching is done when lying down. By lying down, any posible injuries will be minimized..

We are humans, connected with hundreds of miles of nerves, ligaments and tendons and our motors and reflexes made of elastic muscles. Due to our work, our sleep...our inactivity or sitting or standing for too long,..... we become numb, a feeling of stagnant and blocked activity that hinders our normal activity and mobility.

Stretching is also said to aid in reversing hardening of the arteries. Researchers show that prolonged stretching in the form of yoga with moderate aerobic exercise and diet control will reduce cholesterol and significantly reverse hardening of the arteries in adults with proven coronary atherosclerotic disease. So, if one has been going for your yoga classes that emphasizes stretching,, don't stop! That is a great exercise to do.

I saw many people who dares not stretch for fear of pains in the joints or any parts of the body. In the long run, their limbs or joints would be hardened, restricting many possible gestures or postures. Stretching is a must for the young and old alike. Get along with some friends to work out yawning...

S - Stretch like a cat, stretching our limbs for better flexibility
T - tilt and sit or stand or lie to a position that one seldom reach out to
R- remember not to go too far at a time,
E - enjoy regular stretching exercises
T - teach your kids to joint the fun too
C - get rid of clumsiness
H - help each other to stretch in pairs.

Stretch...........stretch...........stretch, it pays to stretch everyday towards achieving elasticity and flexibility of our limbs, tendons, ligaments and muscles. Help each other to stretch in pairs. In pairs means two by two. Try this! Face back to back with each other, entwine your hands with each other. Then try to carry him up, while you bend downwards, stretching as far as possible. Later, try it the other way round with your partner.

Or face to face, join hands and stretch and pull, swirling to balance each other....make fun, be in the fun. Yes, we will love it! We will love to do all those stretching. Remember, the harder and painful you are when stretching, the worst condition is one in. Stiffness of bones and limbs is not fatal, but it disables us of too many activities like dancing, waltzing to the heat and beat of just any songs....

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The pitcher is useful....[part 2]

As long as the search remains around you,
God will play the game of hide-n-seek.
When the search begins within,
God remains confined.
Bind God with your love,
and God will give up
all the pranks God plays upon you
and will remain devoted to you, forever.

Win God with your steadfastness,
and God will stop throwing
the ball of karma in this playground of life.
Reel God in with your endurance,
and God will never let you slip
or slide on the icy worldly delusions.
In this game, My dears,
God is the rules
and you are the player -

Play along the guidelines
and you are the winner -
God is only the trophy!
God cannot be found
in the beginning of the search.
No! First you must find faith -
then you will know truth -

First you must find pain -
then you will know of patience -
First you must find sacrifice - t
hen you will know love -
First you must find humility -
then you will find respect -
First you must find humbleness -
then you will find virtues.
First you must seek character -
then you will find good morals.

Yes! One must burn
in the heat of the fire
to realize its glowing brilliance.
Do not expect God,
My dears, to find you -
God is not the one that is lost, My child!
God is not the one that is defected with doubts.
It is your doubts that must be cleared.
It is your faith that must be aroused.

God is certain of your divinity -
you are uncertain of God's assurance of you.
God's strength lies in your will -
your will is the strength of God's hope.
Love can be experienced,
only when love is felt, within -
God, O child, can be experienced
and realized, too,
when He is felt and known, within.

God is the task -
You are the doer!
God is the inspiration -
You are the artist!
God is the love -
You are the lover!
God is the knowledge -
You are the truth! Yes!
You are the hand!
God is the grip.

Left alone, My dears,
and our purpose withers.
The birth of life bears our bond -
the final death emanates
with its mergance.
God, My dears, will await the end -
it is you, My dears,
that must bring it upon yourselves.
Your simple ending,
is God's sweet beginning.

from a divine source

The pitcher is useful, my dears...

The pitcher, My dears, is useful,
as long as it can hold
within it the water -
as soon as the pitcher cracks,
the water will begin to seep through it,
one day, leaving the pitcher empty and hollow.

You, too, are the pitcher that holds
its purpose and importance,
until God is contained within,
but once you crack
under the pressures of the world, God,
too, will seep out being less prominent within you
and as your faith in God will trickle away, you,
My dears, will be left arid like the dry desert
that will thirst for the nectar of bliss and peace.

To contain God, My child,
you must be the vessel of sincere yearning.
It is only the one that truly looks for
God that will find Him.
God is present in those
who are aware of God -
those who have neglected God,
remain unaware of their own purpose.
The calling of true love,
God never ignore -
God's name loses its strength,
when called in vain!

God is nothing, My dears,
but the echo of the voice
that is pure and innocent -
God is the response and reward of sincere effort -
God is the worth of your penance and sacrifice -
God is the peace of contentment -
God is the love behind the selfless giver -
God is the humbleness of the unconditional receiver -
God is the one that is the humility in one's forbearance -
God is the might in each forgiveness -
God is that step that bears your weight to find faith -
God is the truth -

You are the seeker -
Without you, the search cannot begin -
Without God, the search will not end!
God, My dears, is the truth and you are the truth of God.

from a divine source

Appropriate words that makes sense and create happiness..

This is a wonderful story that I must share with all of you, my friends... you will love to read it.., what is more important is YOU MUST understand my message within the story...

Once Wealth and Poverty approached a merchant and introduced themselves as Goddesses. The merchant offered his salutations to both of them and said: "May I know what brings you to my humble tenement?" The Goddess of Wealth said: "We want you to judge and tell us as to who is more beautiful between us two?"

The merchant was in a fix. He knew he was between the devil and the deep sea. If he were to declare wealth as more beautiful than poverty, poverty would curse him. If he were to declare poverty as more beautiful, than wealth, wealth would forsake him. However, he regained his composure and said:

"I have great respect for you both. Would you please act according to my intructions? Then only I can judge properly," The Goddesses agreed. He said: "Mother wealth, would you please go to the entrance [gates] and walk into the house? Mother poverty! Would you please walk from here towards the gates? I can have a good look at you both, from near and far."

The two Goddesses did walk as the merchant wished them to. Then the merchant happily declared: "Mother wealth! You appear very beautiful when you enter the house. Mother poverty! You look very beautiful when you leave the house!"

The Goddesses appreciated the wit and wisdom of the merchant. The Goddess of wealth happily stayed in his house while the Goddess of poverty cheerfully walked away.

Our mouth should be a fountain of constant flow of good words, sweet and intoxicating one's peace of mind and peace at heart. Beautiful words.....soothing and comforting words...that should come forth from our times of difficult decision making. One should look within and think calmly to provide hope and light in our words, in our deeds and thoughts.

from a divine source

Only truth and righteousness can confer peace and prosperity..

Food for our True Self

Only truth and righteousness can confer peace and prosperity on the world today.

Speak the truth; practise righteousness. This is the most important principle for Indian culture. Once you develop truth and righteousness, peace and love will automatically follow. Righteousness is the head of these culture and truth its feet. But today people have severed the head and feet of these culture, and are clinging on to the trunk of wealth and desire.

What is the use of a mere trunk without the head and feet? People are striving to protect the country. The entire world is based on the principles of truth and righteousness. If you protect and practise truth and righteousness, they will in turn protect the country.

from a divine source

Monday, January 29, 2007

Wilful have a wand to touch and heal..

No matter how I wish for your speedy recovery, for lessened pains, for your total health and happiness, nothing can be done without your lifting a finger to just earn your health. Nothing is easy, no pain no gain. Instead of sitting in front of your television set, one can at least set aside a few hours a week to get to know and learn more on preventive health measures.

Even a magic wand is useless if you don't believe. God help those who help themselves. Get involved in this race, a race where all of us should emerge winners. We must win the race, of which all of us are capable of.

I always have in my mind that I can possess a magic wand that can cure everybody of just any sickness. I always believe that I could do so, and have this power of curing people. I hate to see people suffering from pain and inflicted with different types of sickness. Of course it is just a wilful wish, wishing that I have that power. Most of my friends laughed at me and told me that I was always day-dreaming. That was at an age of 10. I guess I was really day-dreaming.

As days passed by, the incident whereby my mum nearly died of acute asthma, I became real serious in attaining these skills. From that very instant I was inspired to master the art of healing. I was aspired to achieve without fail. When the students are ready, the teachers will certainly appear. So, I was that lucky that I met my mentor, Professor Andrew Tiong at so young a age and I really learned hard.

Learning was never easy, it took up a lot of my precious time. Everything was so new to me. And the many phrases and acupoints to memorize and I fear blood. I would easily faint anytime, anywhere when I see fresh blood oozing out from a body. But my mentor told me that if I were to rescue a person, seeing blood is just that expected.

I overcame the fear of blood in no time, diverting my fears into saving somebody. So by exerting my strong determination that I won't want my mother to repeat the same fatal, suffocating and critical asthma, I eventually mastered the skill of basic acupuncture. With that in mind, I strived to do better. I go for further studies, practising and gaining practical and valuable experiences.

I was serious to learn, keen in upgrading my skills, I was and am a good student, even until now. It was just destiny that I also met several other mentors, which I dare not expose. These mentors came from different parts of the world, choosing to pick me as their precious students. I came to learn from highly wise men, and from someone who can do unbelievable 'collecting' of herbs from space, just out from nowhere. Can you believe that?

I was and am blessed with many skills, practical skills that discipline me into a better person in all what I do. Best of all, I would also like to share with you, my friends that I have also a spiritual teacher or mentor that comes into my dreams to teach me. The highest level of health that I call is spiritual wealth or health. Divine messages come from divine sources. I was taught to be selfless, to be loving and caring, to be of service to mankind and to lead and guide when needed.

With such mission and vision at hand, I delight in sharing, I am keen in helping and is geared towards expanding all 4 levels of health. My life is my message too. From my decades of experiences gathered, I really can do well in all 4 levels of health. It is time that I tell all about how it all started. Educare is not for today only, it is aimed at educating and caring for all with no restriction of time. With this in mind, I am and will be committed to let the whole world be aware of achieving all 4 levels of health.....

Tips on how to maintain healthy joints and bones...continued..

[3] Appropriate stretching or exercising

Our bones and joints should be regularly exercised to maintain a flexibility that enables us to walk and sit properly. Move over, exercising will keep our blood circulatory system working and making sure that all our body cells in just any part of our body is sufficiently supplied with all the nutrients and oxygen.

Our bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons need to be stretched. Stretching will maintain our body's .flexibility thus enabling our tendons, ligaments and cartilages to be more elastic and flexible. Moreover it will also remove unwanted fluids retended at or around joints that cause swollen and painful knees.

A good massage at our foot will also be rewarding. Reflexology at our foot is no longer anything unfamiliar. It works fine too. There is no harm in 'rub and press' to ease one's blood flow and circulation. It can actually do the detoxifying job too, especially good for those who lack of exercise.

[4] Avoid eating meats or other acidifying foods which will disturb the balance of our blood pH which should be retained at a safe level. . Most meats or fish are also very acidic in nature. Our blood streams cannot afford to be too acidic or too high with uric acids. Uric acids that crystallize and form small needle-like crystals deposited in the connective tissue will be very painful between two bones for people who suffers from gout.

It is therefore advisable to eat less meats for health reasons. Red meats all fall into this categories. It is time to remember that preventive measures work smarter. We are what we eat. Yes, we are what we feed ourselves, make sure that we look after our loved ones too. The diet we take makes a great difference to our health.

[5] Not to be overweight

An overweight body will directly crush our supporting bones of our legs. With an overweight body, our legs will suffer the most. Our legs would be wobbling with weight and be in difficulty in carrying the body. Our clumsy body will be such a task for our comparatively smaller legs by then. It is common sense too. Be aware of gravity pull that worsens the problem.

Our legs cannot easily support an overweight body, so make sure that we are not obese. If one is overweight, do something about it. An elephant looks gigantic and huge, but it has big legs to support, but we don't have legs like an elephant or dinosaurs. Be reasonable...don't ask for too much, so eat less, maintain a good weight. I need not go further to stress what goes on inside our joints. You will feel it. So, cut down on your food intake, be slim enough to look nicer and healthier, and you will be happier too.

So to sum up, it would be either one gets rich supplies of foods, fruits and vegetables that contain the necessary nutrients to maintain and keep our bones and joints in superb situation. Or go for supplements from reliable and reputable sources. It is again important that one should maintain a pH balance of our blood and body tissue.

So it is a MUST that one eats enough foods to neutralize our blood acidity that affects directly on our bones by extracting organic calcium. No one wants to walk clutching another stick for support. We can do it, yes, we can if we put in the appropriate efforts and materials for building our bones and teeth instead of destroying!

Tips on how to maintain healthy joints and bones...continued..

[2] Know what not to eat

Don't drop 'acid bombs' into our body system. What are they? Soft drinks that are carbonated and sweetened! These drinks will instantly acidify the bloodstream to the extreme point that, an immediate emergency response from our body is needed. To counteract this acidifying situation, our body reacts swiftly by drawing huge amounts of organic calcium from our bones and teeth, thus lowering our body's reserves of calcium which are stored in them.

What happen next is that our bones and teeth will be sacrificed for that cause. Soon our body will be very much depleted of the necessary nutrients and eventually causing a corruption in our bones and teeth. White sugar...sugar... minimize or just cut off white sugar also known as white plague. Replace sugar with honey, brown sugar or unprocessed sugar or fructose or glucose, not complex sugars....

How can one expect to walk tall and straight? If we don't supply or take enough of these 'materials' for building and repairing, how can one expect to possess a good skeletal frame? Most of the aged women are bent and hunchback. Or 'stored' in homes by 'filial' sons and daughters who felt ashamed of exposing their aged and sick parents. Some even 'kicked' them out of home and send them elsewhere. When they were still babies and sick, their parents looked after them. But now that they are old and disabled and sick, where are these children?.

One day, yes one day, their children will know what to do with these parents. After all, monkey see, monkey do, people see, people do. Some of them were just so ashamed to let people know that they have handicapped, senile and useless parents at home, that is why I describe it as 'stored' at home.

to be continued..

Tips on how to maintain healthy joints and bones...

Aging starts from our legs. It is not a saying well proven, but it is such a compulsory reminder to all that we must possess flexible limbs and strong legs. Our legs will support our whole body's skeletal frame and all of us depend on them very much to walk or move around.

Here are some tips on how to maintain a healthy knee

[1] Know what to eat
Eat foods that contain a good source of calcium and magnesium. Eat foods that can build and maintain strong bones and teeth. Calcium is by far the most potent mineral that can keep our bones and teeth in good condition. It is also the body's primary alkalizing agent needed for balancing the functioning of all the major organ systems, including the nervous system. Every major metabolic reaction and new cell growth or tissue regeneration needs calcium. It is exceptionally alkalizing and relatively easy to assimilate. It dissolves very easily in water too.

Enough Vitamin D from sunlight will also help. Magnesium is also the key component in a wide range of alkaline enzymes that the body must produce to conduct the neutralizing of acidity in our body. Calcium and magnesium work together as the 'dynamic duo' to effectively helps in alkalizing our blood and body tissues.

All of us should learn how to prevent osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and gout. Bone is a living tissue, and like most tissue, it dies and is replaced in every 5 years. However tissue dies at a faster rate and does not have time to be fully replaced due to old age. The bone loss will lead to easy fractures. .

We too should eat enough food that provides Vitamin C that helps to cement and strengthen collagen and synovial fluid that is a lubricant and nutrient. It helps maintains our tendons, cartilage and ligaments elasticity. Read more to understand the wonder of Vitamin C as powerful antioxidants.

look out for the second tip

Tea time...what are you doing?

What we do for 'TEA TIME'?

Speak softly...
Speak lovingly...
Speak positively...
Speak effectively.....

Like an Independent Business Owner...

Speak smilingly..
Speak truthfully...
Speak meaningfully...
Speak understandingly....

how to convince and share....

Speak with patience...
Speak with resilence....
Speak with confidence...
Speak with persistence...

how to expand one's business..

Speak with goals...
Speak with concern...
Speak with courage...
Speak with wisdom....

how to prove one's ability..

Show faith....
Show kindness...
Show justice...
Show enthusiasm...

in your words...

Show trustworthy
Show consistency...
Show loyalty
Show competency...

in your thoughts...

Show the right way...
Show the right things...
Show the right products...
Show the right articles...

in your practises..

Be motivated to be keen...
Be motivated to be strong...
Be motivated to be diligent...
Be motivated to succeed...

you can do it!

Be motivated to go on...
Be motivated to strive on...
Be motivated to search on...
Be motivated to succeed...

just do it!

To be successful is our goals..
Team 101 will be inspired to achieve all goals....
Diamonds, double diamonds, crown ambassadors...
All dreams will come true...just do it!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Know anything about our knees, our joints?

I know of 2 students who are now living with their grandparents. Their parents are working outstation, quite far from Sibu. Every time, they came, it was their grandparent who send them over to my place for their extra classes.

Yesterday afternoon, when their grandmother climbed the stairs, I noticed that she was limping and was holding onto both of her knees.. I know that she is having pain, so I intervened and asked her what's the limp was all about. She showed me her swollen knee which was stuck with lots of 'medicated stickers' that she thought could lessen and ease its pain.

Seeing such a painful knee, I feel that I am obliged to blog on some of my tips towards maintaining a healthy joint even to the age of 97. I sometimes joke with my friend about daring him to live 100. He jokingly replied 97 can do. Well, we cannot determine how long we can live. It is not our choice or will to how long one can live. But one thing for certain is that we can live a healthier and happier life if we do take care of our health as one should.

As one advances in ages, various tissues within the joint begin to break down. Loss of flexibility is due to the combined deterioration of tendons, ligaments and cartilage. Degenerative changes are usually associated with advancing ages, that is why we see disabilities and complications among the elders everywhere. Most of them have difficulties in walking and climbing staircases.

First of all, we should understand that our joints are made up of synovial fluid which is used to cushion the force of movement between bones. The fluid gets 'thinner' with age. This change has a dramatic negative effect on joint flexibility.

The articular cartilage are clear structures normally providing a protective coating against friction when our bones rub each other. This cartilage becomes opaque, cracks and frays as the joint ages. These changes will cause increased joint pain and decreased mobility.

The tendons and ligaments are another protective shield for our bones. Changes in collagen and elastin production result in fragmented tissues. This degeneration is augmented by scar tissue deposition and calcification primarily due to age-related injury. The resulting structures are less resilient, with increasing loss of flexion and extension.

Talking about injury, all joints are subjected to extreme daily trauma, increasing age results in cumulative injuries. Repairs are generally detrimental to optimal function. Fibrous and calcified new material replace elastic and resilient original tissue. It will result in archness, stiffness and reduced effective mobility.

The flexibility of our knees and elbows should be maintained so as to prevent further damage, but worst of all, is this incessant discomfort and pain that is most unbearable, throughout our whole life.. We can't see with our naked eyes the degenerative damages inside our joints and bones, but unseeing doesn't mean that it is not happening.

The best answer towards solving the above is going into preventive measures. Don't feel that one is doomed to face those inevitable miseries, fear not, the answer is just be wisely prepared to prevent it from happening at the first place! Don't wait until it is too late.

to be continued, the next article will be 'Tips on how to maintain a healthy knee'

Saturday, January 27, 2007

A good doctor will.....

A good doctor will silently
and patiently
listen to the complaints
of the patient's pain
and will respond
with compassion,
assurance, and proper treatment -

His own pains must remain
silent and insignificant,
at all times.

Treat all individuals as brothers and sisters...because we are..

To co-exist in the aura of peace,
one must learn to adjust to the needs of another.

When two individuals walk towards each other,
sacrificing a little more with each step,
meeting midway between the two poles of stubbornness,
that I call an even compromise.

When one refuses to make even the slightest attempt
to take one step towards the peaceful resolution,
inflating himself with the impure air of pride,
determined to keep himself bound
to the pole of absolute selfishness,
that one, we call him, a pitiful loser.

from a divine source

There are always reasons that we know not....

There is a reason ,
for every pain that we bear,
for every burden,
for every care,
for every grief crushing our heart,
for every scalding tear we shed,
for every hurt,
for every plight ,
for every lonely painful night,
there is a reason

yet , if we trust in God
as we all must
it all can turn
to be for our good,
as only ..........
He knows the reason.

from a divine source

Story 5... the little rabbit..

This is a story shared by my student who was also in my training class. As a trainer, one should confide in them and encourage them to go on stage to express oneself. They are in the learning stage. One should be able to recognize the different stages they are in and be observant to their needs and improvements.

It is also an animal story. Now, we have a rabbit. Here is the story....

One day, a white rabbit was wandering collecting its food. It has to be very alert while looking for food because the rabbit can be food for bigger animals too. The fittest only will survive in this animal kingdom.

Then it saw an eagle. yes, an eagle again, it saw that it can fly high and looked so strong. He wished that he could fly. He wished hard that he had wings that can fly easily and keep himself away from its enemies. He was so engrossed in his day dreaming that a nearby wolf pounced on him and was soon delicious supper for the wolf and his family.

It was just a simple story, but I acknowledged it to be a proof that he understood what I taught. It might be not the best story, but I know that he was contributing his best. It wasn't a surprise then. He explained that if one wants to go an extra mile[breakthrough], one should not dwell on day dreaming only.

One should plan his work and work his plans. Day dreaming will be a setback to those who are moving to get dreams realized. So, cheers to this student, we applauded loud for his courage to go on stage and was able to tell us this meaningful story although he is still so new in this business.

And we continued our training...

The forth story..the penguins who learned to fly..

Story 4

The penguins

There was a group of penguins who envied the eagles flying and soaring high in the sky. So, the head of the penguin decided to talk to the eagle to ask him to teach them how to fly. The eagle agreed to teach them how to fly. So, all the penguins learned to fly.

Early morning, they walked to the eagle's home to learn flying. At the end of the day, they lined up and walked home.

Soon the day came when the penguins baded goodbye to the eagles, they have mastered the skill of flying. Know what they did? They lined up and walked back, under the guidance of the head of the penguins. What a waste! My kids were laughing and telling me that those penguins were so stupid.

Sometimes we couldn't see our own silly mistakes. And need someone else to hint on it.

Message of the story; we may have all the knowledge or skills, but when one hoards it deep just for the sake of keeping them, no skills can be utilized. Putting what we have learnt into practice is one of the most effective tools to achieve one's goals. Don't be like those penguins.

Frogs again? oh yes, the third story..[part 3]

Story 3

Frogs again? oh, yah...frogs again... take 3 bowls of water, fill one with hot water, the other with cold water and the last one with lukewarm water. But a slow small flame is put under the last bowl. Put in the frogs onto each bowl.

The first frog will immediately jump out of the hot bowl, the water being too hot for comfort. The second frog will also immediately jump out of the cold water in the second bowl. It was too cold. The third frog when immersed inside the lukewarm bowl of water finds itself liking the temperature. It was just nice to sleep in.

The slow small flame is then adjusted and soon the frog fell asleep, cooked inside. Too comfortable, living in the lap of luxuries. will not move a person to climb up another step of success. There is nothing wrong, but can be a reason why people are not moving and achieving their goals.

Message of the story; too comfortable a lifestyle is also one of the reason why people don't go the extra mile, to breakthrough..

Frogs...the second story [part 2]

Story 2

There was once upon a time 2 frogs who were great friends. They were living happily at their village and were quite satisfied with what they had. One day, they heard that the other village over the hills was grand and sophisticated. They heard that the other village, a new world was full of fun and excitements. So, they decided to go out to seek their fortune in this supposing great and large village over the hills.

Soon, they packed for their journey up the hill, they were excited and happy to make their moves. Soon, they came to the top of the hill. One suggested that they should have a peep to see how the other world looks like. So they clutched their forehands, holding tight to each other and stood as high as possible as to have a glance at the other village.

What did they see? The first frog was surprised to see the other village the same as theirs. The second frog also verified the fact that it was the same as their village. They were looking forward to the new village. But what they saw was their own village. Why?

Well, these frogs...they have their eyes tilted more towards the back of their head. When they stood up, their heads are tilted and what they saw was actually their own village.

Message of this story. Learn from appropriate sources, learn from reliable sources, our successes cannot depend on mere rumours or empty promises. One might laugh at those silly frogs, but sometimes we are also in their steps.

Frogs...3 stories on frogs.. [food for our mind]

Food for our mind...' why one cannot breakthrough?'

Story telling kids and students would sit around me to listen to my stories, 3 short stories on frogs and 2 others.

The topic for breakthrough was shared with 5 short stories to start off the training course that we gave a few days ago. Here are 5 short stories. Read them all and ask yourself which is your situation that slows down your achievements.

Story 1
One day, all the frogs from the village were gathered to join in a competition, that was to climb up a tall tower. A handsome prize would be given to the first frog who accomplished the task. Soon all the frogs were gathered together. The first one who climbed up to the top of the tower will be rewarded a gold medal.

Soon a whistle started off the competiton with all the frogs, each hastily climbing up, jumping to compete with each other to see who would do the best job. Soon, some were tired, some have lost their courage, some lost their determination. Some were too tired. Many stopped on their tracks and gave up, it wasn't an easy task!

There were still some frogs who continued climbing, but only one managed to reach the top of the tower. Most of them gave up half way. The winner of the race was proudly given the prize, a golden medal of achievement. Just then, a reporter interviewed the winner. It was found out that the frog who won the prize was 'deaf'. It was deaf to all negatives remarks and couldn't hear any complains. It didn't heed any other's failure, but was focused only towards achieving his goals.

Motive of story. When one is moving towards his goals, one should move on regardless to what others might say or remark. Just keep a deaf ear to negative remarks. If we have been heeding too much, we will also give up half way, so just move on....

'to do or not to? Just do it!'

Know, my child, that the garbage that remains hidden will be....

Delicious foods for our inner Self..[continued from the previous blog]

Know, My child,
that the garbage that remains hidden
will reveal its presence by its unpleasant smell.
Release the negative energies
with the stream of faith
and confidence in your own selves.
Know that the stream of light
that lies within you will,
eventually, reach
to illumine every corner of darkness.

The same light
enwraps each one,
yet, one remains illumined
and another prefers to stay away
from its golden hue.
The same divine energy manifests itself
into various forms, yet,
one recognizes its oneness
and another chooses to dwell
in the difference of his pride.

The eye, My dears,
will behold equality,
only when one's vision is not fogged
with the clouds of prejudices.
The truth patiently awaits
to reach every diseased soul
that lives
amidst the confusing parallels
of the deceiving
and alluring traps of delusion.

The one that is bent
upon fooling his own self,
will wake up,
one day, as the fool.
Such a fool,
will be well versed in all the worldly ways,
yet, will lack all communication with God.
It is like one has attained the skills
of learning the complicated words of a language,
yet is unable to use them in a sensible manner.

The human, today,
communicates with the language of the mind -
the language - My dears,
that lacks divine touch.
One speaks today,
only to humiliate the self,
for the words have lost their purpose -
the language has failed to communicate
and the sound of softness
and purity have sunken into meaningless arguments,
degrading untruths, superficial blame,
viscous gossip and horrendous bad words.

Few, struggle today,
to correct the mishaps of their failing character,
the rest, My child,
have devoted their time
in constructing the hurdles determined
to pull those down who are
making an attempt
to survive the tides of their passionate senses.
One is able to bear his own failures,
only by witnessing another's fall.

Witnessing several deaths,
will not prevent or avert your very own.
Do not be relieved, My dears,
when the hands of karma
knocks on the door of another -
know that no one,
My child, can be in the blind spot of karma -
for its eyes screen each one
and its hands can grip the fastest runner.

It arrives upon time -
it attacks only upon proof -
it probes only upon your denial -
it withdraws only upon God's grace
or upon the full payment.
Make another's downfall
the upliftment of your service.
Be the handkerchief
that soaks the tears of the sorrowful eyes.
Be the shade, My dears,
to those who have scorched themselves in the unreal heat.

Be the rain that showers
on those who hunger for spiritual food.
Be the pathway, My dears,
to those who have lost their way,
and be the promise
to those who have lost their hope of faith in God.
Show them the light -
show them the truth -
and show them God!

from a divine Mother

You may not know that the food is stale, but one bite....

yummy...yummy...foods for our inner Self..

The flavor of stale food is recognized upon the first bite,
and know that no one can persuade
another to ingest the remaining of the infested food.
The eyes can be appeased by its flavorful appearance
but the tongue cannot be fooled
by mere appearance
for it determines the quality upon its taste.

Similarly, My dears,
the one that remains hollow within
can attract another initially by his superficial charm,
but know, My dears, that the fakeness will bare itself and will,
one day, reveal its demonic side.

The dirt found in one's house cannot be hidden
by huddling it in a corner
or the papers in an office
and cannot be stacked simply in a drawer,
without any organization or assortment.

Know, My child,
that the dirt that hides in the corners,
today, will be blown by the mighty wind,
exposing the truth and the unclean nature of the home.
The voice of one's true character can never be strangled -
it can be hushed, temporarily,
but once it catches the mind off its guard,
it unexpectantly pops up to portray one's true picture

from a divine source

Advices to heed..

"If there is righteouness in the heart,
There will be beauty in character.

If there is beauty in character,
There will be harmony in the home.

When there is harmony in the home,
There will be order in the nation.

When there is order in the nation,
There will be peace in the world."

from divine sources

Sufferings...why sufferings? Why me?

"The most precious ornaments arise from the fiercest fires"

Why me? Why happening to me? Most of us sometimes ask ourselves why of all the people that it happened to me? But rest assured, you are not alone. Suffering is the first step, though it is viewed as not fair and regarded as merciless tormenting. It tests our strength, stretches a man's tolerance to the hilt, crushing and crippling one in the process.

Suffering is just like a slap to one's face, bringing instant response to our feelings of depth. One will feel the heat, see the redness of one's cheek and be shocked to question oneself of our deeds, our duties and our presence as a human being. All wise men are touched with sufferings in one way or other, but moulding them into great models for our days.

But listen to what the Divine has to speak on suffering, of its cause and how it can serve as a catalyst to spiritual growth and a key to enlightenment. Gold to all is valuable, it shines only with the fiercest cuts of fires that reveal the shape and luster of gold.

Don't feel that it is a test, it is better put as a grace. To upgrade and mould our character and personality. To be more forbearing, more patient, more humble, more humility, more sympathetic, more wise, more understanding, more loving and caring among each other.

Who has this authority besides God to do so when most of us now are deaf to our parents' advises? Who dares? Who really cares? He who cares uses His whip to whip awareness into self inquiry, the first step towards more to come.

It pains me so much that many people do things as to their hearts desires and wills, forgetting the existence of fellow beings and even remove their parents from their house to keep them in old aged homes or old folks home. Or kick them somewhere to thier siblings' home. Where is the heart of filial? Whom do one refer to when making decisions, when doing things? So many of us are lost, lost in the need to earn more, to weld power, to gain shallow and temporary happiness, in the pretence of love and drown oneself in greed of more money.

Lost in the woods? Lost at home? Lost in one's own office? Lost in one's dream? Lost in wool gathering? Lost in the clouds? Lost in greed and ego? Lost in pride and prejudice? Lost to feel that he is the greatest, the mightest? Yes, most of us are lost!

We come in this body of us only once, yet we are lost....why isn't our Lord concerned and anxious for his lost sheeps? Life written cannot be rewritten. Once gone is gone forever. Sufferings will shake a person out of his shell of ignorance, his shell of false pretence, his shell of human, his shell of useless protection, only to realize that it is Love that jolt us to more awareness and awaken in us to who we actually are.

What is Grace?
"People are being tested, but it should not be called so, it is grace. Those who suffer have my grace. Only through suffering will they be persuaded to turn inward and make the inquiry. And without turning inward and making inquiry, they can never escape misery."

So, keep your tears for God, voice your worries to God, not to humans who have no control over anything. The world functions as per God's Will, we cannot alter His plans, there is discipline and control in His plans so we should continue to do our assigned duties and not give way to shallow personal desires and wants. Nothing can go against the Divine plan.

If we grasp this fully, then we can be free of confusion and trouble. God will take care of everyone. We all feel that we shoulder the burdens of our familites, No, we do not do anything. God is shouldering all our burdens. All that is required of us is to discharge our assigned duties leaving the results to God.

That is why those who understand will become close to Him and recognize the Supreme splendor. Those who have this 'nearness' treat God as their own. They come to know about His nature, qualities and greatness and are filled with bliss. Ordinary people are fearful due to their ignorance.

from divine sources

Friday, January 26, 2007

Alternative health - 4 dimensions of health

You have a body, right? You too have a mind, right? You talk with emotion, right? Something just left the cold and stiff body, right?

I am a lady of strong determination, am a lady of purposeful resources, am a lady of passion in my work and responsibilities. I am also keen in achieving all the 4 levels of health. I am geared towards attaining them myself before proposing to the world. I am now in an understanding that spiritual health requires the top priority among the 4 dimensions. Believe me, the 3 levels of health cannot go beyond this level of spiritual wealth and health.

Spiritual health touch on discovering our True Self. Spiritual health touch on our origin, on who we actually are and how it is trapped by a mortal body that embodies an immortal soul, a gift from the Divine. It touches on the beginning and the end, but in actual fact, they are the same. The past, the present, the future are just description of time, to the Divine, time is just one wholeness. It emphasizes on the need to go further into self-awareness, self-realization and self-enlightenment.

It starts from revealing one's spark of the divine that all of us have. Remember what pronoun we use when calling our self? "I" is the word that all of us call ourselves. The accumulative "I" belongs to the same creed, same breed, same origin and goes the same way at the end of the day, or let me put it in a better way, at the day of our days, releasing all the "I", and then all the "I" will merge into a bigger "I", that is divinity itself. Our body serves as a purpose for us to realize and discover the True Self. God lives and gives us that spark of life.

We who knows what is love knows God. God is Love, Love is God. Where there is love, there is God. Believe me, we can love, we can love, we CAN! yes, we can, to love and to be loved. Everyone of us have this knowledge and skill of loving, even a new-born has love for his or her mother. The babies will also know automatically to nest nearer to their mums. Love creates, yes, genuine love will be the strongest force that keeps all things in order.

That is why this universe, this cosmos is set to be working in such proper order, it is because of this Divine Love that creates and make things work. The sun will shine, the days and nights will change place on its accord, the stars, the moon, how plants make their own foods through photosynthesis, how respiration dirtied our air and how the air is being purified. And understand how air and water is being recycled by Mother Nature. The animal kingdom, the plant kingdom, the presence of micro-organisms, tiny and small, the bigger animals, fauna and flora, the inhabitants of this earth are all closely related.

Here is man who thought that he can achieve perfection without a model, yes, here is man who thought that he is invincible, he is the king, he is the creator, but poor things.... every living things cannot escape the clutch of death. Every nobles, just any great ones, just anyone living in this earth needs to leave all his belongings, all what he has or acquired, all his assets and return to dust. dust to dust, we call it, the eternal sleep where our body rots and leave just a heap of bones.

Won't it be too meaningless? Living in a transient world, all things unstable, changes being the most constant, and all things needs to come to an end? Have one just realize that we do possess one gift, one treasure, just this only one, our soul? Our soul needs no food, no air, no place, nothing...yes, nothing. It is eternal, it is forever living, yes, forever living. Our body which we treasured so very much will one day rot and stink.

Love is the only hope, my dear friends, love will be the only bond towards a deeper understanding of all these. Love will move mountains, will fill up the seas, yes if you love enough. Don't deny this very fact that we love to be loved. The greatest ever feelings one can feel is LOVE. Yes, it is the greatest possible positive feelings that binds the whole universe together. Don't deny, don't try to hide this great love that all of us have in our hearts. It is time to reveal, to utilize this positive emotion to gain further knowledge of how to keep oneself to be healthier and happier.

We aim to gain all 4 levels of health, towards holistic health that gives us total health and happiness. Don't be like a headless fly, which persisted in breaking the glass windows to get out even when the door is open for it. Don't be like those flies, attracted by light and end their lives in roasting themselves in open fires. Be prepared to accept that we are no better or no less than just anybody. We were once upon a time, closely related. Because of illusions and delusions, we were separated. It is time to recognize that we are indeed brothers and sisters, never to separate.

The door towards holistic health is open wide. Remain seated for a few minutes and have your eyes closed. Try to visualize the happiest moments of love that you have once experienced. Any love can do, and discover the afterglow of your feelings. You can understand better the power of love when one feels the thrills and bliss when one is in love. Well, ask yourself, why so short-lived? Why good things have to come to an abrupt end? Why?

Haha... the answer is that you yourself never wanted to spend time to be immersed in this wonderful feeling, you are too busy to learn to love and to be in love. You try to close your own doors, you yourself locked the door with unbreakable locks, made of hate, made of suspicion, made of ego, made of greed, made of pride. Who can open the door? It is you yourself, no one else can help you, yes, not anybody, but you yourself.

Get me? You yourself lock us out, it is you who don't want love to approach you, if one is so dumb as to refuse or deny this divine love, nobody can help you. Yes, nobody can.

All these are merely words written in black and white. Anyone can just ignore and treat all the above as rubbish...and go to attract more rubbish, more trash and get drown with negative emotions. Please for the sake of "I", think twice. Learn to live out the real unselfish you, that is actually also "I"..

Allow oneself to gain wisdom in attaining all 4 levels of health. Only when one understands this universal source of Divine love that one is more open towards their other health levels. Our Divine Love is just like the electric current. Once we switch on the electricity, the power will be so great that just any home appliances will work, will function because of electricity.

When electricity is cut off, no electrical appliance will work. Likewise, our body systems, our mental attitudes, our emotional balance all are geared by this invisible divine force called Love. Oh, yes, yes, my dear friends, this divine source can be compared as the electricity that flows into all those electrical appliances to make them work as they should work. Without love, nothing will work well, think about a robot, it works, but lacks of emotions, of feelings, of passion, but it is excusable, because they are mechanical robots.

Ask ourselves, are we robots? Mechanical robots? So easily replaced or so easily repaired? If you are, then there is no more stories to tell....

Get connected, get connected with electricity that comes forth unlimited, unrestricted.... with no fees charged, with no obligations, with no price, you are free to get just any electrical appliances working. The flow, the current is there...yes, always have been there. That is Divine Love, my dears....

To feel be my first mentor, Professor Andrew Tiong, who taught me to be who I am now...

My first mentor, Professor Andrew Tiong.......who taught me acupuncture and life's worth, morals, character and mould me into a better person.......

Gathering all my mights, my efforts, my time, my heart and my being, I know I must save her. I must and need to save her, look at her, struggling and fighting for her breathe, but I could do just nothing.....just too stunned to do anything.... just staring and too shocked to just even lift a finger to help her. I hated myself for being so useless, so hopeless, I told myself that I couldn't possibly let my mum die. At that instant, I told myself that I must master this skill of curing. I told myself that I would at all cost.

She is my own beloved mother, fighting for her breathe...It scared me stiff, luckily I could still hear my barely audible voice telling my father to call for my teacher, who in our class did convinced me that he could give just any treatment, Mr. Andrew Tiong.

That was 25 over years ago. I was just barely 17, just into Form 6. I could still vividly recalled what happened. We rush my mother to look for my teacher who was at that time at home. Yes, we rushed her to Mr. Andrew Tiong's house. We met this wonderful mentor, even until now my family and I are still grateful and remembered his great skills, his acupuncture skills.

With just a few of those silver needles, my mother was revived from her suffocating threat, she was suffering from acute asthma and she was only thirty over years old then. I was so relieved to see my mum's situation being stabilized. I promised myself that I would acquire the skill of those silver needles, the ancient Chinese curing of sticking silver thin long needles into one's body. It works and I was so very glad.

My mum was saved, I learned a great lesson, a turning point, a priceless skill that changed my destiny, from a someone who was so carefree to a someone who treasures life, to a someone who feels the urgent need, to master a skill that can save lives. From that day onwards, I started to learn acupuncture, from my beloved mentor whom we call Professor nowadays.

Professor Andrew Tiong has so much affected our lives, influenced us in many ways, I could still feel the deep love and respect for him, grateful and ever so thankful for his generous ways, his unique ways of teaching us, imparting skills of curing using holistic approaches. He never talked on monetary gains, never talked on charges or fees for services rendered. I cannot use any other words better to describe him, just that I know that I will cling to his teachings even until now. No words or expressions can express how deep we feel for him and his family. I salute his success as a mentor, as an educator and so skillfully sculpturing us with his chisels of life, planting in us a will, a mission and vision to feel for humanity, to love and treasure life...and not wasting any precious time...

There were many classmates who studied in the same class, many students he taught, but none had the interest to follow him. I had made up my decision to follow his steps, following him as to see how he approach his patients, so patiently, so knowingly, so lovingly, so devotedly, so understandingly and so effectively, instantly giving relieves and soothing one's pain and hurt. He is a born genius, a born perfectionist, a born teacher, a philosopher, a doctor of now and a doctor of the future.

He builds, he guides, he shows, he leads by examples. He never despise the aged, the sick, the lame, the young, the poor, the outcasted, the helpless, the defeated, the depressed, the unloved; but giving, giving, always giving and moving towards improvements. If a mentor can set such living examples, who are we to complain of hard work? Who are we to discriminate? Who are we to despise others? He is one of the most caring person that I know even until now. And his love for us unlimited and to last in our memories fresh and green.

Even in our health courses that we conducted every Thursday, we couldn't refrain ourselves sometimes to talk about him, our mentor. Though we are living far apart, I know that our brain waves do reach out for each other, coincides, clicks and receiving the best information ever from one another. I could feel the greatness of his strong will and determination, as an educator who never fails to do his best.

From there, I came to understand holistic approaches, I see and feel with my heart, I learn and practice, I learn to improve oneself and to be determined to do the best job. Like I always say, I will do my best though I might not be the best! I learned to understand compassion, love, care and empathy in my practices. I climbed up a step a day, the ladder to higher dimensions of health. Only to realize that health is the only race that all of us should win.

All of us should be winners, not whiners. And I came to realize that total health and happiness should be viewed from all 4 angles of health. We came to an understanding that approaches towards just any diseases can be viewed through the 4 dimensions of health. That is one must be geared towards achieving physical health, mental health, emotional and spiritual health.

All are interrelated, a pain on the body can cause emotional stress, can evoke a negative mind with low spirit. When approaching an illness, it is best viewed at all 4 angles of health, not that we are trained to practise what we are trained to do, but to be flexible when attending to different types of illness that demand effective cures.

It doesn't matter how, which or where one learn to be a doctor or a specialist, if he or she cannot diagnosis the actual disease and give effective cures, what is left for the purpose of being a doctor? Of course, no doctors are like that. Of course, all doctors or practitioners will agree with me that the most important of all is that one should give effective cures or treatments. To lessen the patients pain and suffering, to treat and to cure are our motives and responsibilities. We should work as a team. We should be aware of alternative health cures, alternative ways as to look at the sum of it than to just look at things separate.

To sum up alternative health cures and preventive measures, all of us should be aware of the 4 dimensions of health, doctors and patients all alike, because a doctor can also be a patient one day, likewise, sometimes a patient can also be a 'doctor' too. Approach all sickness from all 4 dimensions of health, yes... it will add a smile to your face and one will feel the peace of mind and heart, getting nearer to your True Self.

This is just the beginning of many other articles to come...stay tune and look out for more...........

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Learning - the first step towards achieving mental health...

a lesson, a remarkable learning story, to realize and to be realized............YOU MUST READ ON >>>>>>>>> I can guarantee a smile on your face....

Long ago in India, pupils need to go to live and stay in their teacher's house to learn. Their parents have to send their children to the teacher's house and let their children be educated there. They have also to move their personal belongings to their teacher's place to stay and live with the teacher sometimes in a faraway remote place..

After the teacher have finished her teachings, she would move the children to another teacher's home using bull carts. The cart will be pulled by several cows while the students and the teacher would sit at the back. All their belongings like pots and plates and glasses will also be on the move.

One day, there was a group of students travelling with their teacher who was dog-tried, so she was dozing off. Before she fell asleep, she told her students to look after their belongings. During the journey which was long and dusty and slow, the cows pulled the cart all along the pit holes and rough road. That was why the students were advised to look after their belongings so that they won't fall off.

After some time, the teacher woke up from her sleep, she discovered that some of their belongings have dropped. She quickly halted the cart and asked the students the where about of those things. The students told the teacher that they have looked at their belongings and saw them fallen down from the cart. The teacher was surprised that the students didn't pick up the fallen goods. Her students replied that the teacher only asked them to look after, so they did look after their belongings. Looked at them carefully, and that the teacher didn't tell them to pick up the fallen things.

yes, they did, yes, they looked after, looked at their belongings with their eyes....

The frustrated teacher was angry with herself, facing such a group of students that obeyed her in such a 'great' way. Yes, they told the teacher, they did looked after their belongings very hard, yes, they looked after them well. They didn't stop the bull cart nor awaken their teacher. They were not told to pick up the fallen things, they said.

Ok, ok, the teacher told herself, she had herself to blame, this time, I need to make sure that the students do the good job. She reminded the students to pick up just anything that fell from the cart. The students nodded their heads and promised the teacher that they will do the job well and asked their teacher to go to sleep. Soon, the teacher dozed off again.

This time, the bull cart stopped. Some 'thud thud' sound was heard. The students who wanted to obey the teacher rose from the cart and bought up something and put it onto the cart. Soon, the cart moved on. The sleepy teacher was soon awaken by an awful smell that came near by. She was surprised to see a few cow dungs on the cart! She immediately questioned the students who was the stupid one who put those cow dungs onto the cart.

The students were frowning among themselves, what went wrong, teacher, they asked? We did what was told, we picked up everything that fell from the bull cart. The teacher was half mad with the students, what have they learnt? They even couldn't differentiate what is needed or what is not! What is correct and what is incorrect!

The furious teacher reminded the students that the next time, if anything did fell off the bull cart, nobody is allowed to take up or recover anything. The teacher was thinking that losing some belongings would be far more better than collecting cow dungs onto the cart. So, they continued the journey.

Just then, the bull cart moved over a big pit hole, throwing the drowsy teacher off balance and down went the teacher, falling to the sandy, rusty road. The teacher was howling with pain while the cart moved on. The teacher called out loudly for the cart to stop, limping towards the cart, waving and calling for the cart to stop, only then it stopped.

The teacher then asked her students, why didn't you stop and pick me up? The students were smiling and answered, teacher, just now you told us not to pick up anything...yes, not to pick up anything that fell from the cart. See, we are heeding your advise. The teacher was too angry to scold anyone....she was shaking her head wondering how the earth these students can learn from anything.

What do you learn from here?

Some of us are now laughing at the story told, but in actual fact, some people do learn things as stubborn as these students did.

While on this educating field, most educators do sometimes feel the frustrations of being that teacher....the teacher who taught and thought that what was taught was what she thought. Education is a means to an end, not an end in itself.

It is a shame that nowadays, education is focused more on monetary gains; personal gains and focusing on their own families only, forgetting that morals, human values and character building is as important. Seldom, we teachers could recognize these mistakes before it is too late. It is of great importance that we as educators try our best to instill morals and human values and character building anytime, anywhere and any how available to our younger generations.

It is the quality that makes the difference, not the quantity... a qualitied breed of youngsters will be so much disciplined themselves than to have we parents to go after them using a cane or any invisible treats to discipline them. Aim at letting them be disciplined themselves through self-awareness, through self-realizations and understanding their True Self. The world will be then so much a nicer and better place for all....

Positiveness will give birth to more positiveness...

Positiveness gives birth to more positiveness

Happiness gives birth to more happiness

That is our Team 101, T.E.A.M to mean..

Together everybody achieve millionaires!

101 means unlimited, expansion into more and more....

Remembered my speech last night? Well, it was something on positive thinking and all of us were overjoyed to participate in positive talking, and evoked such an overwhelming response last night. All of us were thrilled to experience this wonderful, positive force of connectedness when our goals were all focused with the same intensity and on the same direction.

Realising the importance of applying positiveness in a team, I called all of them up to give a few words on positive saying. All of us were thrilled and excited. All of them were just given 5 minutes and they were ready to go on stage to present their positive talk.

Why did I invite all of them up on stage? Why did I emphasize on each of us to talk, or give a few words on positiveness? Why did I want all of them to participate? Why the crowd?

The answer is that when there is a connectedness or a focus on positiveness, all wishes and dreams can come true and be achieved. An unseen force of purposefulness will drive a person to his heights. We were altogether focusing on how to become a more useful and better person and to apply positive living.

One should never underestimate our potentials, our brains and our abilities or capabilities. Yes, not to underestimate! With appropriate encouragements, with appropriate guidance, everybody is a genius of his own. It is positiveness in the making. When all my distributors went on stage, all of them can stress on positive attitude is such a convincing way that I was glad that I called all of them up.

Happiness is in the sharing. I wish I can write all those touching positive ideas that all of them shared. You can imagine the confidence, the abundance, the joy, the thrills of being in positiveness we shared last night.

What skill is more urgent or important than to possess a skill of positive outlook towards every day routine? What skill can be more meaningful than to apply positive doing in our daily talk? In our every sentences and words? What skill is more productive than to be involved in making things happen in a positive way?

I talked on how love can create, and how hate will destroy. I touched on the positive sides of our mind and briefly explaining how negativeness will affect our life too. It is a choice and our mind is so powerful that it is explained as a double-edged sword. Positiveness was explained clearly, emphasizing on creation instead of destruction.

I explained the diagram well, although I have some difficulty to express myself sometimes in Mandarin. But I told them that something is better than nothing. I spiced my Mandarin with some English expression, but all of them were willing to help positively explain my English terminologies. Applauding and laughing and experiencing a teamly mood. We experience joy in positive sharing.

What is more important is that all of us understand and got my messages clear and loud, positively hearing and receiving....

Life is precious, treasure them, live out the positive you, Live out the positive you to bring more positive others. Touch on as many people as one can, encourage, guide, care, share, give, propose, convince, influence as many people as possible with positive tips, positive deeds, positive language, just any positiveness in any forms or codes. So that the human populace will all benefit from being positive, the prime attribute towards a more meaningful living, towards hope, towards achieving a healthier and happier winner.

Our aim and determination set to achieve a Win/Win situation where in this business, all of us have the share to be who one wants to be, to achieve what one wants to achieve and to be true to one's dreams and achieving them in no time.

I cared enough to share with not only my people, as it is now that I am also sacrificing my precious time to blog so as to share with the world. I need to give up many of my recreations and preferences, my mission and vision to see the world full of smiles and living in abundance.

Your mind, your thinking, your attitude should all start with purposeful positive I blogged yesterday, positiveness should be alive in '5 correct', correct thinking, correct saying, correct doing, correct atmosphere and with the correct people.

Yes, be geared to face all adversities, all challenges, all tasks with a positive attitude, and at the same time, master the skill as to how to deal with negatives. They are actually stepping stones towards human's metamorphosis, from a weakling to a strong and brave person, in thoughts, in words, in deeds....

Guess I will be again writing an article on how to master the skill to deal with negatives. Look out for my next few blog. Forgive me for making my blog looks bluish. Not all the time, but just this one time...... to emphasize the importance of positiveness...

Be aware that our world is such a wonderful place, such a happy place, such a perfect place if we all look at it positively. Count our blessings of which we have plenty. Smile and add to the magic of what smiles can do....Imagine that we are Tinkle Bell with her magic wand...sprinkling the magic powder of positiveness.......and the whole world awakening in every can come true, if all of us wish hard enough...believe me..

Some photos to come....soon

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Positive thinking...."Mum, is this what you are going to share tonight?"

'Positive thinking.....Mum, is this what you are going to share tonight?' my third daughter asked. Have you prepared? She seems more anxious than me. I laughed and told her...'ok, you listen to me first' And I 'bla...bla...bla....' and in the midst of my talk, she dozed off on my lap... with me gently stroking her silken black long hair..

It is my turn to give another speech, to share a topic as arranged. Tonight, I will be sharing on this topic of 'positive thinking' I told my daughter that no topics are any problem to me. Our stage was just carpeted, and tonight will be the first meeting to be held on this bigger stage.

Again, what is this topic in connection with becoming a healthier and happier person? Positive thinking?

Well, my dear friends, not joking, not bluffing, not kidding, I am putting positive thinking into this health blog because it does fit into one of my 4 levels of health, that is our mind. Our mind should be filled with positive thinking, to start with. Positive thinking is not enough, it should include positive saying and positive doing.

I have drawn a big picture of a sharp sword that divides two categories, one depicts negative properties, the other positive properties. On the positive side of the sword, I have the word 'create' and the other was 'destroy'. Our mind works like a double-aged sword. It cuts deep when not in proper use. When acquiring proper skills, it creates.

Oh, I will describe all those which I have drawn onto the diagram. The positive side will be showing all the good characters of human while the negative side will be just the opposite. It is of great importance that one should understand the difference between positive and negative to start off with.

The good positive properties include love, light, hope, rewards, tolerance, care, justice, faith, trust, confidence, kindness, persistence, patience, happiness, filial, gratitude, sincere, honest, humbleness, diligence, honor and respect, forbearance, self-esteem, comfort, forgiving, living, improvements, profits

The negative properties include hate, darkness, evil, laziness, worries, suspicion, ego, pride, prejudice, unkind, selfishness, fear, pain, unrest, sadness, stress, disappointment, anger, loneliness, ungrateful, cheats, greed, dishonor, death, sickness, loss, sufferings, conflicts, resentment, rejections, personal guilt, betrayals..

We can choose to be in or on either side, but drastically acquiring and achieving a totally different result, a totally different story, a totally different destiny. It is clearly explained that all of us have this choice. The power of choice to choose and attract what one wants There is clearly no borderline to which side one can be or go to. The passion or degree of expressing oneself then will be the main factor towards just any state of mind.

Positive thinking

gives birth to love. Love creates. Love gives birth to more kindness, more joy, more gratitude and one will posses and enjoy the grapes of virtues. It is of great importance that we should adhere to the positive states of mind to produce positive results. Once an imagination is now a thing. To fill our brain with every possible good thoughts, will motivate a person into positive saying.

Positive saying

comes from voicing positive thinking. We will talk to friends, to our family about what we think. Positive saying is also a self-discipline that reveals our character and human values. But it is best expressed by our words. Our words that comes out from our mouth should be filtered to only speak worthy truths, worthy and kind adjectives. .

I used to talk on minding our speech, minding our words, our tongue is just a soft tissue, but it will maim or cut deep wounds on some people when we spice our words with acids, or lace with unkind words and remarks. Heed not any negatives being said, we need not take them into heart. Bear in mind that all good thoughts will evoke good sayings and good deeds.

Positive doing

is positive thinking plus positive saying in the making. It is the action that counts, it is the result of what has been thought and said. Seemingly, positive doing is what we aim to do, positive actions bring positive results. If one cares enough, if one cares deep enough, love will be the fruits 'positive doing' bear. Positive doings will attract more positiveness. And attracts all the good happenings, earn and achieve respectful successes as to a person's wishes or desires.

Positive attitude towards better living is the requisite to a healthier and happier lifestyle. Always be immersed in positiveness, in possibilities, in self-affirmatives that will create miracles.

To sum up, I will also emphasize on 5 'correct'.


- correct thoughts


- correct words


- correct actions [productive]


- correct people [with whom one mix]


- correct place/environment [to grow]

Apply the above 5 'correct', only then we can utilize positive attitudes to climb up to higher heights, to greater achievements and successes that one desire and it all starts with a step a day. A thousand miles start from the first step, and the rest will just follow. Believe me, to have a healthy mind, one needs to understand and practice positive attitudes..

Time to wake up.... another 2 hours to go before the speech....time to prepare myself too.... yes, mummy...she smiled in her dream, I wasn't surprise at her nesting nearer to child, yes, my dear child.....

Good luck = preparation + opportunity..

Good Luck = preparation + opportunity, what is there to do with good health?

What has good luck to do with being a healthier and happier person? One may ask. The answer is that it definitely has a great impact on our health. Good luck equals to preparation plus opportunity. For all our 4 levels of health to be in optimum condition, we do apply the above equation. To be physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually fit are our goals. To be fit and sound is what everybody wants and desires.

Luck can be divided into small luck and big luck. Small luck is just temporary. It is easy come, easy go. There is no point discussing about it. Big luck means steady success, great improvements, long-term achievements. To succeed to achieve all 4 levels of health is a long way that includes tedious preparation and grabbing every possible opportunities to look out for mentors, for great teachers to learn from.

Some never recognized or met a mentor or a teacher who can teach and guide. Plentiful of people we do meet everyday, many great teachers of life hidden amongst the black and white prints, or just anywhere, or in the air, but not one can alter our fate if we lack the intelligence to recognize them. In this world of education, it is made up of just 2 normal processes, we learn what we don't know and teach or share what we know. And the cycle repeats itself. Where are our teachers of life? Who and where is that one who will show concern of our welfare? Where are these mentors?

Too many people are too busy with their assignments, with their responsibilities, with their work that they have forgotten about self, about the need to sharpen our wits, to improve ourselves, to keep healthy in all 4 levels of health. They followed the clock instead of the compass. They are so busy that they journeyed alone. They are too engrossed to look out for mentors, for time to relax and to spend time with great teachers and mentors who talk about life's values.

I used to tell many friends that we earn our health, we don't just dream to have perfect health. There are certain things that we ought to prepare.

Our body

Let's look at our body. We need to feed our body with those suitable and appropriate foods and drinks. We need to keep our body clean, we need to build up our immune system, to improve our repair system, to enhance our blood circulatory system, to uphold our anti-aging capabilities and abilities, to make sure that our excretory organs works well, our detoxifying organs functioning well or proper or to make sure our sex organs are working fine.

We have to take all the preventive measures that can make our body system work well. We have to earn all the attributes towards being healthy, for our body as well as for our mind, emotion or spirit. We have to do all the preparations, to prevent ourselves for being not at ease. To be at all times 'READY'

Our mind

We have to install positive programs into our brain, learning about positive affirming, knowing how to uninstall negatives, learning to keep ourselves at brain wave A. How to tune to our brain wave A to make aware our hidden potentials of our brain. How one should focus to exploit our talents and great potentials. Our positive programs need patience and skill to install, of course with the right information.

Always keep in mind this 'Garbage in, garbage out', understand that we don't need any negatives inside our mind. We are who we think we are. Positive affirmations and self affirming can help a person to be goal-orientated and climb up his ladder of success faster. Understand the power of our mind, a thing not to be underestimated.

Our emotion

We have to learn to be emotionally stable. We have to learn how to control our negative emotions, such as anger, hate or ego. We have to learn how to stay unprovoked, unyielding to negative impact, standing firm in one's morals and characters. One should learn about genuine love and how it can be applied into our every day life.

Our spirit

We have to understand our True Self. We have to have this understanding of self-awareness, peace of mind and peace at heart, spiritual enlightenment and about our Creator. We have to understand our purpose of living, our purpose as a human and our destiny.

We ought to take into considerations all 4 dimensions of health, an extremely vast topic of yin-yang balance, towards achieving total health and happiness. Approaching it in a holistic way, understanding it from all angles of health towards a total balance to bring forth a more rewarding life.

Be realized that we ourselves are fully responsible for all our deeds and happenings. We actually approve of all things that happen to our body unconsciously. Because we command things to happen, depending on our will, our determination, depending on what we wanted in life.

Our life is full of unexpected 'expectations', unpredictables, adversities, challenges, and ups and downs. With smart preparations, if one prepare it right, we can face them with a smile. We will have a healthier and happier life, but if one prepare it wrong, we will be living in distress. We will meet defeat, we will be lost even in the first few steps if without proper preparations.

We meet chances in life, we meet great opportunities in life, but it all depends whether one is wise enough to grab them all and with forceful preparations, move towards better and more meaningful tomorrows..........

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

How do you know that there is God?..Mummy, tell me...

How do you know that there is God?

Unless you cultivate love, tolerance, humility, faith and reverence, how is it possible for you to realize God? God is Love, Love is God.

Where there is love, there is God. He is certainly evident. Love more and more people, love them more and more intensely. Transform the love into service, transform the service into worship, that is the highest spiritual discipline.

Love is the source of our intuition, our creativity, our empathy. It is the most basic and primary tool of all therapists, allowing us to extend beyond ourselves to merge with the one who is suffering, experience the other's pain, and finally dissolve that pain with Love's life-giving force.

Love is the solvent for the hardest of hearts. Love can confer peace, joy and wisdom, cultivate love, express love, let love by your breath, let the sun of love help the lotus of your heart to blossom.

Love is God's highest miracle. Love can make you gather the affection of all mankind. Love will not tolerate any selfish aim or approach.

Love is God, live in love. The spark of divine dwells in your heart. Discover it, feel it, attain it, experience it, you will find the peace at heart, peace of mind, and the answers to everything and anything, yes, it is love.

Expand your heart so that it can encompass all, do not narrow it down into an instrument of restricted love. Love activates, love fulfills, fill your hearts with the sweet fragrant water of love.

Man is love embodied

Man is love embodied. He thirsts for love and he finds real joy in loving and receiving selfless love. Love all human beings as embodiments of the same divine principles.

You can experience it yourself. When one does something that he feels is good or helpful, he will experience a joy, a feeling of contentment only he experiences. He might not want to show, but deep inside there is this connectedness to the spark of divine, that is love.

Too many people in this world is deprived of love, of care, of concern and hunger and thirst for it in a wrong way, driving them further and further away from achieving them. We talk, we voice our feelings to be loved, to be cared but who heeds them? Some of us are too busy to even count our blessings and forgotten our loved ones. Our loved ones who wait and wait for just a small response.

When you know that you are but a spark of the divine and that all else the same divine spark, you look upon all with reverence and true love. Your heart is filled with supreme joy and the canker of egoism is rendered ineffective. Man is seeking joy in far-off places, in quiet spots, not knowing that the spring of joy is in his heart, the haven of peace is in himself.

So, Love is God, God is the embodiment of perfect love. so, He can be known and realized, reached and won only through love. You can see Him only with the help of moonlight. You can see God only through the rays of love.....

Don't worry about different names, God is omnipotent, omnipresence, omniscience and in all forms. Fear not that you are an outsider. Accept love into your heart, expand it, experience it, treat all as brothers and sisters. You are also onto the road to spiritual wealth and health.

What do you call yourself? 'I', isn't it? What do everybody call themselves? "I" too. Actually all the 'I" belongs to the same family, same embodiments of God. I is You, You is I, We belongs to the same creed, same origin and moves towards the same path, irrespective of different faith....

Love all beings as manifestations of the same divinity, that is the very core of yourself. Love all beings, that is more than enough.

from a divine source